Energy Lines (2018) Escultura por Przemek Kret


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Vendedor Przemek Kret

  • Obras de arte originais Escultura, Madeira
  • Dimensões Altura 11,4in, Largura 2,6in / 1.00 kg
  • Apto para exterior? Não, Esta obra de arte não pode ser exibida ao ar livre
  • Categorias Figurativo
2018 Hand carved sculpture in a single piece of olive wood Polished and finished with pure lineseed and tang oils The signature is incised in wood on the bottom of the piece plus certificate of authenticity Sobre esta obra: Classificação, Técnicas[...]
Hand carved sculpture in a single piece of olive wood
Polished and finished with pure lineseed and tang oils
The signature is incised in wood on the bottom of the piece plus certificate of authenticity

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MaleManTorsoEnergy WorkUnburden

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Born 1982 in Poland, nomadic however for some 2 decades now (current studio location deep in the nature of Transylvanian Carpathian mountains); astray and headed for transcendence. Painter, sculptor,[...]

Born 1982 in Poland, nomadic however for some 2 decades now (current studio location deep in the nature of Transylvanian Carpathian mountains); astray and headed for transcendence.

Painter, sculptor, printmaker; working with contemporary means to express the timeless and explore universal psychological and spiritual content we all share as living beings. .

'At the core of creativity, images have the capacity to become openings and bridge our perception with unlimited, boundless world. This is what makes art such an amazing discovery and deeply transformative act - to viewer and artist alike.'

Ver mais de Przemek Kret

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