Alexander Tarasenkov Profile Picture

Alexander Tarasenkov

Москва, Russia
Artist (Photography, Digital Arts)
Born 1971

Alexander Tarasenkov is a digital artist and photographer from Russia, whose exceptional talent has been recognized by the prestigious international competition "ART. EXCELLENCE. AWARDS". Honorary member of the International Academy of Contemporary Arts, he is affiliated with the Photo Art department.

The International Academy of Contemporary Arts is a professional organization bringing together representatives from Russia and more than 60 other foreign countries. She works in various fields such as literature, music, visual arts, as well as curatorship, aiming to promote the development of national and international artistic projects.

Tarasenkov has distinguished himself by his bold and innovative exploration of photography, capturing images that transcend cultural boundaries and spark the imagination. His artistic work reflects a deep commitment to visual expression and creativity, exploring varied themes in ways that provoke thought and admiration throughout the contemporary art world.

Discover contemporary artworks by Alexander Tarasenkov, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: russian contemporary artists. Artistic domains: Photography, Digital Arts. Account type: Artist , member since 2021 (Country of origin Russia). Buy Alexander Tarasenkov's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Alexander Tarasenkov. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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Established artist
Award Winning
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7 artworks by Alexander Tarasenkov (Selection)

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MetroLife • 7 artworks

A series of genre photographs taken in the Moscow metro.
Photography titled "MetroLife 1" by Alexander Tarasenkov, Original Artwork, Non Manipulated Photography
MetroLife 1 - Photography ©2019 by Alexander Tarasenkov - Street Art, street-art-624, Everyday Life, metro, subway, transport, people, portrait, street photography, street portrait, underground carriage, underground, woman, elderly, glasses, psychological, monochrome, black and white, pictorialism, pictorial, mood, metrolife, metrolife 1
"MetroLife 1"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $63.12
Photography titled "MetroLife 5" by Alexander Tarasenkov, Original Artwork, Non Manipulated Photography
MetroLife 5 - Photography ©2019 by Alexander Tarasenkov - Street Art, street-art-624, Everyday Life, metro, subway, streetphotography, street photography, people, underground, genre, mood, pictorial, monochrome, black and white, transport, grain, escalator, metrolife, metrolife 5
"MetroLife 5"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $63.12
Photography titled "MetroLife 2" by Alexander Tarasenkov, Original Artwork, Non Manipulated Photography
MetroLife 2 - Photography ©2020 by Alexander Tarasenkov - Street Art, street-art-624, Everyday Life, metro, subway, transport, people, street photography, underground carriage, underground, man, men, male, monochrome, black and white, mood, pictorial, atmospheric, genre, everyday life, metrolife, metrolife 2
"MetroLife 2"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $63.12
Photography titled "MetroLife 4" by Alexander Tarasenkov, Original Artwork, Non Manipulated Photography
MetroLife 4 - Photography ©2016 by Alexander Tarasenkov - Street Art, street-art-624, Everyday Life, streetphotography, monochrome, metro, subway, underground, people, men, mood, pictorial, portrait, genre, black and white, metrolife, metrolife 4
"MetroLife 4"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $63.12
Photography titled "MetroLife 7" by Alexander Tarasenkov, Original Artwork, Non Manipulated Photography
MetroLife 7 - Photography ©2021 by Alexander Tarasenkov - Street Art, street-art-624, Everyday Life, people, subway, metro, boy, child, genre, streetphotography, street photography, metrolife, metrolife 7, monochrome, black and white
"MetroLife 7"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $63.12
Photography titled "MetroLife 3" by Alexander Tarasenkov, Original Artwork, Non Manipulated Photography
MetroLife 3 - Photography ©2019 by Alexander Tarasenkov - Street Art, street-art-624, Everyday Life, girl, metro, subway, streetphotography, people, underground, genre, atmospheric, mood, pictorial, monochrome, black and white, transport, escalator, metrolife, metrolife 3
"MetroLife 3"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $63.12
Photography titled "MetroLife 6" by Alexander Tarasenkov, Original Artwork, Non Manipulated Photography
MetroLife 6 - Photography ©2020 by Alexander Tarasenkov - Street Art, street-art-624, Everyday Life, metro, subway, transport, people, underground, streetphotography, street photography, underground carriage, girl, female, monochrome, covid, pandemic, mood, genre, everyday life, pictorial, atmospheric, metrolife, metrolife 6
"MetroLife 6"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $63.12
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