Pandemic Age-3 (2020) Malarstwo autorstwa Asim Amjad Tippu

Akryl na Płótno, 18x12 in
1 519,53 USD
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Wysłano z: Pakistan (Opakowanie pudełkowe lub kartonowe) Statki w promieniu 2 dni
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Darmowe zwroty: Zadowolony lub zwrotowi w terminie 14 dni.
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  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Akryl na Płótno
  • Wymiary 24x18 in
    Wymiary samej pracy, bez ramy: Wysokość 18in, Szerokość 12in
  • Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta praca jest oprawiona w ramę
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 5 000 USD Abstrakcyjna
Depiction of Pandemic Age -We are facing such kind of mental phenomenon that we can not make sense of;behind the mask of life; “Man” has become a melancholic clown and his commitments with life have become erotic matter of fact. His spirit demands clarity and calmness of thoughts but who will give “Him” these melodious things[...]
Depiction of Pandemic Age

-We are facing such kind of mental phenomenon that we can not make sense of;behind the mask of life; “Man” has become a melancholic clown and his commitments with life have become erotic matter of fact. His spirit demands clarity and calmness of thoughts but who will give “Him” these melodious things which belong to holy spheres. My Paintings are the personification of my innate hidden emotions whom I want to capture. My exhausted soul still breathing in the realm of raped ethical values of my beloved society; searching the beauty of nature in the heart of compassion.
(Asim Amjad)

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Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Asim Amjad(Studio426) Artist Statement We are facing such kind of mental phenomenon that we can not make sense of; behind the mask of life; "Man" has become a melancholic clown[...]

Asim Amjad(Studio426)

Artist Statement

We are facing such kind of mental phenomenon that we can not make sense of; behind the mask of life; "Man" has become a melancholic clown and his commitments with life have become erotic matter of fact. His spirit demands clarity and calmness of thoughts but who will give "Him" these melodious things which belong to holy spheres.

My Landscapes are the personification of my innate hidden emotions whom I want to capture. My exhausted soul still breathing in the realm of raped ethical values of my beloved society; searching the beauty of nature in the heart of compassion.

Comments of The Contemporary Artists:-

Prof.Collin David.

Asim's search for his identity experience to be his prime motive. The paintings take one, on a journey of freedom in its diversity.

Prof.Dr.Ajaz Anwar.

Asim Amjad, is a replica of his inner self based on his past exposures and nostalgic dippings into the unknown.


Prof.Dr.Khalid Mehmood.

Mr. Asim has thrashed all the traditional and academic styles, which is much prevalent in Pakistan. What I do see in his work is that he is truthful and very candid in his statement, which is communicated in violent and broken in his pesto technique. Evidently, this man appears to be very agitated and this is very clearly visible in his violent and dynamic style. Invariable, he has used simulacra which evoke the imagination of a spectator. Asim Amjad's violent approach to his subject matter brings him under the category of "Expressionist painter" as each one of pictures is portraying the most innate story of disturbed state of the artist. These, are precisely talking, are brimmed with accordingly agitated, troubled, violent and unhappy state of the soul. It is also very interesting that somebody in Pakistan has ventured to bring forth such turmoil essays before the public.

Prof.Khalid Saeed Butt.

I feel his professional inquisitive searches of the human mind have greatly influenced his style of painting, lending an aura of mystery and abstraction to his creations. In my opinion his paintings should be looked at in deeper context. There is definitely more to his paintings than meets the eye. Visually the use of color and composition of indescribable shapes have an almost hypnotic effect on the onlooker. I seem to sense traces of many past masters such as "Elgaoeco" whose elongated figurative shapes created a sense of weightlessness. Here, Asim Amjad gives a hint of human shape in somewhat mystic surroundings. Although his approach to painting rapidly changes from constructive strokes of color to pointillistic seuraisk tones, he has maturely handled the clusters of synchronized color strokes bringing

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