How to Reign (2018) Arte digital por Susan Maxwell Schmidt

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137,37 US$
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Vendedor Susan Maxwell Schmidt

  • Este trabajo es una "edición abierta" Arte digital, Impresión Giclée / Impresión digital
  • Dimensiones Varios tamaños disponibles
  • Varios apoyos disponibles (Papel de bellas artes, Impresión sobre metal, Impresión sobre lienzo)
  • Enmarcado Enmarcado disponible (Marco flotante + bajo vidrio, Marco + bajo vidrio acrílico)
  • Estado de la obra de arte La obra de arte está en perfectas condiciones
  • Categorías Impresionismo Gato
A male lion keeps a protective eye on the plains as he surveys his territory, reclining in the hot African sun. I used warm hues of tan, sage green, beige, forest green, brown and just a touch of coral for my digital watercolor wildlife painting. Acerca de esta[...]
A male lion keeps a protective eye on the plains as he surveys his territory, reclining in the hot African sun. I used warm hues of tan, sage green, beige, forest green, brown and just a touch of coral for my digital watercolor wildlife painting.

Temas relacionados

How To ReignAfrican LionReclining LionMale LionBig Cat

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My mind lives in a rather strange world of its own, in a state which I tend to refer to as "delightfully twisted." Through my art, which I am vehemently determined to continue to create with as little[...]

My mind lives in a rather strange world of its own, in a state which I tend to refer to as "delightfully twisted." Through my art, which I am vehemently determined to continue to create with as little outside influence as possible, I work tirelessly to interpret the concepts my mind creates in a moment-by-moment barrage of ideas that always seem to come faster than I can realize them in a tangible form. Though my artwork over the past 40 years has evolved from my early days of shooting on film to manifesting itself in many different forms of more contemporary media, from the delicate transparency of digital watercolor, to the no-holds-barred starkness of noir digital photography, to even the fanciful abstract-turned-conceptual properties of my mathematics-based fractal art, the undercurrent that binds them all is my life-long love of surrealism. I prefer the surrealist worlds my mind creates to the one in which we all inhabit, and though I create all my art to please only myself as a rule, absolutely nothing thrills me more than when it speaks to someone else as it does me.

My art has appeared in SLAM Magazine, Garden Tripod and Best of Creatocracy, and graced the cover of British group River City Portrait's digital music single "Paralysed." I was honored as the best artist to represent Pennsylvania in 50 States of Art 2015.

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