Sleeping Awake (2022) Digitale Kunst von Amelia Latiff

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Verkäufer Amelia Latiff

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Maximale Auflösung: 3311 x 7930 px
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Verkäufer Amelia Latiff

  • Diese Arbeit ist eine "Open Edition" Digitale Kunst, Giclée / Digitaldruck
  • Masse Verschiedene Grössen erhältlich
  • Mehrere Möglichkeiten (Kunstdruckpapier, Drucke auf Metall, Leinwand)
  • Rahmen Rahmung zur Verfügung (Schwebender Rahmen verglast, Rahmen mit Acrylglas)
  • Kategorien Spirituelle Kunst Geistigkeit
We “sleep; perchance to dream”, until we are no longer able to. Insomnia rouses us from restful slumber; and chaos ensues. But what if we deliberately go looking for sleeplessness in order to be our truest self? What if chaos and pain are our true resting points? How much pain should one endure in her/his own individuality[...]
We “sleep; perchance to dream”, until we are no longer able to.

Insomnia rouses us from restful slumber; and chaos ensues. But what if we deliberately go looking for sleeplessness in order to be our truest self? What if chaos and pain are our true resting points?

How much pain should one endure in her/his own individuality in order to spiritually rest in their chosen self-identity? Should we, as viewers of the subject of this portrait, go as far as he did to be our freest selves even in our most restful states of mindfulness and mind?

The soma can only endure so much, after all. Then, we return to dreaming of ultimate liberation from Life, perchance to sleep again; as we once were able to as children, before the black pain of adult Life kicks in.

Verwandte Themen

PsychologyUrban ArtSpiritual ArtInsomniaPain

Automatisch übersetzt
Art is a form that requires little introduction because we see it every day.  But its highly subjective and controversial nature turns this field into one that is fraught with some difficulty for its[...]

Art is a form that requires little introduction because we see it every day. 

But its highly subjective and controversial nature turns this field into one that is fraught with some difficulty for its target audiences when they want to access the various artworks’ multifluous leitmotifs and meanings. This can often prevent certain themes as well as messages within these works from becoming clear and understandable to the viewers of any art project.

As an artist, I seek to challenge these obstacles by endeavoring to experiment with various everyday themes in many types of introspective artistic approaches to my art forms. These themes include the struggles around human rights access, sustaining personal freedoms, mental health, and personal isolation/connection. I also hope to investigate various aspects of feminism as well as deal with the conflicting traditional identities that clash with modern day ones that our societies desire to impose on individuals who seek independence above all odds.

Digital art and photography are my chosen mediums for the expression as well as investigations of these examples of artistic ideas or themes. I believe they are the best tools for me as they allow me to create my viewpoints and perspectives the way that I want them to be with little to no fuss. These methods are also great because they allow me to experiment with the latest technology that is available for today’s digital artists in ways that would have been previously been quite resource-limiting as well as expression-restricting.

Mehr von Amelia Latiff

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