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探索所有绘画风格和技巧:当代艺术、街头艺术、抽象艺术、具象艺术、风景、肖像、生活场景、裸体、铅笔、墨水、木炭、粉彩…… 20 年来,有超过 200 万件当代艺术作品等待您去发现……或获得!艺术设计的世界标杆。发现来自世界各地的当代艺术家的作品,用一流的方式装饰您的室内!单纯的艺术爱好者还是公认的收藏家?找到真正突出您的装饰的图画或最喜欢的草图。 Artmajeur 为您提供世界上最优秀的当代艺术家的原创作品、限量版和艺术版画。在 Artmajeur 上,图纸是由艺术市场的爱好者和专家挑选的。我们为您精选时尚、屡获殊荣的知名设计师的原创作品以及当代艺术领域的新兴价值,为您在线购买艺术画作提供指导和帮助。

Discover contemporary Cubism Drawings on Artmajeur

Contemporary Cubism drawings are known for their use of geometric shapes and bold lines, creating a sense of fragmented reality.

图画,  16.5x11.7 in
Cylindristic Nude 图画, 16.5x11.7 in
©2024 Andrea Vandoni

Origins and History

Contemporary Cubism drawings originated in the early 20th century in France. Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque are considered the founders of this art movement, which aimed to break down traditional forms and perspectives in art. Cubism drew inspiration from African and Oceanic art, as well as the works of Paul Cézanne. The movement is characterized by the use of geometric shapes, fragmented forms, and multiple perspectives in a single image. Cubism was popularized during the 1910s and 1920s, and had a significant influence on other art movements such as Futurism and Surrealism. Contemporary Cubism drawings continue to be created today, with artists exploring varying levels of abstraction and experimentation with form. Questions surrounding the nature of perception and reality continue to inspire and challenge contemporary artists working within this style.

图画,  12.6x9.5 in
Le partage 图画, 12.6x9.5 in
©2024 Laudu

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

Contemporary Cubism drawings have been evolving in recent years, with artists experimenting with new techniques and styles. These works are particularly important in the contemporary art market, where they are gaining popularity and demand. Some of the key features of contemporary Cubism drawings include the use of vibrant colors, bold lines, and geometric shapes.

图画,  12.6x9.5 in
La Belle 图画, 12.6x9.5 in
©2024 Laudu

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary Cubism is a style that has captured the imagination of many artists in recent times. Here are some well-known artists who have made a name for themselves with their works in contemporary Cubism.

  1. Georges Braque - Braque was a French painter who, along with Pablo Picasso, developed the Cubist style of art in the early 20th century. He is known for his use of fragmented forms and multiple perspectives in his paintings.

  2. David Hockney - Hockney is a British artist who is known for his vibrant and colorful paintings, many of which have a Cubist feel to them. He often uses multiple perspectives and fragmented forms in his works.

  3. Juan Gris - Gris was a Spanish painter who was one of the leading figures of Cubism. He is known for his use of flat, geometric forms and his bold use of color.

  4. Pablo Picasso - Picasso was a Spanish painter who is widely considered to be one of the most important artists of the 20th century. He is known for his innovative use of form and his development of the Cubist style of art.

  5. Robert Delaunay - Delaunay was a French painter who was one of the pioneers of Cubism. He is known for his use of bold, bright colors and his exploration of the relationship between color and form in his works.

These artists have all made significant contributions to the development of contemporary Cubism, and their works continue to inspire and influence artists today. Whether through their use of fragmented forms, multiple perspectives, or bold colors, they have created a style of art that is both innovative and timeless.

图画,  12.6x9.5 in
Le châtelain 图画, 12.6x9.5 in
©2024 Laudu

Notable contemporary Cubism Drawings

Cubism, a revolutionary art movement, emerged in the early 20th century and continues to inspire artists today. Here are some well-known contemporary Cubism drawings:

  1. "Les Demoiselles d’Avignon" by Pablo Picasso, created in 1907, depicts five nude women with distorted faces and bodies. This artwork is considered one of the most significant Cubist paintings, as it challenged traditional Western art and inspired future artists.

  2. "Three Musicians" by Pablo Picasso, created in 1921, portrays three figures playing instruments. The painting features bold colors and geometric shapes, epitomizing Cubism’s abstract style.

  3. "The Portuguese" by Georges Braque, created in 1911, depicts a man playing a guitar. The painting features fragmented shapes and multiple viewpoints, characteristic of Cubism.

  4. "Violin and Candlestick" by Georges Braque, created in 1910, shows a violin and a candlestick on a table. The painting features overlapping shapes and muted colors, creating a sense of depth and dimension.

