A Day on the Beach (2024) 绘画 由 Timothy Colomer

丙烯在帆布上, 10x8 in
价格: 免费送货

客户评价 (7)
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客户评价 优秀

卖家 Timothy Colomer



最大分辨率: 2011 x 2463 px

卖家 Timothy Colomer

  • 原创艺术品 (One Of A Kind) 绘画, 丙烯 在帆布上
  • 外形尺寸 11.8x10.8 in
    单独工作的尺寸,不带框架: 高度 10in, 宽度 8in
  • 艺术品状况 艺术品完好无损
  • 是否含画框 这件作品是诬陷
  • 分类 画作 低于US$500 超现实主义 奇妙
In the sultry haze of a surreal dreamscape, she sits upon the shoreline, a goddess carved from the very essence of desire. Her curves, an ode to the symphony of femininity, cascade with a rhythmic allure, each contour a whispered invitation to explore the depths of passion. With eyes like molten gold, she bewitches the soul, drawing you into her world[...]
In the sultry haze of a surreal dreamscape, she sits upon the shoreline, a goddess carved from the very essence of desire. Her curves, an ode to the symphony of femininity, cascade with a rhythmic allure, each contour a whispered invitation to explore the depths of passion. With eyes like molten gold, she bewitches the soul, drawing you into her world where reality and fantasy entwine in a dance of seduction. The sun kisses her skin, painting her in hues of warmth and longing, while the waves caress the sandy shores in envy of her grace. In this ethereal realm, time itself surrenders to her beauty, leaving only the echo of a heartbeat lost in the intoxicating embrace of the surreal.


Voluptious Woman ArtSurrealism MasterpieceSeductive Female FigureErotic Surreal ArtworkFeminine Allure Painting

At Little Dog Art Studios, we believe that art is more than just decoration; it's a powerful medium that evokes emotions, tells stories, and transforms spaces. Here’s why you should consider investing[...]

At Little Dog Art Studios, we believe that art is more than just decoration; it's a powerful medium that evokes emotions, tells stories, and transforms spaces. Here’s why you should consider investing in art and why our pieces stand out:

Why Buy Art?

Emotional Connection: Art has the unique ability to connect with people on a personal level. It can evoke memories, inspire feelings, and even provide a sense of comfort and joy.

Enhances Spaces: Art adds character and depth to any environment, whether it's your home, office, or a public space. It serves as a focal point that can bring together different elements of your decor.

Cultural Enrichment: Owning art allows you to appreciate diverse cultures, ideas, and perspectives, enriching your life and broadening your worldview.

Investment Value: Art can appreciate in value over time. By supporting artists and their work, you are investing in something that can provide both aesthetic and financial returns.

Personal Expression: Your choice of art reflects your personality, tastes, and values. It’s a way to express yourself and create an environment that feels uniquely yours.

Why Buy Art from Little Dog Art Studios?

Unique Perspective: As a USMC veteran and former bomb squad technician, I bring a unique and powerful perspective to my art. My experiences have shaped my work, giving it depth and a narrative that is both compelling and authentic.

Focus on PTSD and TBI: My art aims to educate and bring awareness to PTSD and TBI, using my platform to shed light on these important issues. By purchasing my art, you are supporting a cause that helps veterans and others who face similar challenges.

Professional Recognition: My work has been exhibited internationally and recognized by various art communities, ensuring you are investing in pieces that are both highly regarded and impactful.

Customization and Personal Connection: I offer customized commissions, including painting customers' favorite pets. This personal touch ensures that each piece resonates deeply with its owner, making it a cherished part of your collection.

Veteran Community Support: As a member of the "Artists in Arms" group, your purchase supports not just an individual artist but a community of veterans who use art as a means of expression and healing.

Commitment to Quality: Every piece created at Little Dog Art Studios is crafted with meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to excellence, ensuring that you receive a work of art that is both visually stunning and meaningful.

By choosing Little Dog Art Studios, you are not only enhancing your space with unique and thought-provoking art but also supporting a mission to bring awareness to critical issues and contribute to the well-being of the veteran community. Thank you for considering us as a part of your art collection journey.

艺术家在 Artmajeur 杂志的一篇文章中被强调:

查看更多的Timothy Colomer

油在帆布上 | 36x24 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 10x8 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 36x24 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 40x30 in

