Grey and gold in the sky 2 (2019) Fotografia autorstwa Adriana Mueller

Papier artystyczny, 8x12 in

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32,63 USD
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Bank dzieł sztuki
  • Ta praca jest „edycją otwartą” Fotografia, Drukuj Giclée / Cyfrowy wydruk
  • Wymiary Dostępne w kilku rozmiarach
  • Dostępnych jest kilka rodzajów wsparcia (Papier artystyczny, Drukowanie na metalu, Druk na płótnie)
  • Oprawianie w ramy Dostępne kadrowanie (Pływająca rama + pod szkłem, Rama + Pod szkłem akrylowym)
  • Kategorie Figuratywna Wieś
Gray clouds, golden sunlight and green fields at sunset. Wide fields, trees and sunset beauty in Saxony. Golden sunlight and cloudy sky bathe the rural landscape in subtle colors. Nature photography in Germany dedicated to atmospheric cloudscapes and the beginning of autumn. Viewpoint Hohburkersdorfer Linde in Saxon Switzerland. [...]
Gray clouds, golden sunlight and green fields at sunset.

Wide fields, trees and sunset beauty in Saxony. Golden sunlight and cloudy sky bathe the rural landscape in subtle colors. Nature photography in Germany dedicated to atmospheric cloudscapes and the beginning of autumn. Viewpoint Hohburkersdorfer Linde in Saxon Switzerland.

Powiązane tematy

SunsetSundownInfinite SkyGoldGrey

Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Trees and their strong roots, mountain landscapes, the Mediterranean Sea and abstract reflections are among my favorite topics. I would like to share my impressions with you and bring the enchantment of nature[...]

Trees and their strong roots, mountain landscapes, the Mediterranean Sea and abstract reflections are among my favorite topics. I would like to share my impressions with you and bring the enchantment of nature into your home.

My creative activities are dedicated to nature photography in Alicante province (Spain) and Saxony (Germany), as well as drawing and watercolour painting. Long hikes in the mountains, through forests and along the Mediterranean coast inspire me a lot. When I am out in nature and let my gaze wander over the vast landscape, the clocks seem to tick a little slower. For this reason, thoughts about time and change also influence my work.

There is so much beauty around us every day. It depends on us whether we see it. In my opinion, drawing and photography are wonderful ways to capture impressions and the magic of the moment. With my pictures and the stories surrounding them, I would like to inspire and motivate people to spend more time in nature and to experience it consciously with all their senses.

I was born in Germany. A few years ago I decided to emigrate to Spain. With the selection of photos and graphics shown here, I would like to express both my love for nature and my passion for photography and art. I am currently living on the Costa Blanca, where I´m surrounded by a beautiful coastal scenery, impressive rock formations and bright sunlight.

Zobacz więcej od Adriana Mueller

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