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Marina Alexandrova

Pushkino, Russia
Artist (Digital Arts, Photography)
Born unknown date

I'm not a professional artist.First I worked as an engineer,then as an accountant.I am a self-taught artist.My whole life was connected with the endless search for beauty in color,flowers,geometric shapes,looking for the expression of ideas through abstraction ,made an abstract world and as a result of these searches I created works .Now I am very much interested in abstract art and create my works using the technique of abstract expressionism,that is, I create works spontaneously,reflecting my ideas and vision of the world in at the moment,using modern digital technology.The direction of art in which I work,I would call digital and floral abstract expressionism.My material for creating an artwork are the color,the color fields,flowers,and various geometric shapes.Working with color and color fields all the time trying to get to the moment of mental vibration,which wrote Kandinsky,the founder of abstract art.He wrote that"the initial elementary physical force becomes the path on which color reaches the soul."In his work it is also written "Expression, what colors "fragrant» – universally known."For my self-expression,I can not do without the use of such material as flowers,which are fragrant and their color I have constantly causes mental vibration.With their help in the technique of abstract expressionism I create photos,bouquets and collages with fresh and dry flowers.The first higher education was technical, and after that I worked as an engineer for a long time.Part of my work were drawings that depicted various geometric shapes,so shapes are also an integral material,without which I would not be able to realize self-expression in the creation of abstract works.Kandinsky compared forms with living beings.He wrote :" Like, purely abstract beings – who, as such, have their life, their influence and their action – are square, circle, triangle, rhombus, trapezoid and countless other shapes that are becoming more complex and have no mathematical notation. All these forms are equal citizens in the realm of the abstract."I get special pleasure from the connection of these citizens,geometric shapes ,with flowers,color spots,abstract landscapes and the use of these equal citizens in the creation of still lifes,bouquets and flowers.

Discover contemporary artworks by Marina Alexandrova, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: russian contemporary artists. Artistic domains: Digital Arts, Photography. Account type: Artist , member since 2019 (Country of origin Russia). Buy Marina Alexandrova's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Marina Alexandrova. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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6 artworks by Marina Alexandrova (Selection)

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Abstract world and lilac • 6 artworks

Digital Arts titled "Lilac disks" by Marina Alexandrova, Original Artwork
Lilac disks - Digital Arts ©2019 by Marina Alexandrova - Abstract, abstract-570, lilac
"Lilac disks"

Digital Arts | Several sizes

Available from $27.14
Digital Arts titled "Lilac trees, flower…" by Marina Alexandrova, Original Artwork
Lilac trees, flowers, parallelepipeds and discs - Digital Arts ©2019 by Marina Alexandrova - Abstract, abstract-570, lilac
"Lilac trees, flowers, parallelepipeds and discs"

Digital Arts | Several sizes

Available from $27.14
Digital Arts titled "Autumn abstract lil…" by Marina Alexandrova, Original Artwork
Autumn abstract lilac trees, flowers, bouquets. - Digital Arts ©2019 by Marina Alexandrova - Abstract, abstract-570
"Autumn abstract lilac trees, flowers, bouquets."

Digital Arts | Several sizes

Available from $27.14
Digital Arts titled "Lilac disk in the a…" by Marina Alexandrova, Original Artwork
Lilac disk in the abstract world - Digital Arts ©2019 by Marina Alexandrova - Abstract, abstract-570, lilac
"Lilac disk in the abstract world"

Digital Arts | Several sizes

Available from $27.14
Digital Arts titled "Abstract lilac tree…" by Marina Alexandrova, Original Artwork
Abstract lilac trees, flowers, bouquets. - Digital Arts ©2019 by Marina Alexandrova - Abstract, abstract-570, abstract lilac
"Abstract lilac trees, flowers, bouquets."

Digital Arts | Several sizes

Available from $27.14
Digital Arts titled "Lilac planet in abs…" by Marina Alexandrova, Original Artwork
Lilac planet in abstract galaxy - Digital Arts ©2019 by Marina Alexandrova - Abstract, abstract-570, lilac
"Lilac planet in abstract galaxy"

Digital Arts | Several sizes

Available from $27.14
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