Persée & Phinée (2010) Painting by Alain Campello

Oil on Canvas, 51.2x51.2 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil / Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 51.2in, Width 51.2in
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings from $20,000
Huile sur toile About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Oil Paint consisting of pigments bound with linseed oil or carnations. The traditional[...]
Huile sur toile

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Evocation De L'histoire De Persée Et De Phinéedans Les Métamorphoses D'ovide

Automatically translated
"I like to say that I make an evocative painting; I stage images loaded with meaning born from a very personal subjectivity... These compositions draw from a constant source: memory; individual, historical,[...]

"I like to say that I make an evocative painting; I stage images loaded with meaning born from a very personal subjectivity... These compositions draw from a constant source: memory; individual, historical, collective memory.... conscious memory or resurgence of archetypes from our collective unconscious... From these fragments of memory the door opens to the wandering of the mind. Ghosts of history, intimate reminiscences, dreams, fantasies... so many invitations to travel, to games of the imagination...
Jubilant games which involve, it is true, giving the eye time for careful wandering...

Alain Campello

Alain Campello was born in Belfort in 1951.
He began painting in 1973. During this period he also did graphic design and theater sets. In 1981 he met the Japanese video artist Ko Nakajima who opened up to him the world of video and the first computer-generated images. From 1987 he worked as an independent director: commissioned films, documentaries, computer-generated images and cartoons. Numerous prizes reward his work.
In 2003, he felt the need to return to painting and devote himself completely to it. He lives and works in Lognes in the Paris suburbs.

“...for years I shot 25 images per second, today, while we are overwhelmed with images in incessant flow, I feel the deep need to return to work on the unique image, the one that we take care of, that we polish, that we charge with meaning and of affects that we finally offer to an attentive, patient, available gaze... from 25 images/second I went to 2 per month! The exercise, then, became active meditation then narration..."

Alain Campello is also president of the Salon " Figuration Critique ", leader of the group " Narrative evocation" of the Comparisons show as part of Art en Capital – Grand Palais- Paris and creator of the NARRO collective.

Numerous personal and collective exhibitions in France and abroad.

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