Con mis dos manos (2014) 图画 由 Thommy

木炭在纸板上, 20x13 in

卖家 Thommy
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  • 原创艺术品 (One Of A Kind) 图画, 木炭 / 石墨 在纸板上
  • 外形尺寸 高度 20in, 宽度 13in
  • 是否含画框 此作品未装裱
  • 分类 画图 低于US$5,000
Title: With my two hands Author: Tomas Amaya Materials: Carbon pencil on cardboard Year 2014 关于这件艺术品: 分类, 技术技巧 & 款式 木炭 用柳树枝或烧焦的欧洲木炭作的绘图。它能够获得非常深的黑色,精确的痕迹,细的或相反的非常宽的黑色,这取决于其使用方式。
Title: With my two hands
Author: Tomas Amaya
Materials: Carbon pencil on cardboard
Year 2014
Tomás Amaya (Thommy) Honduran by birth of the municipality Teupasenti el Paraíso C.A. I am a self-taught painter and Ambidextro who began to draw at the young age of 8 years with a single[...]

Tomás Amaya (Thommy)
Honduran by birth of the municipality Teupasenti el Paraíso C.A.

I am a self-taught painter and Ambidextro who began to draw at the young age of 8 years with a single charcoal pencil HB in my youth I managed to make more than 200 pencil drawings in charcoal, colors, and markers of which by the disaster of Hurricane Mich I lost Most of them are only three of whom are still in my custody. At the age of 15, I asked my father to enter the School of Fine Arts, which he flatly refused, receiving from him the hurtful words "You will die of hunger". selling paintings in the central park of Tegucigalpa¨ and then enrolling in the Central Institute Vicente Cáceres, in the career of Commercial Expert and Public Accountant, where with my commercial experience I was able to obtain several titles, recognitions and positions of leadership in the public sphere and private. My love of art and the desire to fulfill my dreams never died, in the morning I worked and at night and in the early hours of the morning I drew, I decided to make my first exhibition after losing my job and after the separation of my wife and my son, which has been my greatest inspiration to which I have portrayed several times, I started with the charcoal pencil technique and with several shades, I continued with the technique of charcoal bars, sometimes the technique of ink, then the technique of pastel chalk dry, continue with the tempera technique, then the acrylic technique and finally the oil technique, achieving today to create again 156 works between drawings and paintings which are also under my custody.
Exhibitions and Invitations
I participated in the Encuentro de dos mundos exhibition in 2012 at the Poetiza Clementina Suarez Gallery, Meeting between artist friends, in 2013, La Varona painting exhibition in the Sistine Gallery of Valle de Ángeles 2013, Exhibition La Casona in Ojojona year 2014, I have been invited to exhibitions in Brussels, Belgium, Rome, Italy, New York, United States.
Thinking about art
Art is the life of each artist, the pure and clean feeling of each person who has talent, art is life, is to express our thoughts, painting and drawing come out of our mind as a feeling and is concretized by means of our hands as a beautiful creation, divine passion of each being, of each artist that inside them there is a seed that the divine creator sowed, a talent that opens up paths and spreads light and hope to all who enjoy the true feeling called: Art. Art is something that can not be expressed in so few words, because it encompasses an infinite space both in the one who creates it and the one who enjoys it.


粉彩在纸板上 | 14.3x20 in
石墨在纸上 | 10.9x8.5 in
彩画在纸板上 | 12.2x14.2 in
油在帆布上 | 20.5x15.8 in

