Depleted Uranium Schilderij door Jan Theuninck

Verkoper Jan Theuninck

Certificaat van echtheid inbegrepen
  • Origineel Kunstwerk Schilderij,
  • Dimensies Hoogte 0,8in, Breedte 27,6in
depleted uranium Over dit kunstwerk: Classificatie, Technieken & Stijlen Technisch Schilderij Schilderen is een kunstvorm[...]
depleted uranium

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Jan Theuninck is a Belgian painter, born 7 June 1954 in Zonnebeke, West Flanders Jan Theuninck has been painting the evolution of Western totalitarianism for 20 years - he saw the evolution within the[...]

Jan Theuninck is a Belgian painter, born 7 June 1954 in Zonnebeke, West Flanders
Jan Theuninck has been painting the evolution of Western totalitarianism for 20 years - he saw the evolution within the political spectrum where the socialist parties were lost (Fagospatose, 2001) in the Third Way (The third way is no way, 2004) movement of Clinton , Blair and Schröder with which they gave a face to communitarianism of the New World Order. He has often compared the latter to a new kind of National Socialism. His attention has always been fixed thanks to the more than 50 years of misery with blackmail games of the services and torture practices with chemical and energy weapons (Beyond the limit, 2001, Rinascimento, 2009, The culture of learned helplessness, 2011, Neostasi, 2012, Derailed system , 2012, The banality of Evil, 2013, Zersetzung, 2014, Virus Attack, 2014, ils nous tiennent, 2015, Submission, 2015, Threat, 2016, Utopia, 2016, Conformity, 2017, Brainwashing, 2018, Warnung, 2019, Dein Kampf, 2019, Censorship, 2020, Post-truth society, 2020 and in 2021:  Political Pandemic, New World Order, The Great Reset, Angel Vaccine, Aryan Corona Passport, Cytokine Storm, Back from never been away, Sustainable Dictatorship. In 2024 he added "it's done", Walking on the moon.. and Nanothermite Dust

Jan Theuninck is an adept of anti-communitarianism, tracing the terminology to find an entire system which had infiltrated our governments and was rewriting state policies and objectives. Civil and individual rights and freedoms are abolished and the life becomes micromanaged.

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Olie | 0,4x27,6 in
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Schilderij | 27,6x39,4 in
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Sculptuur | 9,3x9,3 in
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