posing Fotografie door Tom Schrijver

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US$ 32,56
US$ 130,25
US$ 271,35
Max resolutie: 1050 x 690 px
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Verkoper Tom Schrijver

Certificaat van echtheid inbegrepen
  • Origineel Kunstwerk Fotografie,
  • Dimensies Afmetingen zijn op aanvraag leverbaar
Over dit kunstwerk: Classificatie, Technieken & Stijlen Technisch Fotografie Fotografie verwijst naar de combinatie[...]
My name is Tom, 33 years old and born in the Netherlands.  After my high school I found out I like to be creative and continued it as a hobby. Once a week paint/draw in a studio, with different people[...]

My name is Tom, 33 years old and born in the Netherlands. 

After my high school I found out I like to be creative and continued it as a hobby. Once a week paint/draw in a studio, with different people who have the same interest. Two importants things I process in my artworks are composition and colour-combinations. Besides drawing and painting I started to photograph 6 years ago. Most of the photo's I make have something to do with nature. I like to photograph animals, clouds, seasights for example. Another part of my photo's I edit with different colours, shadows and outlines. I like to be innovative. A nice thing of editing photo's is that you can make something special out of a simple, random picture. My artworks are subdivided into different galleries. 

I hope you all enjoy my page!

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