On the beach (2024) Картина - Aleksandra Cherepanova

Акрил на Холст, 27,6x35,4 in
1 850 $
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Продавец Aleksandra Cherepanova
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On the beach; acrylic canvas; 2024; 28 х 36 inches; 70 х 90 cm "Embrace the serene yet vibrant essence of coastal allure with 'On the Beach,' a masterful canvas where the tranquility of the shore meets the vivacity of human grace. This piece, rich with the rhythmic dance of sea and sky, invites you to lose yourself in the[...]
On the beach; acrylic canvas; 2024; 28 х 36 inches; 70 х 90 cm

"Embrace the serene yet vibrant essence of coastal allure with 'On the Beach,' a masterful canvas where the tranquility of the shore meets the vivacity of human grace. This piece, rich with the rhythmic dance of sea and sky, invites you to lose yourself in the contemplative reverie of oceanic whispers and the gentle caress of sunlight.

As the artist, I have sought to capture not just the outward beauty of a figure basking in the coastal air, but also the inward journey of a soul intertwined with the vastness of nature. The subject, a vision in blues and greens, lies draped over the sand, her form a fluid echo of the waves behind her, suggesting a deep connection to the water that is both nurturing and liberating.

The use of bold, expressive strokes and a palette that borrows from the sunlit sea infuses 'On the Beach' with a sense of movement and life. It is as if the painting breathes with the tide, each brushstroke a heartbeat synchronized with the pulse of the shoreline. The figure's gaze, lost in the horizon, speaks of dreams and distant thoughts, inviting the viewer to ponder the mysteries that lie beyond the canvas.

'On the Beach' is an ode to the moments of stillness and reflection that the seaside offers. It is for the collector who cherishes the solace found in the sound of waves, the warmth of the sun, and the beauty of a solitary figure in harmony with the elements.

This artwork promises to be not only a statement piece in any collection but also a window to the soulful experiences that only a beachside reverie can offer. It is a celebration of the ephemeral dance between man and nature, a captivating scene that will forever hold a moment of seaside tranquility.

For those who seek to bring the calming yet invigorating spirit of the beach into their space, 'On the Beach' offers a unique opportunity to own a piece of the eternal dance between the human spirit and the natural world."

Связанные темы

Female NudesArt Beautiful WomenNude ArtExpressionismModern

Переведено автоматически
I am an international and professional artist. In 2007 I received my master's degree from the Academy of Painting. I have many exhibitions all over the world and many victories in competitions. Some art[...]

I am an international and professional artist. In 2007 I received my master's degree from the Academy of Painting. I have many exhibitions all over the world and many victories in competitions. Some art works in museums and private collections.

But the main thing for me is art itself! I create modern and contemporary art mainly in the genre of painting, sometimes graphics and sculpture, sometimes it's like a collage of old things. I have different periods of creativity! I love to invent new things. And merge and remake old styles. I've already come up with some new art forms! And this is just the beginning!

I was lucky to be born with talent, but I believe that the main thing is to work hard and anyone can achieve what they want! If you want to draw well - do it every day! This is what I say to all my students. I learned a long time ago, but I still paint every day! This is an important part of life!

One of my signature styles with wavy lines. I have done a lot of wavy abstract and stylized artwork. These are huge three-meter abstract art works and small wavy landscapes. Both the seascape and the underwater world.

In recent years, I like to combine expressionism with my wavy lines. I think it looks amazing!

I like to combine this in many different ways. And sometimes I like to do just expressive painting. Subject Expressionism or Abstract Expressionism.

My style is very recognizable! And it's very big! In it, I move along wavy lines from expressionism to the subject and vice versa.

If you look at the history of art, you will see that it is artists with great style who can be really great.

As the saying goes: Go big or go home! And rightly so! Otherwise it will be boring :)

Also, I combine landscape and abstract art. It's easy and organic! Since these two genres are fortunate to combine. Like many great abstractionists, at first they were landscape painters. This is a dialogue between the inner world and the outer!

Philosophy! The main filling of my art! I take an object from real life and process it according to my mind and feelings. And most importantly, I find and create art with this subject with several levels of philosophical meaning! I do not ignore beauty and how it will be in the interior! I understand that not everyone is interested in diving deeply into a work of art.

And if you've read this far, I'll tell you a secret. I hope you've seen the movie The Secret. All my art is dedicated to optimism and celebration of life! I believe that on the wall next to you there should be art that motivates you and charges you with positive energy! There should not be anything sad and gloomy, these will cope without me. I create art that evokes only positive emotions !!!

In my personality, different things will coexist in harmony! And that's great! I am ready to share this with you!

Смотреть ещё Aleksandra Cherepanova

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Акрил на Холст | 23,6x35,4 in
2 128 $
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2 442 $
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