Bright poppies (3) (2024) Schilderij door Tatiana Karchevskaya

Acryl op Canvas, 15,8x11,8 in
US$ 320,91
Prijs: Geen verzendkosten

Beoordelingen van klanten (1)
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Retourzendingen Geaccepteerd 14 dagen Artmajeur is 100% toegewijd aan de tevredenheid van verzamelaars: u heeft 14 dagen de tijd om een origineel werk terug te sturen. Het werk moet in perfecte staat in de originele verpakking aan de kunstenaar worden teruggegeven. Alle in aanmerking komende artikelen kunnen worden geretourneerd (tenzij anders aangegeven).
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Deze print is verkrijgbaar in verschillende maten.

US$ 29,21
US$ 48,68
US$ 102,77
Beoordelingen van klanten Uitstekend
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Verkoper Tatiana Karchevskaya

Eén werk
Kunstwerk ondertekend door de kunstenaar
Certificaat van echtheid inbegrepen
It is a thin sheet of canvas, not stretched over a stretcher. I advise you to put the picture in a photo frame, under the passe-partout. I will send this work in a roll, in the cardboard tube. This work is made in mixed technique, with acryl paint and marker on canvas, comes with a certificate of authenticity. After the sale of the painting,[...]
It is a thin sheet of canvas, not stretched over a stretcher. I advise you to put the picture in a photo frame, under the passe-partout. I will send this work in a roll, in the cardboard tube.
This work is made in mixed technique, with acryl paint and marker on canvas, comes with a certificate of authenticity.
After the sale of the painting, I reserve the right to print this image in other types of products.
poppy, poppies, red flowers, illustration, summer, flowers, spring, springtime, red, mood, expression, beauty,

Verwante thema's


Our world is beautiful, at least I see it that way. Beauty is everywhere, but still is not enough, more is needed. I feel that my mission is to bring beauty to this world, to multiply it. When I write my works,[...]

Our world is beautiful, at least I see it that way. Beauty is everywhere, but still is not enough, more is needed. I feel that my mission is to bring beauty to this world, to multiply it. When I write my works, I get great pleasure and satisfaction from the process. I create new worlds that are colorful, bright, and happy. I see sources of inspiration everywhere. Flowers and trees, animals, music, paintings of famous masters from the past, all this give me strength, mood, and energy to paint.

I am very impressed by the theme of ruinisation, I see a lot of beauty here and I want to show it to others. When I draw, for example, a rusty kettle, it is not just a frozen moment of life, the viewer can see a long period of time, from the creation of this kettle, the time when it served people, gathered family and guests for cozy tea parties in the evenings, then old age and death ... This is very similar to human life. And I want to show that aging also has its own beauty, its own charm.

In my work, I try to combine the classic and naive styles, with oil and acrylic paint on canvas and paper. Simplification of the plastic language of painting allows me to focus on the color scheme of the painting because I am a colorist and by education, I am an interior designer. Therefore, when I do my work, I immediately think about how it will look in the interior. And now I am working on a series of works, which I called "painting for a loft", I think the theme of ruinisation matches perfectly for this style. In this topic, I see a huge variety of perspectives and possibilities for my creativity.

Bekijk meer van Tatiana Karchevskaya

Bekijk alle kunstwerken
Olie op Canvas | 11,8x15,8 in
US$ 320,91
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US$ 587,15
Olie op Canvas | 15,8x11,8 in
US$ 371,52
Acryl op Canvas | 19,7x31,5 in
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