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Alisa Diakova

Ufa, Russia
Artist (Painting, Drawing)
Born unknown date
All flowers are different and one is not like another, just like people....and we also need time to bloom!

Diakova Alisa is a contemporary artist working in her studio in a small provincial town in Russia. She got the diploma in an art field. Then, she was seeking her own technique and material. Her love for nature, plants and flowers led her to botanical art. Becoming a member of the Association of Botanical Artists of Russia, she began to develop in this direction, actively participating in group exhibitions and co-operating with galleries.

The main theme in her work is portraits of flowers, their beauty and fragility. The artist explores the relationship between flowers and man, their influence on him, their value in the world. Drawing a parallel between a flower and our life, one feels very keenly the transience of existence.

 When we see Alice’s flowers, it is as if we feel their presence, we drown in the multitude of petals, and the attractive inner glow of the flower, does not let us take our eyes off and for a moment it seems that we feel its fragrance.

I found my direction, my style, and now I want to implement as many ideas as possible and that my works are in many homes around the world!
Thank you for your interest in my work!

Discover contemporary artworks by Alisa Diakova, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: russian contemporary artists. Artistic domains: Painting, Drawing. Account type: Artist , member since 2021 (Country of origin Russia). Buy Alisa Diakova's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Alisa Diakova. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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2 artworks by Alisa Diakova (Selection)

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Painting titled "«Delicate peony»" by Alisa Diakova, Original Artwork, Oil
«Delicate peony» - Painting, 39.4x39.4 in ©2023 by Alisa Diakova - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Flower, #big flowers, #oil painting, #peony, Round painting, fine art, contemporary art, realism, delicate pink
"«Delicate peony»"

Oil on Linen Canvas | 39.4x39.4 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "«Barefoot on dew» o…" by Alisa Diakova, Original Artwork, Oil
«Barefoot on dew» original painting for interior - Painting, 43.3x47.2 in ©2022 by Alisa Diakova - Figurative, figurative-594, Mountainscape, oil, painting, figurative, woman, landscape, fields, countryside, atmosferic, large, for house, contemporary, nature, for leavingroom
"«Barefoot on dew» original painting for interior"

Oil on Linen Canvas | 43.3x47.2 in

Not For Sale
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