Ocean's magnificence 2 (2021) Schilderij door Vafa Majidli

Acryl op Canvas, 31,5x23,6 in
US$ 3.308
Prijs: Geen verzendkosten

Beoordelingen van klanten (1)
Verzonden vanuit: Azerbeidzjan (Doos of kartonnen verpakking)
Tevreden of geld terug binnen 14 dagen.
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Gratis retour: Tevreden of geld terug binnen 14 dagen..
Retourzendingen Geaccepteerd 14 dagen Artmajeur is 100% toegewijd aan de tevredenheid van verzamelaars: u heeft 14 dagen de tijd om een origineel werk terug te sturen. Het werk moet in perfecte staat in de originele verpakking aan de kunstenaar worden teruggegeven. Alle in aanmerking komende artikelen kunnen worden geretourneerd (tenzij anders aangegeven).
Koop een print

Deze print is verkrijgbaar in verschillende maten.

US$ 83,88
US$ 103,42
US$ 157,69
Beoordelingen van klanten Uitstekend
Artiesten krijgen hun royalty's betaald voor elke verkoop

Verkoper Vafa Majidli

Eén werk
Kunstwerk ondertekend door de kunstenaar
Certificaat van echtheid inbegrepen
Klaar om op te hangen
Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten brancard
Waves are coming in...do you hear the silence in these great waves? They clean out bodies, souls, minds... sometimes it need to listen only. These gorgeous colors mixing with each other. They create this silence which we feel in our inner homes. The sound of the waves like the healing mantras we listen. It's nature's meditation. Give this[...]
Waves are coming in...do you hear the silence in these great waves? They clean out bodies, souls, minds... sometimes it need to listen only. These gorgeous colors mixing with each other. They create this silence which we feel in our inner homes. The sound of the waves like the healing mantras we listen. It's nature's meditation. Give this meditation to your homes. Give this meditation to yourself.
Nature and landscape (ocean, sea) Artwork like this is looking very aesthetic on your beautiful walls.

Azerbaijani Contemporary Visual Artist Vafa Majidli created this original abstracted marine Artwork in fluid art technique. Used blue, white, gold, ultramarine acrylic paints.
Varnished to prevent it from dust and sunlight.

Thank you!

Verwante thema's

Sea OceanWhite WavesGold BlueTurquoise UltramarineSummer Vibes

Automatisch vertaald
BIO: Vafa Majidli is a highly acclaimed conceptual artist, printmaker, and digital artist based in Baku, Azerbaijan, whose captivating artworks have garnered global recognition and is prized possessions[...]


Vafa Majidli is a highly acclaimed conceptual artist, printmaker, and digital artist based in Baku, Azerbaijan, whose captivating artworks have garnered global recognition and is prized possessions in prestigious private collections across the world. With a solid background in the hospitality industry spanning a decade, Vafa seamlessly merges her expertise with her passion for art. 

Having received the distinguished "Artist of the Future Award" from the CAC platform, she continues to collaborate with renowned international galleries and piques the interest of art connoisseurs and collectors worldwide: Canada, the USA, Germany, France, Japan, Taiwan, Russia, Turkey, China, Azerbaijan, Poland, Italy, etc. 

By delving into the complexities of the human psyche and intricacies of inner transformation, Vafa's profound and meaningful creations serve as a mirror to the human experience, reflecting deep emotions and universal truths.

With a focus on exploring the depths of the human psyche and inner world, Vafa's dedication to her art is evident in the profound meanings and beauty she conveys through her creations, reflecting her deep passion and commitment to her craft.

Spending most of her time in her studio honing her skills and sharing her passion for art with her art students, Vafa imparts her knowledge with love and devotion.


No matter what happens, you can always choose love. At least to yourself. First of all, to yourself. Especially when you feel unloved, and unworthy, when it seems that there is nothing to love yourself for. You can always choose love. This is the only thing you can and always want to choose. Love transforms everything. It is worth knowing that nothing in this world is serious, but you should not forget that everything in this world must be done out of love, sincerely from a pure heart.

Thank you!

Bekijk meer van Vafa Majidli

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Digitale Kunst | 31,5x31,5 in
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