Zuhar Adaçoğlu Profile Picture

Zuhar Adaçoğlu

Orta, Türkiye
Artist (Painting, Drawing)
Born 1981

Zuhar Adacoglu was born in Ankara. After she had graduated, in 1999, from Ankara Anatolia Fine Art High School Painting Department, she entered Gazi University Fine Art Education Department in 2000, then, in 2002, she passed to Marmara University, Ataturk Education Faculty, Fine Arts Education Department; and after two years she graduated from the same university. She is continuing to master degree in Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts, Social Sciences Institute, Painting Department. From 1996 to 2015, she has participated in many exhibitions. She is currently continuing her art in her studio.


2015 Bodrum 16. International Art Workshop, Art Suites Gallery, Muğla
2014 Atmosphere Art Projects, ‘PHOTOSYNTHESİS’ Symposium, Final Exhibition, Narköy – Kocaeli
2014 Atmosphere Art Projects, ‘PHOTOSYNTHESİS’ Symposium, The Opening Exhibitions, Narköy -
2012 ArtSmall Exhibition, KAV Young Art, Ankara
2011 The Istanbul Summer Exhibition, in Sanat Limanı-Antrepo 5
2011 Art Bosphorus- Contemporary Art Fair, Academies of Art Center, Istanbul
2011 E-Memory notebook exhibition, 216 The Area of Expression and Production
2010 ART-İST 19. Istanbul Art Fair, Karşı Art Works
2010 ART-İST 19. Istanbul Art Fair, Alternative Platform Exhibition
2010 March 8 Women Exhibition, women who resist in ‘Tekel’ guide our way, Başka Culturehouse,
2010 Young Generation of Contemporary Turkish Painting: Painting exhibition of Young Masters /
Master Juniors, MKM, Istanbul
2009 ART-İST 19. Istanbul Art Fair, Karşı Art Works, TÜYAP
2009 ART-İST 19. Istanbul Art Fair, Koridoor Modern Art Programs-‘Face to Face Dialogs’ Exhibition,
2009 ART-İST 19. Istanbul Art Fair, Alternative Platform Exhibition, İrritatio İnitiative
2009 ‘My Name İs Casper’ -‘GHOST’, Tarihi Sümerbank, Karşı Art Gallery, Istanbul

Discover contemporary artworks by Zuhar Adaçoğlu, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary turkish artists. Artistic domains: Painting, Drawing. Account type: Artist , member since 2014 (Country of origin Türkiye). Buy Zuhar Adaçoğlu's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Zuhar Adaçoğlu. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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