  5. "Still Life with Chair Caning" by Pablo Picasso, created in 1912, is a mixed media artwork featuring a chair caning pattern and a painted image of a pipe. The artwork challenges the traditional boundaries of painting and sculpture, reflecting the Cubist movement’s innovative spirit.

These contemporary Cubism drawings exemplify the movement’s emphasis on abstraction, multiple viewpoints, and fragmentation. They continue to inspire artists and art lovers today, showcasing the enduring influence of this revolutionary art style.

最相关的 | 最新

图画 标题为“Cylindristic Nude” 由Andrea Vandoni, 原创艺术品, 粉彩 安装在纸板上
Cylindristic Nude - 图画, 16.5x11.7 in ©2024 由Andrea Vandoni - Cubism, cubism-582, 女性裸体

Andrea Vandoni

"Cylindristic Nude"

粉彩在纸上 | 16.5x11.7 in

图画 标题为“Le châtelain” 由Laudu, 原创艺术品, 粉彩
Le châtelain - 图画, 12.6x9.5 in ©2024 由Laudu - Cubism, cubism-582, 日常生活


"Le châtelain"

粉彩在纸上 | 12.6x9.5 in

图画 标题为“Le soldat” 由Laudu, 原创艺术品, 粉彩
Le soldat - 图画, 12.6x9.5 in ©2024 由Laudu - Cubism, cubism-582, 日常生活


"Le soldat"

粉彩在纸上 | 12.6x9.5 in

图画 标题为“CLOWN A LA FLEUR” 由Gabi Jimenez, 原创艺术品, 粉彩
CLOWN A LA FLEUR - 图画, 15.8x11.8 in ©2019 由Gabi Jimenez - Cubism, cubism-582, 男士肖像

Gabi Jimenez


粉彩在纸上 | 15.8x11.8 in

图画 标题为“Cubic face” 由Joyce Van Den Engel, 原创艺术品, 铅笔
Cubic face - 图画, 22.4x15.8 in ©2023 由Joyce Van Den Engel - Cubism, cubism-582, 肖像, colorful, purple, squars, fantasy face, face., fantasy

Joyce Van Den Engel

"Cubic face"

铅笔在纸上 | 22.4x15.8 in

图画 标题为“Nudo femminile al b…” 由Paul Bonnie Kent, 原创艺术品, 墨
Nudo femminile al balcone (1434) - 图画, 13.8x19.7 in ©2021 由Paul Bonnie Kent - Cubism, cubism-582, 女性裸体

Paul Bonnie Kent

"Nudo femminile al balcone (1434)"

墨在纸上 | 13.8x19.7 in

图画 标题为“European charm” 由Gazkob, 原创艺术品, 圆珠笔
European charm - 图画, 16.1x11.8 in ©2023 由Gazkob - Cubism, cubism-582, 女性肖像, beret, boina, red, woman, female, parisian, donna, portrait, hat, sombrero, lazo, bow, paria, europe, european, different, personality, guapa, rizado, curly


"European charm"

圆珠笔在纸上 | 16.1x11.8 in

图画 标题为“'Cubist Cult Head'” 由A'Zo Hazo, 原创艺术品, 标记
'Cubist Cult Head' - 图画 ©2024 由A'Zo Hazo - Cubism, cubism-582, 漫画, Cult head, Cubism

A'Zo Hazo

"'Cubist Cult Head'"


图画 标题为“La bourgeoise” 由Laudu, 原创艺术品, 粉彩
La bourgeoise - 图画, 16.5x11.7 in ©2024 由Laudu - Cubism, cubism-582, 肖像


"La bourgeoise"

粉彩在纸上 | 16.5x11.7 in

图画 标题为“dejection” 由Andreas Loeschner-Gornau, 原创艺术品, 孔戴
dejection - 图画, 11.4x8.3 in ©2024 由Andreas Loeschner-Gornau - Cubism, cubism-582, 历史, religious art, mythology, expressionism

Andreas Loeschner-Gornau


孔戴在其他基材上 | 11.4x8.3 in

图画 标题为“Fumeur à la pipe” 由Laudu, 原创艺术品, 粉笔
Fumeur à la pipe - 图画, 12.6x9.5 in ©2023 由Laudu - Cubism, cubism-582, 日常生活


"Fumeur à la pipe"

粉笔在纸上 | 12.6x9.5 in

图画 标题为“DESERT FLOWER” 由Nathalie Nadal-Olivié, 原创艺术品, 标记
DESERT FLOWER - 图画, 15.8x11.8 in ©2023 由Nathalie Nadal-Olivié - Cubism, cubism-582, 涂鸦

