Abstracted Face (2021) Schilderij door Sandi Goodwin

Acryl op Papier, 23,2x16,3 in
US$ 295,72
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Abstract paintings of faces often explore the complex interplay of form, color, and emotion, eschewing literal representation in favor of conveying the essence and psychological depth of a subject. Here are a few ways abstract faces might be depicted in paintings: Surreal Distortions: In these paintings, facial features might be distorted[...]
Abstract paintings of faces often explore the complex interplay of form, color, and emotion, eschewing literal representation in favor of conveying the essence and psychological depth of a subject. Here are a few ways abstract faces might be depicted in paintings:

Surreal Distortions: In these paintings, facial features might be distorted or stretched to create an otherworldly or dreamlike effect. Eyes could be elongated, noses exaggerated, and mouths contorted, all contributing to a sense of uncanny or surreal beauty.

Geometric Abstractions: Geometric shapes and patterns can be used to suggest facial elements. Triangles, circles, squares, and other shapes might be arranged to evoke eyes, noses, and mouths, challenging the viewer to discern the face's structure within the abstraction.

Emotional Expressions: Abstract faces can convey a wide range of emotions through brushstrokes, color choices, and composition. Bold and energetic strokes might represent anger or passion, while softer, blended colors might evoke feelings of serenity or melancholy.

Collage and Mixed Media: Incorporating different materials, textures, and found objects can create a multi-dimensional aspect to abstract faces. This could involve layering paper, fabrics, or even small objects to build up the facial features and provide depth.

Color Play: Color can be used to evoke emotions and psychological states. For example, warm colors like red and orange might represent intensity or warmth, while cool blues and greens might signify calmness or introspection.

Minimalism: Abstract faces can also embrace minimalism, using clean lines and a limited color palette to distill the essence of a face to its most basic elements. This approach often encourages viewers to contemplate the subject on a deeper level.

Impressionistic Interpretations: Impressionistic abstract faces might utilize loose brushstrokes and vibrant colors to capture fleeting moments and emotions. The focus is less on precise details and more on the overall impression the face leaves.

Symbolism and Allegory: Abstract faces can take on symbolic meanings, representing broader themes or concepts rather than depicting a specific individual. These paintings might use facial elements as metaphors for human experiences or archetypal qualities.

Cubist Influences: Inspired by Cubism, abstract faces might break down facial features into geometric shapes and fragments, allowing the viewer to see multiple perspectives simultaneously. This can create a dynamic and fragmented portrayal of the subject.

Fluid and Organic Forms: Some abstract faces might be characterized by flowing, organic forms that blur the boundaries between facial features and the surrounding environment. This style can create a sense of unity and interconnectedness.

Ultimately, abstract paintings of faces offer a unique and interpretive approach to portraiture, inviting viewers to engage with the artwork on a visceral and emotional level while encouraging them to find their own meanings and connections within the abstraction.

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Automatisch vertaald
Kunstenaar vertegenwoordigd door Bloom Gallery Valencia
Sandi Goodwin is an abstract artist based in Valencia, Spain. Her work can best be described as colorfully chaotic, emotional outpourings using various techniques and media. Born in the UK but living for many[...]

Sandi Goodwin is an abstract artist based in Valencia, Spain. Her work can best be described as colorfully chaotic, emotional outpourings using various techniques and media. Born in the UK but living for many years in New Zealand, Goodwin can be said to be a global citizen, a fact that is reflected in her work. Self taught, she has a refreshingly organic approach to her art, constantly experimenting and innovating, never standing still or being content with a particular style, although she does return to a wildly vivid style which can be said to be her signature. Now working in Bloom's studio, Goodwin exhibits frequently, both in Spain and abroad, and is a passionate advocate of outsider and minority artists. 

Bekijk meer van Sandi Goodwin

Bekijk alle kunstwerken
Acryl op Papier | 23,2x16,3 in
US$ 295,72
Acryl op Canvas | 39,4x31,5 in
US$ 2.109,77
Acryl op Papier | 23,2x16,3 in
US$ 295,72
Acryl op Linnen canvas | 45,3x34,8 in
US$ 2.927,42


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