Portrait of a Girl (2016) Pintura por Zakhar Shevchuk

Óleo em Tela, 18,1x15,8 in
US$ 1.377,13
Preço: Envio Grátis

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Esta impressão está disponível em vários tamanhos.

US$ 56,30
US$ 75,79
US$ 129,92
Comentários do cliente Excelente
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Trabalho único
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Certificado de autenticidade incluído
Pronto para pendurar
Montado em Armação em madeira
In the hands of Zakhar Shevchuk, "Portrait of a Girl" transforms into a canvas that communicates more with less, where each brushstroke bears significance beyond its aesthetic contribution. Shevchuk's artistic philosophy materializes in the form of a serene figure, whose presence is magnified by the stark contrast of the surrounding[...]
In the hands of Zakhar Shevchuk, "Portrait of a Girl" transforms into a canvas that communicates more with less, where each brushstroke bears significance beyond its aesthetic contribution. Shevchuk's artistic philosophy materializes in the form of a serene figure, whose presence is magnified by the stark contrast of the surrounding hues. The red evokes a sense of vitality and intensity, while the green offers a reprieve, a breath of tranquility. It is within this dichotomy that the portrait finds its harmony and invites a deeper reflection on the interplay between emotion and environment. Shevchuk's work draws inspiration from the venerable Modigliani, whose portraits are renowned for their emotional resonance and elegant simplicity. However, Shevchuk is not content with mere imitation; his work stands as a dialogue between traditions, weaving together the tapestry of historical artistry with the thread of contemporary sensibilities. The painting is a celebration of cultural synthesis, merging Western and Eastern artistic influences to create a piece that is both a tribute and a novel interpretation.

Temas relacionados

Zakhar ShevchukMinimalist PortraitModern Oil PaintingModigliani InspiredAsian Motifs In Art

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Artista representado por KLOSSART
Zakhar Shevchuk is a young professional painter and draftsman, he holds a master in arts degree from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (Kyiv, Ukraine) and now himself teaches at the academy.[...]

Zakhar Shevchuk is a young professional painter and draftsman, he holds a master in arts degree from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (Kyiv, Ukraine) and now himself teaches at the academy. His artworks are held in public and private collections worldwide, furthermore, he often participates in various public projects, such as painting murals and other monumental installations.

With years Zakhar's artistic style moved away from academic realism (which always tended closer to expressionism) and towards the style that in somewhere on the edge between figurative art and abstraction. In many of his works, even those that may seem as fully abstract ones, you will find some elements that were intentionally added, aiming to trick your brain into believing that you have finally found something recognisable, something that matches the reality, but then you suddenly loose it, starting the search over and over again.

Ver mais de Zakhar Shevchuk

Ver todas as obras
Escultura - Gesso | 30,3x14,6 in
US$ 3.261,16
Escultura - Gesso | 20,9x10,2 in
US$ 2.491,42
Óleo em Placa de MDF | 33,1x25,2 in
US$ 2.250,67
Escultura - Gesso | 32,7x10,2 in
US$ 3.208,15


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