Nathalie Nadal-Olivié


标记在纸上 | 15.8x11.8 in

图画 标题为“Le partage” 由Laudu, 原创艺术品, 粉彩
Le partage - 图画, 12.6x9.5 in ©2024 由Laudu - Cubism, cubism-582, 男士肖像


"Le partage"

粉彩在纸上 | 12.6x9.5 in

图画 标题为“'Late 50ies Office…” 由A'Zo Hazo, 原创艺术品, 漆
'Late 50ies Office Space' - 图画, 5.9x3.2 in ©2023 由A'Zo Hazo - Cubism, cubism-582, 静物, 50ies, Pastel, Still life, Office, Space

A'Zo Hazo

"'Late 50ies Office Space'"

漆在纸上 | 5.9x3.2 in

图画 标题为“Visage cubiste” 由Laudu, 原创艺术品, 粉彩
Visage cubiste - 图画, 16.5x11.7 in ©2024 由Laudu - Cubism, cubism-582, 男士肖像


"Visage cubiste"

粉彩在纸上 | 16.5x11.7 in

图画 标题为“La danse” 由Laudu, 原创艺术品, 粉彩
La danse - 图画, 12.6x9.5 in ©2024 由Laudu - Cubism, cubism-582, 日常生活


"La danse"

粉彩在纸上 | 12.6x9.5 in

图画 标题为“on the beach USA 19…” 由Laudu, 原创艺术品, 粉彩
on the beach USA 1930 - 图画, 16.5x11.7 in ©2024 由Laudu - Cubism, cubism-582


"on the beach USA 1930"

粉彩在纸上 | 16.5x11.7 in

图画 标题为“The Clown” 由Ahmed Hassan, 原创艺术品, 标记
The Clown - 图画, 13x10 in ©2019 由Ahmed Hassan - Cubism, cubism-582

Ahmed Hassan

"The Clown"

标记在纸上 | 13x10 in

图画 标题为“le pacha(t)” 由Laudu, 原创艺术品, 粉彩
le pacha(t) - 图画, 11.7x16.5 in ©2024 由Laudu - Cubism, cubism-582, 猫


"le pacha(t)"

粉彩在纸上 | 11.7x16.5 in

图画 标题为“STILL LIFE WITH YEL…” 由Vadim Ponomarenko, 原创艺术品, 标记
STILL LIFE WITH YELLOW FLOWERS - 图画, 13x9.8 in ©2024 由Vadim Ponomarenko - Cubism, cubism-582, 静物, drawing, beautiful still life, still life with flowers, still life with vase

Vadim Ponomarenko


标记在纸上 | 13x9.8 in

图画 标题为“Jazz Guitarist” 由Bruno Sciaraffia, 原创艺术品, 墨
Jazz Guitarist - 图画, 13x9.5 in ©2018 由Bruno Sciaraffia - Cubism, cubism-582, 吉他, jazz, drawing, cardboard, cubism, music, musician, guitar, guitarist, pencil, pen, ink, contemporary art, conceptual art, colorful, handmade

Bruno Sciaraffia

"Jazz Guitarist"

墨在纸板上 | 13x9.5 in

不出售 打印 US$27.93
图画 标题为“La Magolfa” 由Schascia, 原创艺术品, 丙烯
La Magolfa - 图画, 8.3x5.9 in ©2023 由Schascia - Cubism, cubism-582, 日常生活, schascia, la magolfa ristorante, schascia astratto, schascia motorcycles, schascia disegno opera, schascia astratto disegno, schascia illustrazione sketch, schascia magolfa contatto, schascia drawing abstract, schascia pizza italia, schascia motociclette idee, sasacchi mi orso, schascia contatto mail sito, schascia social network


"La Magolfa"

丙烯在纸板上 | 8.3x5.9 in

图画 标题为“Pensamentos Labirin…” 由Mutes / César Amorim, 原创艺术品, 标记 安装在木质担架架上
Pensamentos Labirinticos D`mente Cubista - 图画, 34.7x43.7 in ©2022 由Mutes / César Amorim - Cubism, cubism-582, 童话, mutes, descubismo, contornismo, artista portugues, Portugal

Mutes / César Amorim

"Pensamentos Labirinticos D`mente Cubista"

标记在纸板上 | 34.7x43.7 in

图画 标题为“STILL LIFE WITH VAS…” 由Vadim Ponomarenko, 原创艺术品, 标记
STILL LIFE WITH VASE AND ORANGES - 图画, 13x9.8 in ©2024 由Vadim Ponomarenko - Cubism, cubism-582, 静物, beautiful still life, drawing, cubism, still life with orange, still life with vase

