Van Gohg's Hat (2004) Painting by Sara Marcus

Acrylic on Linen Canvas, 19.7x19.7 in
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Seller Sara Marcus

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Inspirada em ícones que nos remetem aos mediáticos quadros de Van Gohg, esta pintura em acrílico sobre relevos de gesso, em tela de algodão, associa os típicos e frequentes tons de amarelo e azul a pequenos reflexos de luz dourados pontualmente escondidos que presenteiam os apreciadores mais atentos. Faz também uma alusão à silhueta urbana que[...]
Inspirada em ícones que nos remetem aos mediáticos quadros de Van Gohg, esta pintura em acrílico sobre relevos de gesso, em tela de algodão, associa os típicos e frequentes tons de amarelo e azul a pequenos reflexos de luz dourados pontualmente escondidos que presenteiam os apreciadores mais atentos.
Faz também uma alusão à silhueta urbana que nos remete ao "Monte da Virgem", considerada a vista panorâmica mais alta da cidade do Porto, onde a obra foi executada.(Portugal)

Related themes

HatVan GohgRoyal BlueSaramarcus

Automatically translated
I was a Professor/sculptor Daniel Silva´s student , at the  Fine Arts Univerity FBAUP - Porto. 1st award-winning painting at age 12: A watercolor with the theme: "The 100th anniversary of[...]

I was a Professor/sculptor Daniel Silva´s student , at the  Fine Arts Univerity FBAUP - Porto.

1st award-winning painting at age 12:
A watercolor with the theme: "The 100th anniversary of the concert",

Award in connection with the historical celebrations of the city of Vila Real.
Competition promoted by Vila Real City Council.
The painting has been in the care of “COLEGIO MODERNO DE S. JOSÉ” - VILA REAL - Portugal since 1982.

I studied painting with "Jacinta González", as well as paper cutting techniques in José Martinez's classes, and "Ale Rambar".

I created one of the most innovative Portuguese training entities (certified by DGERT in 2017), in the area of artistic makeup and SFX: truecolours Makeup School (2009-2020)

-I founded the Portugal Bodypainting Festival (2010 - 2019)

- I launched, in 2014, the 1st Face Design sketchbook, in Portugal (Work registered with the Portuguese society of authors, and registered with IGAC - register of literary, artistic and scientific works - ISBN 978-989-20-4661-7.

- I was part of the Training Ground team at FEST- Festival Internacional de Cinema Jovem.

- I collaborated, as a freelancer, with TV Studios, and worked on SFX in Cinema, with some records on IMDB.

For almost two decades, I have been part of the list of approved trainers on "Netforce" (Trainer Certification Information System Portal), and I have shared my knowledge through online and in-person training.

See more from Sara Marcus

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