Psy (2021) Schilderij door Vaxo Lang


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Verkoper Vaxo Lang

“Psy” Acrylic painting on canvas 2021 Original artwork Over dit kunstwerk: Classificatie, Technieken & Stijlen Acryl Verf met traditionele[...]
Acrylic painting on canvas
Original artwork

Verwante thema's

VaxolangVaxo LangPsyMacabreMacabre Art

Automatisch vertaald
Vaxo Lang, born on March 28, 1993, in Tbilisi, Georgia, is a self-taught artist renowned for his unique style. His journey in art began during his childhood, and this passion continued to grow throughout his[...]

Vaxo Lang, born on March 28, 1993, in Tbilisi, Georgia, is a self-taught artist renowned for his unique style. His journey in art began during his childhood, and this passion continued to grow throughout his adolescence. Later in life, he relocated to Germany, where he spent a significant portion of his years honing his craft and exploring various artistic expressions.

In recent years, Lang has delved into the realm of "psycho horror" in his creations, delving deep into the intricacies of the human psyche. His work confronts a plethora of fears, horrors, nightmares, and psychological challenges that resonate with individuals in their everyday lives. Lang's art is characterized by its extremity, often portraying the darkest facets of human existence.

Lang's artistic journey has been one of resilience and determination. He has faced numerous obstacles and battled various fears and difficulties alone, drawing from these experiences to infuse his work with raw emotion and authenticity. Despite the hardships he has encountered, Lang remains dedicated to his craft, pouring his time, energy, and health into his art.

On February 7, 2024, artist Vaxo Lang made a bold and controversial decision: he burned all of his artwork. This act was a deliberate protest against what he saw as the prevailing norms and values in the art world. Lang argued that the works of deceased artists are often more highly esteemed and valued by society than those of living artists.

Despite the ensuing controversy, Vaxo Lang remains steadfast in his principles. He continues to express his views through various mediums, refusing to be silenced by the backlash. His decision to destroy his own work serves as a powerful commentary on the commodification of art, challenging the notion that artistic value is solely determined by market forces.

"My self-identification is not tied to belonging to a specific nation, religion, or ideology. I strive for freedom from the constraints and expectations that often accompany such affiliations. My convictions are not bound by standard political lines or agendas - I prefer to maintain neutrality and freedom of thought. It's important to me to remain open to different viewpoints and respect everyone's right to their own opinion."

Bekijk meer van Vaxo Lang

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Acryl op Canvas | 11,8x11,8 in
US$ 1.360,64
Acryl op Canvas | 11,8x11,8 in
Op verzoek
Acryl op Canvas | 31,5x23,6 in
US$ 1.268,75
Acryl op Canvas | 11,8x9,8 in
US$ 1.230


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