Sydney Opera House at Night (2017) Картина - Adriana Dziuba


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Продавец Adriana Dziuba

  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Картина, Акрил на Холст
  • Размеры Высота 23,6in, Ширина 23,6in
  • Состояние картины Картина в идеальном состоянии
  • Рама Эта работа не оформлена
  • Категории Картины до 1 000 $ Импрессионизм город
Sydney Opera House at Night" is a contemporary, one of a kind, city landscape inspired by beautiful Sydney Opera House, one of the most iconic and famous 20th-century buildings. I created this painting using layers of acrylic paint applied with various palette knives to achieve modern mpressionistic piece. Colours I chose are different[...]
Sydney Opera House at Night" is a contemporary, one of a kind, city landscape inspired by beautiful Sydney Opera House, one of the most iconic and famous 20th-century buildings.

I created this painting using layers of acrylic paint applied with various palette knives to achieve modern mpressionistic piece. Colours I chose are different shades of blue combined with accents of soft orange, yellow, green and purple
Sides of the painting are painted white, the artwork is signed on the front and sprayed with a non-yellowing varnish for protection.
No frame is required and the piece is ready to hang.

The Certificate of Authenticity is included

I only use high quality materials including acrylic paint, canvas and Non-yellowing varnish to protect the painting.

Связанные темы

Opera HouseSydneyCityscapeSeascapeAustralia

Переведено автоматически
I’m an artist based in Norwich, United Kingdom who specialises in cityscape and landscape palette knife paintings. I love vibrant colours, bold textures and my favourite medium is acrylic. My inspiration[...]

I’m an artist based in Norwich, United Kingdom who specialises in cityscape and landscape palette knife paintings. I love vibrant colours, bold textures and my favourite medium is acrylic.
My inspiration comes from everywhere, allowing for vast freedom and scope for creativity. A new project can stem from a tiny idea or detail I may have focused on including shapes, unusual colour combinations, beautiful landscapes or vibrant cities and towns. I work with acrylic paint and various palette knives to achieve bold highly textured modern artwork. I find playing with vibrant color and bold texture a very exciting process. Within my portfolio you will find mainly city landscapes often with person or group of people completing unique and beautiful one of a kind scene I have witnessed and wanted to capture. I am taking my inspiration from the beautiful places I have visited or would love to visit and interpreting them through modern expressionism and impressionism.

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Просмотреть все произведения
Акрил на Холст | 24x18,1 in
864,52 $
Акрил на Холст | 24x20,1 in
1 115,8 $
Акрил на Холст | 15,8x23,6 in
794,21 $
Акрил на Холст | 15,8x15,8 in
703,07 $


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