"The Lifestyle of a Diplomat. Unofficial" series 136 (2024) Rysunek autorstwa Alex Wolf

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Sprzedawca Alex Wolf

Papier artystyczny, 8x9 in

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Now I'm making drawings for my series of BL novels, there are many of them. I hope they will become graphic novels. My books are about espionage, about love and betrayal, there is not the first love here, each my hero had many meetings and partings, each my hero is a traitor. Everything is simple here: one man wanted to get[...]
Now I'm making drawings for my series of BL novels, there are many of them. I hope they will become graphic novels.

My books are about espionage, about love and betrayal, there is not the first love here, each my hero had many meetings and partings, each my hero is a traitor.
Everything is simple here: one man wanted to get another one. But who did he want to get? A pal he would never understand? A drinking buddy who doesn't get drunk and is silent? A lover who will throw him out?

I draw characters from real actors, they inspire me, but the similarity is by chance.

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I write my novels because they have to be written. They contain the spirit of the times, the unspoken thoughts and feelings of millions of people who died in silence. My heroes are traitors, defectors[...]

I write my novels because they have to be written. They contain the spirit of the times, the unspoken thoughts and feelings of millions of people who died in silence.
My heroes are traitors, defectors and fugitive diplomats. You could call them intellectual bastards. Doesn't matter. The time of positive heroes is over, they're boring me to death. I like men who run after ghosts, and live pipe dreams, that is, men like myself. They're more flexible, they choose which side to be on and what to do, and that's just a trait of an intelligent man. My heroes don't die, which is not surprising, they are quite sneaky and dodgy, they are spies, they are not accustomed to playing fair, they are accustomed to winning without shyness in means.
My novels begin when the fugitive diplomat on the other side asks for a cup of coffee. He falls asleep easily and wakes up with a random guy for whom every morning turns out to be an unpredictable nightmare. This is the kind of person I start about: he lived in the wrong time and slept in the wrong bed.
Many years ago I studied at the Repin Institute in St. Petersburg.

Now I have 12 novels and about 200 drawings in my portfolio. I draw on paper.
I plan to publish my first graphic novels this year. I'm spending all my time on this project

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