EMBRACE OF CONTRAST 06 (2023) Pintura por Tanya Williams

Acrílico en Papel, 16,5x11,7 in
1.195,12 US$
Precio: Envío gratis

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Se aceptan devoluciones 14 días Artmajeur está 100% comprometido con la satisfacción de los coleccionistas: tiene 14 días para devolver un trabajo original. El trabajo debe ser devuelto al artista en perfecto estado, en su embalaje original. Todos los artículos elegibles pueden ser devueltos (a menos que se indique lo contrario).
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Obra de arte firmada por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
Witness the creation of a collection that breaks down barriers, welcomes contrasts, and searches for beauty in every detail of life. Being prints of my physical body. Each piece is unique. In the print, a light scar on the breast serves as a symbol of resiliency. The streaks within the art print serve as a reminder of the potent chemotherapy drugs[...]
Witness the creation of a collection that breaks down barriers, welcomes contrasts, and searches for beauty in every detail of life. Being prints of my physical body. Each piece is unique. In the print, a light scar on the breast serves as a symbol of resiliency. The streaks within the art print serve as a reminder of the potent chemotherapy drugs that once coursed through my veins. Other characteristics serve as symbols of the various experiences of dealing with physical illness. The colour variation in the collection serves as a symbol of emotions.

The series will display varying hues, each telling a different story. The varying colours mirror the evolution of the self and serve as a reminder that change is often necessary for survival. In the unsightly or unpleasant, there is always an incandescence of the opposite. Sometimes we need a little help to find it.

Create your own gallery of contrasts by choosing one of the sizes these paintings will come in. This is a testimonial to the beauty of embracing the many facets of art and life.

This piece was selected for the tiny but specific details purposely included in the process.

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Body ArtEmotionalHuman FormArt For CollectorsUnique

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My journey beginning as a self-taught artist has been one of discovery, inspiration, and transformation. I was born and raised in South Africa, a diverse country that stimulates inspiration. Influences stem[...]

My journey beginning as a self-taught artist has been one of discovery, inspiration, and transformation. I was born and raised in South Africa, a diverse country that stimulates inspiration. Influences stem from a young age, always drawn to the beauty of nature and colours. My Dutch grandmother was the only artist in my family. Being self-taught, I admired her artistic ability and creativity, and I especially loved the single mural in her house.

Even though my heart cherishes art and creativity, my career aspirations have always been directed toward science and medicine, Thus, I have no art awards or exhibitions to date. The option of art as a high school subject (without the history lessons), came too late but I preferred not having the pressure of short deadlines. Perfectionism was always quite cumbersome. And of course, there was no internet resource for enhancement in those early days. Sharing my drawings and paintings, or even the process of creating them, always felt painfully personal. In 2014 I joined a lively, casual art class which helped to improve my confidence and skills. The like-minded companionship of others was enriching and I will always treasure those connections.

Most notable in my art is a gentle softness. Over time, I still explore, and using oil paint is still a future objective. With stillness, I am able to practice art at my best. In art, I can discover a valuable quiet for my anxious mind. Here, I want to serve as a catalyst for modifying perspectives and disseminating constructive change. My artistic endeavors frequently take me back to nature, or to techniques that direct to inner tranquillity.

My family and I recently started a new chapter by moving to Portugal, which gives rise to new possibilities and inspirations. Adaptation, new struggles, and a new baby currently consume much of our time. But our new haven is where my art journey is taking new strides.

Currently, an important series was inspired by my own experience with cancer. At 34 years old, with a 3 year old child, I suddenly had breast cancer with an infamous reputation. This project involves a more visceral process. Physical touch. Feeling the paint on my skin and producing unique prints of a scar. This work acknowledges contradictions and looks for beauty within the hardships. It would be thrilling for this project to become celebrated and notable, however big or small.

Ver más de Tanya Williams

Ver todas las obras
Acrílico en Papel | 11,7x7,9 in
652,58 US$
Acrílico en Papel | 11,7x7,9 in
652,58 US$
Acrílico en Papel | 11,7x7,9 in
652,58 US$
Acrílico en Papel | 11,7x7,9 in
652,58 US$


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