Morning River (2022) Pintura por Galina Zimmatore

Acrílico en Madera, 11,8x15,8 in
549,51 US$   366,77 US$
Precio: Envío gratis

Opiniones de clientes (4)
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Licencia digital

Esta imagen está disponible para descargar con una licencia

31,99 US$
130,52 US$
271,29 US$
Resolución máxima: 3688 x 2742 px
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Vendedor Galina Zimmatore

Trabajo único
Obra de arte firmada por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
Esta obra aparece en las colecciones 6
The sun is rising in the sky and sending its life giving rays onto my favourite river. The plants, trees and a wide variety of insects and small creatures are busy foraging for food in and around the river. An occasional fish passes by and is ever alert for a fly fluttering near the surface. While I just relax and observe the beauty of it all. Mixed[...]
The sun is rising in the sky and sending its life giving rays onto my favourite river. The plants, trees and a wide variety of insects and small creatures are busy foraging for food in and around the river. An occasional fish passes by and is ever alert for a fly fluttering near the surface. While I just relax and observe the beauty of it all.
Mixed media painting using blue, yellow, green and white applied in many layers for depth and vibrancy.
Created with Liquitex professional quality soft body acrylic paint and other mixed media materials on double primed birch wood panel 40 x 30 cm ready for framing. Finished with acrylic varnish for protection from UV sunlight and dust.

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Galina started out as an artist after a life-changing personal experience which opened up her creative abilities and led her to painting as a career. She has now been a professional artist for the last 10 years. Galina's[...]

Galina started out as an artist after a life-changing personal experience which opened up her creative abilities and led her to painting as a career. She has now been a professional artist for the last 10 years.

Galina's training started with various courses at the college and local workshops. This led to displaying various pieces in local exhibitions as well as international online art websites. After a few years intensive work She has sold paintings to private collectors around the world including the UK, Europe, USA, Australia, The Middle East, and Singapore. It gives Galina  tremendous personal satisfaction in knowing that a broad spectrum of people appreciate and value her art.

Galina's art is inspired by the magical world we live in, the beautiful countryside around and a dream-like inspiration applied to the paintings. Using oils, acrylics and mixed media mediums she now focus on abstract landscapes, fantasy and mixed media creations employing brushwork, palette knife, collages, stencils, and mark-making tools.

 Galina really like telling a story through her art which inspires the viewer and triggers their imagination.

Ver más de Galina Zimmatore

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Acrílico en Lienzo | 39,4x51,2 in
1.050,72 US$
Acrílico en Madera | 20,1x30,1 in
2.127,55 US$
796,2 US$
Acrílico en Lienzo | 39,4x51,2 in
1.070,3 US$
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479,02 US$


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