" La Joconde " ou " Manque de Humanisme " Malarstwo autorstwa Sam Keusseyan

Akryl na Płótno, 39,4x31,5 in
894,14 USD
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Sprzedawca Sam Keusseyan
Opinie klientów (129)
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Darmowe zwroty: Zadowolony lub zwrotowi w terminie 14 dni.
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Ta grafika pojawia się w 3 kolekcjach
  • Oryginalna praca Malarstwo, Akryl na Płótno
  • Wymiary Wysokość 39,4in, Szerokość 31,5in
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 1 000 USD Klasycyzm
O tej pracy: Klasyfikacja, Techniki & Style Akryl Maluj przy użyciu tradycyjnych pigmentów zmieszanych z żywicami syntetycznymi. [...]

Powiązane tematy

Sam Keusseyan

Translation from French to English Profesional Contemporary Art Experts-Alpes-Cote d'Azur-Coutry: France Official Certificate Sam Keusseyan's very special and contrasted[...]

Translation from French to English
Profesional Contemporary Art Experts-Alpes-Cote d'Azur-Coutry: France

Official Certificate

Sam Keusseyan's very special and contrasted talent leads him to become a promising rising
artist who cannot be ignored in the pictural universe of Contemporary Art. His curved and
sensual painting bursts out with pure bright colours directly from their tubes...
Then, you may think that he is, before anything else, a happy naive artist laying his eyes on the world.
Yet, it is not true...
If you go deeper, you may see that he is violently visceraly worried by Man's Creation and
questioned by his own time.
You may guess that through his tormented infernal faces , anxious eyes, dislocated body
movements of his figures evolving in a terrifying abyssal world.
Besides his personal intimist part colouring his paintings, you may discover a real questioning
about the timeless human condition swaying between Human and Sacred from the begining of time.
Thus, you may say that nobody is left indifferent by the power of his drawing as well as by its
philosophic politic meaning.
Even if you accept to admit that his painting has been influenced by Great Masters such as
Jérôme Bosch, Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso throughout cubist surrealist and academic
references, you must agree to say that Sam Keusseyan's work wonderfully reaches its goal:
arouse emotion, questioning and interest in the audience.
In conclusion, Sam Keusseyan will indoubtedly leave his mark in the pictural Art of the 21 st
These are the results of the analysis made by Eve Brice, Contemporary Art Expert.

Sam Keusseyan's work has been expertised by Thierry Samuel-Weis, Expert in the Appeal
Court of Aix en Provence, Member of the Profesional Experts' French Syndicate for Work of
Art (Paris) - 16 rue Breteuil - 13001 Marseille - Phone

Vera TUR-GRIGORIEFF. Traducteur Expert près
la Cour d' Aix en Provence certifions que la traduction
ci-dessus est conforme à l' original Vise par nous ne varietur
sous le N' 74
Marseille , le 26/11/15

Artiste français d'origine arménienne, Sam Keusseyan est né dans une famille d'artistes. Il s'est formé aux Beaux Arts de Erevan ,de Moscou et de Jerusalem. Son parcours artistique voyage entre cubisme, surréalisme, figuratif et classicisme sans qu'on puisse l'emprisonner dans une école en particulier. En fin visionnaire il porte un regard acéré, caustique, voire désabusé sur le monde actuel. Plus philosophique sa peinture à message évoluant entre l'Humain et le Sacré porte en elle toutes les interrogations de l'Homme depuis sa création. Que dire de l'Amour qu'il magnifie à travers son" Cubisme Rond" , son trait puissant, ses couleurs explosives tout juste sorties du tube....Artiste généreux, artiste des émotions fortes, il laisse son empreinte dans le monde artistique...
Analysé par Eve Brice.

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