Lease Скульптуры by Sobreira Airton

Аренда произведения « The Lady And The Cat » пользователем Sobreira Airton с возможностью покупки

Скульптуры от Sobreira Airton доступны для аренды с возможностью покупки.

Скульптура под названием "The Lady and the Cat" - Sobreira Airton, Подлинное произведение искусства, цемент
The Lady and the Cat (2019)
Скульптура - Sobreira Airton - 13x7,1 in
383,25 $

Выберите ежемесячные платежи:

Ежемесячные платежи
32,57 €+НДС
Остаточная стоимость
10,63 €+НДС
Налоговая экономия
120,56 €+НДС
Общая стоимость
313 €+НДС
Ежемесячные платежи
19 €+НДС
Остаточная стоимость
10,63 €+НДС
Налоговая экономия
129,96 €+НДС
Общая стоимость
337 €+НДС
Ежемесячные платежи
13,17 €+НДС
Остаточная стоимость
10,63 €+НДС
Налоговая экономия
135,09 €+НДС
Общая стоимость
350 €+НДС
Ежемесячные платежи
10,53 €+НДС
Остаточная стоимость
10,63 €+НДС
Налоговая экономия
143,93 €+НДС
Общая стоимость
372 €+НДС
* Это только ориентировочное моделирование. Предложение по контракту будет отправлено вам после изучения ваших подтверждающих документов и проверки вашего файла нашим финансовым партнером.

Запрос информации по лизингу "The Lady And The Cat"

Связаться с нами, финансовый эксперт свяжется с вами в течение 24 часов.:

Часто задаваемые вопросы

What are the advantages of leasing works of art?

  • Financial Flexibility: You can enjoy exceptional, high-value works of art without a large initial investment.
  • Tax Benefits: Receive potential tax benefits as rents can be deducted as a business expense.

How are the prices of monthly payments for leasing works of art set?

  • The costs depend on the value of the work, the duration of the leasing contract, and any services included such as installation.

Can we buy the work after the leasing period?

  • Yes, on Artmajeur leasing contracts offer a purchase option at the end of the contract, allowing customers to acquire the work at a determined price (residual value).

How are the safety and insurance of works managed?

  • Insurance during the duration of the rental contract is the responsibility of the customer. It is therefore important to check the details of your insurance contract to be sure that your leased works are covered in the event of damage.

What are the conditions for terminating the leasing contract before its end?

  • Unless there are specific conditions, leasing contracts for works of art commit the client to payment of the entire price of the work; payments are therefore due until the end of the lease.


The Lady and the Cat (2019)
Скульптура - Sobreira Airton - 13x7,1 in
Скульптура под названием "The Lady and the Cat" - Sobreira Airton, Подлинное произведение искусства, цемент

Об авторе

Airton Sobreira Date of birth-february 27,1955 Place of birth-Sao Paulo,Sao Paulo-Brazil Nationality-Brazilian Atelier Address-Rua Oswaldo Barnabé,26

Airton Sobreira

Date of birth-february 27,1955

Place of birth-Sao Paulo,Sao Paulo-Brazil


Atelier Address-Rua Oswaldo Barnabé,26



tel-55 19 38942549

mobile phone-55 19 996050546


Graduate from Fine Arts College in Sao Paulo in 1990(bacherlor of arts)

Others Studies from Panamericana Arts School in 1976-1979

painting - atelier Josael de Oliveira-1983

Ceramic- atelier Celia Cymbalista-1990

engraving at museum Lasar Segall , MAM(modern art museum),

by Joao Rossi and Evandro Carlos Jardim-SESC-Pompéia

sculpture by Juliana de Carvalho and by Sergio Romagnolo - MAM


2019- X Salão de Artes Visuais de Indaiatuba

2018- Salão das Artes Visuais de Indaiatuba

2010- Colagem do Tempo- Casarão do Pau Preto- Pró- Memória

2003-Chapel Art Show

2002-group,Printmakers,Sesc Pompéia

2002-Intercult,International house of culture

2001-group of printmakers Sesc Pompéia

2001-! Biennal of engraving in Santo Andre

2000-Show of plastic arts,Paulista de Arte College

1998-Linhas, Triangles and Square (Paço of Artes-Santo Andres-SP)

1998- XXX Chapel Art Show.

1997-solo, Medicine Association, Mairiporã/SP

1996-The Age of Metal,Galpao das Artes

1995-solo,Galeria do SESC,Sao Paulo

1994-Show of engraving in Londrina/PR.

1993-Fundacão Mokiti Okada ,Sao Paulo/SP

1993-XXI Hall of Art Contemporary of Santo André,SP

1993,-III Hall of Art Contemporary in Sao Bernardo do Campo

1993-International Biennial I of Engraving in Maastricht/Holland.

1992-hall of Art of Jundiaí,SP

1992,Espaço Cultura Cásper Líbero,Sao Paulo,SP

1991-XIX Hall of Art,Santo André,acquisition ward

1991-Group of Five Artists, Cásper Líbero,São Paulo,SP

1988- IV UNIART-University hall,Sao Paulo,SP

1988-solo,Centro Cultural Sao Paulo,SP

1983-Central Bank - Sao Paulo,SP

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