Oceanic evening. right parts of the diptych (2023) Tekening door Tanya Dolya

Pastel op Papier, 11,7x8,3 in
US$ 329,93
Prijs: Geen verzendkosten

Verkoper Tanya Dolya
Beoordelingen van klanten (57)
Verzonden vanuit: Oekraïne (Doos of kartonnen verpakking) Wordt verzonden binnen 1 maand - Extra vertragingen kunnen van toepassing zijn vanwege de huidige situatie in het land
Tevreden of geld terug binnen 14 dagen.
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Gratis retour
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Gratis retour: Tevreden of geld terug binnen 14 dagen..
Retourzendingen Geaccepteerd 14 dagen Artmajeur is 100% toegewijd aan de tevredenheid van verzamelaars: u heeft 14 dagen de tijd om een origineel werk terug te sturen. Het werk moet in perfecte staat in de originele verpakking aan de kunstenaar worden teruggegeven. Alle in aanmerking komende artikelen kunnen worden geretourneerd (tenzij anders aangegeven).
Digitale licentie

Deze afbeelding is beschikbaar als download met licentie

US$ 32,67
US$ 130,69
US$ 272,28
Max resolutie: 1600 x 2271 px
Direct na aankoop downloaden
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Verkoper Tanya Dolya

Eén werk
Kunstwerk ondertekend door de kunstenaar
Certificaat van echtheid inbegrepen
Dit kunstwerk verschijnt in 7 verzamelingen
This is a unique painting, it is currently the only copy. The oceanic evening soothes and takes thoughts to the pleasant nature of the coast, to warm and joyful spaces, to the place where soft sunsets and 24-hour paradise. While drawing, I marked the abstract contours of the painting, and then I was surprised that the contours turned out to be the[...]
This is a unique painting, it is currently the only copy. The oceanic evening soothes and takes thoughts to the pleasant nature of the coast, to warm and joyful spaces, to the place where soft sunsets and 24-hour paradise. While drawing, I marked the abstract contours of the painting, and then I was surprised that the contours turned out to be the silhouette of a full-face African face. After that, I already drew a couple of this picture - it's a diptych. Well, now I have even more ideas about this image format.

Please note that this image is only one copy. There is also a corresponding part, which has the same plot, but different images of people. These two parts, this work and the next one are sold SEPARATELY! You can also combine these two works to become the owner of a diptych (see next ad under this item).

This is a unique painting, currently the only original. Well, now I have even more ideas for this image format.

The colors of the image on your gadget cannot accurately convey the true colors of the picture, these are not retouched photos.

Images in home settings may not be to scale and are for illustration purposes only.

Verwante thema's

Africans Picture A Single CopyCoast Oceanic EveningSiesta Calms The MindProfile African Couple FirePleasant Nature Of The Coast

Automatisch vertaald
I was born in the heart of Ukraine - the city of Cherkasy, where I received my education at an art school, never missing a single needlework lesson. Since childhood, she drew clothes, accessories, and paintings,[...]

I was born in the heart of Ukraine - the city of Cherkasy, where I received my education at an art school, never missing a single needlework lesson. Since childhood, she drew clothes, accessories, and paintings, studied the technologies of their creation. After that, I already studied and continue to study and work in Kyiv. The master's degree in design allowed me to develop in various fields of creativity: clothing and textile design, painting and drawing with various materials, icon painting, ceramics. My pure and deep Ukrainian ancestral roots feed me with a sense of beauty and spirituality characteristic of my people, my works are inspired by love for my native land - Ukraine. Favorite themes of creativity: glorification of nature, animals, poetry of flowers, angels and good fairy fantasy.

Now I am going through a new stage of creativity, which is formed from my own feelings and experiences. Therefore, in my art I explore the theme of the human body as a pure and natural object, flowers as forms of thoughts, as well as the theme of depicting flowers and nature that are similar in beauty and diversity to people themselves and their souls.

Bekijk meer van Tanya Dolya

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