Shine out loud series_work 5 (2020) Pintura por Vanessa Chyi


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Vendedor Vanessa Chyi

To me, Art has no boundary. It has no limit to whoever wants to create and express! Art is a channel for everyone to tell one story and experience freely! I’m a professional artist in drawing portrait, especially self-portrait! My art is very simple. I look at woman’s body as art. I believe all living beings are beautiful. And I[...]
To me, Art has no boundary. It has no limit to whoever wants to create and express! Art is a channel for everyone to tell one story and experience freely! I’m a professional artist in drawing portrait, especially self-portrait!

My art is very simple. I look at woman’s body as art. I believe all living beings are beautiful.
And I just enjoy using my own body as a medium to express this beauty through different creative arts.

If I would like my voice to reach out to the world, I need to be brave enough to show my naked body. Therefore, I painted my breasts in this series without covering them. In fact, I purposely highlighted the beauty of the breasts.

This is to shine out my thoughts and make my voice loud and clear to the world! The breakthrough and assurance I received from this series was achieving more than 1000 likes in different social media platforms.

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Nude PaintingNude Woman PaintingNude ModelNude CelebrityValuable Collection

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To me, Art has no boundary. It has no limit to whoever wants to create and express! Art is a channel for everyone to tell one story and experience freely! I’m a professional artist in drawing portrait,[...]

To me, Art has no boundary. It has no limit to whoever wants to create and express! Art is a channel for everyone to tell one story and experience freely!

I’m a professional artist in drawing portrait, especially self-portrait!

I believe Woman is a creation of God and nature. The existence of Woman has made the world colourful and wonderful. Therefore, a nude woman painting should neither be treated as morally nor ethically shameful.

I-Ching defines the world into Ying and Yang, where Yang represents Man and Ying represents Woman.  Simultaneously, Yang represents the Heaven and Ying represents the Earth. These are the two forces that complement each other in our Universe.

Through my paintings, I want to show the world, how powerful and beautiful a woman (the force of Ying) can be. Once Woman can totally accept and embrace her own identity, body and sexuality to achieve the freedom of life and ultimately reach the perfection in life. 

So, here I am, using my self-portrait as a medium to bring out the beautiful stories of being a woman.

I started to draw since I was 6. Partly because drawing is my natural born talent while the other part was due to loneliness. I was born in a small family and my age with my only sibling were years apart. However, my father was a teacher, our home were filled with all kinds of books, inclusive of beautifully illustrated story books.  

So, this has in a way nurtured my drawing interest as well as my passion for art! I managed to pursue a Diploma in Advertising and Graphic Design after completed my secondary education! Upon graduated, I was lucky enough to have my 1st art exhibition held together with 12 other locally famous artists and sold most of my paintings! This was how I started my experience and journey in art.

 When I was about to become a full-time artist then, I fell in love, got married and put my dream to halt! In fact, I had almost stop painting after that.

However, the “loving” experience of my intimate relationship with my husband did in a way further enhance my “art” experience! I am blessed to have my husband, whom is not only my SOUL and SEX partner, but also my life GURU. He has actually given me a totality of unconditional LOVE.

Such unconditional love from my husband, has not only paved my way to "self-actualization" but also transformed me from a conservative mind to an avant-garde artist.

This is the inspiration behind as to why I use my own body as a medium to present my art and to paint myself. 

"LOVE" is just as inspiring and enriching as ART does to one soul. When you are being loved unconditionally and selflessly, you are capable to live your life to the fullest.  Not just that, you are empowered with love and positive energy - YOU, become FEARLESS.I would say that LOVE + ART  has  COMPLETE + UNLEASH ME and made me WHO I AM

Ver mais de Vanessa Chyi

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Aquarela em Papel | 29,9x22,1 in
US$ 1.915,45
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US$ 6.152,54


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