C4 ink drawing (2020) Drawing by Claudette Allosio

Marker on Paper, 12.6x9.5 in
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Seller Claudette Allosio

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 2 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Drawing, Marker on Paper
  • Dimensions Height 12.6in, Width 9.5in
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Drawings under $500 Abstract
oeuvre au promarqueur , su la géométrie des spirales About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Marker Drawing made using a large felt with[...]
oeuvre au promarqueur , su la géométrie des spirales

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Claudette, known by the artist name Allosiette, was born on May 3, 1944. From a young age, she developed a passion for art and creative expression. Originally from a small Alpine town, she grew up surrounded[...]

Claudette, known by the artist name Allosiette, was born on May 3, 1944. From a young age, she developed a passion for art and creative expression. Originally from a small Alpine town, she grew up surrounded by the beauty of nature which had a profound impact on her. Her parents, aware of her artistic talent, which they themselves were unable to develop, encouraged her to pursue her passion and develop her artistic skills.

Non-artistic studies followed by a busy professional activity nevertheless gave him time to pursue his passion during his leisure time and to develop his artistic skills.

Over the years, Claudette has explored different artistic mediums, ranging from watercolor to sculpture and pottery. However, it was with pastels and mixed media that she found her true artistic voice. These mediums allowed him to play with textures, shapes and colors, to create expressive and emotional works.

Claudette's artistic work is characterized by its colorist expression. She does not just represent reality as it is, but distorts and recomposes it according to her emotional spectrum and her imagination. She is inspired by abstract expressionism, sculpting color to give birth to shapes and materials that express her emotions and deep questions.

To create her works, Claudette follows an approach that is both intuitive and structured. Before moving on to colorful production, she develops a composition structure on her canvases, relying on the golden ratio and rhythmic animations. She then plays with colors according to her current feelings, adding an additional dimension to her creations.

When it comes to her artistic inspirations, Claudette draws her inspiration from the natural environment that surrounds her. She is fascinated by the beauty of plants, minerals and the urban. She observes natural forms and sometimes distorts them to the point of abstraction. His objective is to deconstruct the natural, the real, to recreate a parallel, personal and dreamlike world, inspired by his deep sensitivity.

Over the years, Claudette's work has been exhibited in numerous art fairs and galleries and has received critical acclaim. His works have been recognized for their visual beauty and their ability to arouse intense emotions in viewers. She has become a respected artist in the art community and continues to create works that leave a lasting imprint.

Despite her success, Claudette remained humble and true to her passion for art. She continues to explore new techniques and push the boundaries of her creativity. His work is a reflection of his soul and his unique vision of the world.

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