Zhenya Syman Zhenya Syman Profile Picture

Zhenya Syman Zhenya Syman

Grantham, United Kingdom
Artist (Drawing, Painting)
Born 1979

Artist Zhenya Syman. Art & Science. Art available for sale. Scientific-inventional library. Time machine.

Art by Zhenya Syman makes you think, as well seeing beauty and the worlds on big scale.

Oil, acrylic on canvas, paper, mixed media.

More about artist, Interview with artist.

1- Dear Zhenya hello, how are you?
Zhenya: Thank you so much, I am fine. Thank you for interviewing me.

2- What does mean being artist in modern days?
Zhenya: It is a good question. I suppose, it is the way, you want to be. With modern technologies it is easier. But as any other work, require attention.

3- Where are from inspiration comes?
Zhenya: From every day work. From beauty, from peace, from prayers, from thoughts, from dreams.

4- How is your day starting?
Zhenya: From coffee (smiling).I do enjoy write or make notes in the morning, drawing, painting, reading, listening to the classic music, light work. As this days I am well working on a subject time machine, so I keep up with notes and writing more.

5- What about your time machine?
Zhenya: Time machine, it is subject I am working on, belong to Art & Science. It is a dream which I would like to be as soon as possible in human life.It is fast moving object which possible to call as speed time machine or time machine.Where you can move anywhere you would like to. (Depends on choice of worlds). It is very interesting working with dreams and progress further. I think, world require more thinkers and philosophers, working on their dreams. So things may happened faster.

6- What makes you happy?
Zhenya: I must admit I am hard working person and enjoy life as much as I see and can. Life living, improving life, working for future and so on.

7- As I understand, you created your personal library?
Zhenya: Yes, that's right.During years, I came up to the matter creation my personal library based on my drawings and paintings (in folders). And figure out that it is specific scientifically intentional library. Which opens wide view and interesting working with.As stimulate and helps on many levels to reach achievements. It is like instruction from future, where needs to think and find out ways, but based on simple forms surrounded us.

8- You remind me one of Aristocratic people, the way you wear your clothes, manners.
Zhenya: I hope this is not forgotten culture, and it is always nice to see beauty around you and share with world. You remind me nice person also. Thank you so much.

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