Vadim Ponomarenko


标记在纸上 | 13x9.8 in

图画 标题为“La Belle” 由Laudu, 原创艺术品, 粉彩
La Belle - 图画, 12.6x9.5 in ©2024 由Laudu - Cubism, cubism-582, 女性肖像


"La Belle"

粉彩在纸上 | 12.6x9.5 in

图画 标题为“Cylindristic Female…” 由Andrea Vandoni, 原创艺术品, 粉彩 安装在其他刚性面板上
Cylindristic Female Nude - 图画, 25.6x19.7 in ©2024 由Andrea Vandoni - Cubism, cubism-582, 女性裸体

Andrea Vandoni

"Cylindristic Female Nude"

粉彩在纸上 | 25.6x19.7 in

图画 标题为“L égyptienne” 由Laudu, 原创艺术品, 粉彩
L égyptienne - 图画, 12.6x9.5 in ©2024 由Laudu - Cubism, cubism-582, 日常生活


"L égyptienne"

粉彩在纸上 | 12.6x9.5 in

图画 标题为“Le mécanicien” 由Laudu, 原创艺术品, 孔戴
Le mécanicien - 图画, 19.7x15.8 in ©2003 由Laudu - Cubism, cubism-582, 肖像


"Le mécanicien"

孔戴在纸上 | 19.7x15.8 in

图画 标题为“Drawing collection…” 由Павло По, 原创艺术品, 标记
Drawing collection from nude session - 图画, 11.4x8.3 in ©2024 由Павло По - Cubism, cubism-582, 几何, nude, drawing, cubism, chair, woman, babe

Павло По

"Drawing collection from nude session"

标记在纸上 | 11.4x8.3 in

图画 标题为“Bottiglia” 由Ilaria La Preziosa, 原创艺术品, 木炭
Bottiglia - 图画, 19.7x13.4 in ©2024 由Ilaria La Preziosa - Cubism, cubism-582, 几何, still life, bottiglia, limone, oggetto, bianco e nero, carta gialla, carboncino

Ilaria La Preziosa


木炭在纸上 | 19.7x13.4 in

图画 标题为“2024 femme contempo…” 由Roberto Urbano, 原创艺术品, 木炭
2024 femme contemporaine - 图画, 16.1x11.8 in ©2024 由Roberto Urbano - Cubism, cubism-582, 女性裸体

Roberto Urbano

"2024 femme contemporaine"

木炭在纸上 | 16.1x11.8 in

图画 标题为“Abstract Artwork” 由Ahmed Hassan, 原创艺术品, 标记
Abstract Artwork - 图画, 12x10 in ©2019 由Ahmed Hassan - Cubism, cubism-582, 丰富多彩的

Ahmed Hassan

"Abstract Artwork"

标记在纸上 | 12x10 in

图画 标题为“Вид на Ткацкую улицу” 由Андрей Саратов, 原创艺术品, 标记
Вид на Ткацкую улицу - 图画, 16.5x11.7 in ©2023 由Андрей Саратов - Cubism, cubism-582, 建筑, Вид на Ткацкую улицу, кубизм, Городской пейзаж, Саратов Андрей

Андрей Саратов

"Вид на Ткацкую улицу"

标记在纸上 | 16.5x11.7 in

图画 标题为“la conversation” 由Laudu, 原创艺术品, 铅笔
la conversation - 图画, 16.5x11.7 in ©2023 由Laudu - Cubism, cubism-582, 日常生活


"la conversation"

铅笔在纸上 | 16.5x11.7 in

图画 标题为“Caffè senza zucchero” 由Schascia, 原创艺术品, 铅笔
Caffè senza zucchero - 图画, 11.8x8.3 in ©2023 由Schascia - Cubism, cubism-582, 几何, Schascia, sasacchi mi orso, disegno moto, motorcycles paint, motorcycles drawing, cafe racer disegno, moto guzzi disegno, motocicletta Italiana, cubismo sintetico, astrattismo, disegno a matita, Italienisches Motorrad, イタリアのオートバイ, schascia ceramica, caffè espresso, schascia sketch, schascia disegno


"Caffè senza zucchero"

铅笔在纸上 | 11.8x8.3 in

图画 标题为“Native Americans” 由Bruno Sciaraffia, 原创艺术品, 墨
Native Americans - 图画, 9.5x13 in ©2021 由Bruno Sciaraffia - Cubism, cubism-582, 部族的, tribal, indian, native american, drawing, tribu, portrait, culture, people, pencil, ink, pen, cardboard, colorful, contemporary art, conceptual art, cubism

Bruno Sciaraffia

"Native Americans"

墨在纸板上 | 9.5x13 in

不出售 打印 US$27.93

