Blossoms in the Rain (2023) Fotografia por Troy Wilson-Ripsom

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US$ 28,82
US$ 48,31
US$ 102,45
Comentários do cliente Excelente
Os artistas recebem seus royalties por cada venda

Vendedor Troy Wilson-Ripsom

Licenciamento digital

Esta imagem está disponível para download com uma licença

US$ 32,00
US$ 130,00
US$ 271,00
Resolução máxima: 4608 x 3456 px
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Os artistas recebem seus royalties por cada venda

Vendedor Troy Wilson-Ripsom

  • Este trabalho é uma "edição aberta" Fotografia, Giclée / Impressão digital
  • Dimensões Vários tamanhos disponíveis
  • Vários suportes disponíveis (Papel de belas artes, Impressão no metal, Impressão em telas)
  • Moldura Quadro disponível (Quadro flutuante + sob o vidro, Quadro + Sob Vidro Acrílico)
  • Condição da obra de arte A arte está em perfeito estado
  • Categorias Hiperrealismo Natureza
Blossoms in the Rain was captured in Alameda California and is of raindrops hanging from the branches and blossoms of a Buddha Hand lemon tree. Sobre esta obra: Classificação, Técnicas & Estilos [...]
Blossoms in the Rain was captured in Alameda California and is of raindrops hanging from the branches and blossoms of a Buddha Hand lemon tree.

Temas relacionados

Buddha Hand LemonBlossomsRain

Traduzido automaticamente
Born in semi-rural Nevada in 1969, I moved to CA in 1980. I've been abused, homeless, addicted, infirmed, struck by an automobile, and I am still here. My challenges have been the roots of my blessings[...]

Born in semi-rural Nevada in 1969, I moved to CA in 1980. I've been abused, homeless, addicted, infirmed, struck by an automobile, and I am still here. My challenges have been the roots of my blessings and I am grateful for my life experiences and the people in my life. My art is my expression of the core of my being at a moment in time. My art is as varied as my moods because it is genuinely me in the moment it is created. When you add in the issues of depression and loss of the last few years, there have been a wealth of lows upon which I have drawn. Conversely, there have been joys as well and those find expression as well in my art.

As I feel it is the duty of artists to bring good into the world a percentage of all print sales will be donated to charity. Causes supported: Ukraine Relief, LGBTQIA+ Support and Allyship, Suicide Prevention, Mental Health Awareness and Support, Homelessness Prevention and Support

Ver mais de Troy Wilson-Ripsom

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Acrílico em Tela | 20x16 in
US$ 476
Acrílico em Tela | 20x40 in
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Acrílico em Tela | 20x16 in
US$ 476
Acrílico em Tela | 20x16 in
US$ 476


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