Ziemowit Fincek Profile Picture

Ziemowit Fincek

Kalisz, Poland
Artist (Painting, Sculpture)
Born 1988

About my work... 

The result of my creativity is a creation consisting of an excess of received and felt stimuli from the reality that surrounds me. The works are a commentary on various topics such as: human, nature, demographic phenomena and metaphysics, which we can only sometimes feel. In conclusion, I would describe my work as predictions in the semi-conscious artistic dance of the shaman.

Ziemowit Fincek


2015 - II degree studies in Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Wroclaw Glass.
2014 - Master of Fine Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Wroclaw. Painting.
2011-2012 - Scholarship at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, Italy, Faculty of Painting.
2009 - Graduated from the School of Fine Arts in Kalisz with specialty Renovation Archiectural Elements.


2020 – Group exhibition, Sonia Monti Gallery; Paris, France.
2020 – ‘Gaude Mater’, solo exhibition, Next Gallery; Bydgoszcz, Poland.
2019 - Artistic residence, D'Arts et de rêves, Quebec, Canada
2019 - Multi Art Festival, Kalisz, Poland
2019 - 'Akumulacje', group exhibition, Tarasin Gallery, Kalisz, Poland
2017 - ,Akumulacje', group exhibition, Tarasin Gallery, Kalisz, Poland
2016 - 'R.I.P in Cosmos', solo exhibition, MIA Art Gallery, Wrocław, Poland
2016 - 'Deadman', solo exhibition, BWA, Sandomierz, Poland
2016 - 'Krew-Werk', group exhibition, Foksal Gallery Foundation, Warsaw, Poland
2016 - 'Veto', solo exhibition, Gallery Central Eye, Poznan, Poland
2015 - 'Unknown Worlds', solo exhibition, Pragaleria, Warsaw, Poland
2015 - 'Botanica', solo exhibition, Gallery L'Entrepot, Monaco
2015 - 'Polonia', solo exhibition, Mia Art Gallery, Wroclaw, Poland
2015 - 'In the brain', solo exhibition, CKiS, Kalisz, Poland
2014 - 'The Best Polish Art Graduates Diplomas', group exhibition,Great Armoury in Gdansk, Poland
2013 - '5', group exhibition, Mia Art Gallery, Wroclaw, Poland
2012 - 'Atomic shelter', group exhibition, Homeless Gallery, Kalisz, Poland
2012 - 'The minds of young art', group exhibition, The Art Hotel, Wroclaw, Poland
2011 - 'New International Exhibition', Camden Art Gallery, London, England
2011 - 'The House of Change', group exhibition, European Cultural Congres , Wroclaw, Poland

Discover contemporary artworks by Ziemowit Fincek, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary polish artists. Artistic domains: Painting, Sculpture. Account type: Artist , member since 2014 (Country of origin Poland). Buy Ziemowit Fincek's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Ziemowit Fincek. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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All artworks by Ziemowit Fincek

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Painting titled "HEOL11664" by Ziemowit Fincek, Original Artwork, Oil
HEOL11664 - Painting, 61.8x51.2 in ©2020 by Ziemowit Fincek - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstract, pink, energy, power, biology

Oil on Canvas | 61.8x51.2 in

Prints available
Painting titled "HEOL11652" by Ziemowit Fincek, Original Artwork, Oil
HEOL11652 - Painting, 39.4x29.9 in ©2019 by Ziemowit Fincek - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstract, color, energy, power, aura, cosmos

Oil on Canvas | 39.4x29.9 in

Prints from $26.97
Painting titled "Diptych - HEOL11953…" by Ziemowit Fincek, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Diptych - HEOL11953 & HEOL11954 - Painting, 19.7x27.6 in ©2020 by Ziemowit Fincek - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstract, color, pastel, line, drawing, energy, aura
"Diptych - HEOL11953 & HEOL11954"

Watercolor on Paper | 19.7x27.6 in

Painting titled "HEOL11669" by Ziemowit Fincek, Original Artwork, Oil
HEOL11669 - Painting, 30.7x28.4 in ©2020 by Ziemowit Fincek - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstract, yellow, power, energy, aura, art

Oil on Canvas | 30.7x28.4 in

Prints available
Painting titled "Frozen lake" by Ziemowit Fincek, Original Artwork, Oil
Frozen lake - Painting, 47.2x59.1 in ©2014 by Ziemowit Fincek - Abstract, abstract-570, Landscape, landscape, winter, snow, lake
"Frozen lake"

Oil on Canvas | 47.2x59.1 in

Prints available
Painting titled "HEOL11650a" by Ziemowit Fincek, Original Artwork, Oil
HEOL11650a - Painting, 63x47.2 in ©2020 by Ziemowit Fincek - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstract, abstract, color, power, aura, energy, art

Oil on Canvas | 63x47.2 in

Prints available
Painting titled "HEOL11666" by Ziemowit Fincek, Original Artwork, Oil
HEOL11666 - Painting, 47.2x41.3 in ©2020 by Ziemowit Fincek - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstract, blue, figure, dragon, flame, cold

Oil on Canvas | 47.2x41.3 in

Prints available
Painting titled "Diptych - HEOL11947…" by Ziemowit Fincek, Original Artwork, Pastel
Diptych - HEOL11947 & HEOL11948 - Painting, 19.7x27.6 in ©2020 by Ziemowit Fincek - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstract, color, energy, power, aura, line, idea, concept
"Diptych - HEOL11947 & HEOL11948"

Pastel on Paper | 19.7x27.6 in

Painting titled "HEOL11940" by Ziemowit Fincek, Original Artwork, Oil
HEOL11940 - Painting, 23.6x11.8 in ©2020 by Ziemowit Fincek - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstract, abstract, color, energy, power, art

Oil on Canvas | 23.6x11.8 in

Prints available
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