Audience (2019) 绘画 由 Scott Spencer


查看更多的Scott Spencer



卖家 Scott Spencer

The painting will be shipped rolled in a tube. This is my Guernica, my Vegetarian Manifesto. It took me far too long to become an herbivore. I've eaten oodles of animals in my lifetime and am going to cut them some slack the rest of the way. In the back of my mind it never felt right. These poor, defenseless creatures don't stand a chance[...]
The painting will be shipped rolled in a tube. This is my Guernica, my Vegetarian Manifesto. It took me far too long to become an herbivore. I've eaten oodles of animals in my lifetime and am going to cut them some slack the rest of the way. In the back of my mind it never felt right. These poor, defenseless creatures don't stand a chance against us clever, cunning humans. I couldn't kill my own food and letting someone else do it for me doesn't feel right either. We are grocery store mafia, putting a hit on the next animal when we pull meat off the shelves. I'm going through my mid-life crisis and finally coming to the realization that humans are the most disruptive, controlling thing upon this wonderful Earth. We breed creatures for our consumption. The animals we don't eat we displace, domesticate and manipulate to our liking. We make sure humans keep procreating and we make sure other creatures don't make too many of themselves. What other living thing wants us around? We might have a symbiotic relationship with flowers and plants (they sometimes rely on us for water) but other than that, I can't think of anything that Homo sapiens doesn't just flat out exploit. Maybe if we were kinder to animals, we'd be nicer to each other.



1970 年负担。住在洛杉矶, 斯科特・安德鲁・Spencer 绘日报在他爱倾听音乐和探讨抽象的阳台在他的演播室之外。他采取启发从他的直接周围, 真正或想象, 和油漆入夜的凌晨。"是能量来。" 1999 年斯科特是主要自已被教和从癌症开始绘全时在刷子以后。他由显耀的gallerist 和艺术经销商Biljana Grcic-Beran 代表通过Galeria 1月在La Jolla, 加利福尼亚,[...]

1970 年负担。住在洛杉矶, 斯科特・安德鲁・Spencer 绘日报在他爱倾听音乐和探讨抽象的阳台在他的演播室之外。他采取启发从他的直接周围, 真正或想象, 和油漆入夜的凌晨。"是能量来。" 1999 年斯科特是主要自已被教和从癌症开始绘全时在刷子以后。他由显耀的gallerist 和艺术经销商Biljana Grcic-Beran 代表通过Galeria 1月在La Jolla, 加利福尼亚, 2004 年和被录取了入艺术家的帕萨迪纳社会。。

查看更多的Scott Spencer

油在帆布上 | 20x24 in
油在帆布上 | 14x18 in
油在帆布上 | 24x30 in
油在帆布上 | 16x20 in

