Scottish Highland Dancer (2020) Malarstwo autorstwa Alexander Taylor Dickie


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Sprzedawca Alexander Taylor Dickie

Papier artystyczny, 10x8 in

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32,86 USD
Usage: Licencja sieciowa
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  924 px  

1179 px
Wymiary pliku (px) 924x1179
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Wszystkie obrazy na Artmajeur są oryginalnymi dziełami sztuki stworzonymi przez artystów, wszystkie prawa są ściśle zastrzeżone. Uzyskanie licencji daje prawo do wykorzystania lub wykorzystania obrazu na warunkach licencji. Możliwe są drobne modyfikacje, takie jak zmiana wymiarów lub ostrości obrazu tak, żeby obraz optymalnie wpasował się do danego projektu, jednak zabronione jest dokonywanie jakichkolwiek modyfikacji, które mogłyby zaszkodzić oryginalnej pracy - zwłaszcza jej integralności (niedopuszczalne są zmiany kształtów, zniekształcenia, odcinanie części pracy, zniekształcanie, zmiana kolorów, dodawanie elementów itd.). Radykalne zmiany obrazu są możliwe jedynie po otrzymaniu pisemnej zgody artysty.

Licencje niestandardowe

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Bank dzieł sztuki
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Olej na Płótno
  • Wymiary 22x18 in
    Wymiary samej pracy, bez ramy: Wysokość 16in, Szerokość 12in
  • Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta praca jest oprawiona w ramę
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 500 USD Hiperrealizm Taniec
My own Original Painting of Highland Dancer at Cowel Games in Scotland. Size 12 inches x 16 inches - Comes complete with 2 inch Ornate Swept Frame plus Linen Slip. Overall Size 18 inches x 22 inches including Gorgeous Ornate Swept Frame - Painted with High Quality Artist Oil Paint, with exceptional detail - Comes ready to hang with all fixtures[...]
My own Original Painting of Highland Dancer at Cowel Games in Scotland.
Size 12 inches x 16 inches - Comes complete with 2 inch Ornate Swept Frame plus Linen Slip. Overall Size 18 inches x 22 inches including Gorgeous Ornate Swept Frame - Painted with High Quality Artist Oil Paint, with exceptional detail - Comes ready to hang with all fixtures and fittings - * Free Shipping and Insurance * Painted by myself the Artist, Alexander Taylor Dickie. Certificate of Authenticity Enclosed.

Powiązane tematy

OriginalArtworkHighland GamesHighland DancerScottish

Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Hi, my name is Alexander Taylor Dickie, I was born in Bridgeton Glasgow, Scotland in 1945.  I left school at 15 and had several jobs before becoming a motor engineer. I aquired top marks at School for Art,[...]

Hi, my name is Alexander Taylor Dickie, I was born in Bridgeton Glasgow, Scotland in 1945.  I left school at 15 and had several jobs before becoming a motor engineer. I aquired top marks at School for Art, however, never really took it seriously until I was 38 years old.  I have 36 years experience working in both Oils and watercolours.  I am completely self taught, and have sold literally thousands of Paintings Worldwide, both through Exhibitions of my work, and Commissions.  I have painted countless Commissions including a 80 feet painting in the Library of Andrew Carnegie's Hunting Lodge, Aultnagar in Scotland, commissioned by the owners.  I was also commissioned to paint a painting of Eilean Donan Castle, Scotland, by the custodian of the castle.  I have painted every subject imaginable, Landscapes Seascapes, Castles, Still Lives, Child Portraits, Family Portraits, Wedding Portraits, Pet Portraits, Portraits of Cars, Old Masters ect.  Just about any and every subject you can think of, I have Painted and enjoyed every stroke of the brush.  I love what I do. and my promise to each of my customers is a living likeness, a masterpiece, a work of art, for each Art Lover to enjoy and treasure forever.  I have held Art Classes, and taught Art in the place where I stay, in Lanark, with my wife and family.  The detail of my work is exceptionally portrayed in the Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson Paintings.  I am an Artist to the Stars, and Celebrities, and accept Commissions from anyone in Show Business and from all walks of life.  I have painted from Life, but prefer to work from Photographs in my Home Studio, this enables me to give more time to detail in each artwork.  I have exceptional talent and ability to bring various Photographs together to paint from onto the one Canvas and produce each time a total Masterpiece.  Thank you for your kinds attention,  Alexander  ( Artist ) 

Zobacz więcej od Alexander Taylor Dickie

Zobacz wszystkie dzieła
Olej na Płótno | 30x48 in
1 608,83 USD
Olej na Płótno | 9x12 in
388,8 USD
Olej na Płótno | 10x14 in
374,05 USD
Olej na Płótno | 9x12 in
395,5 USD


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