Brigitta (2013) 조형물 Rossella Scapini


판매자 Rossella Scapini

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작가의 사인이 담긴 작품
정품 인증서 포함
이 작품은 1 컬렉션에 나타납니다.
Mythology has accompanied humankind since the beginning of time, telling stories that parallel evolution trying to explain our convoluted and winding nature. Imaginary creatures describe what is really human behavior; their fantastical features embodying traits we attempt to overcome. Brigitta is a modern myth telling a story of beauty,[...]
Mythology has accompanied humankind since the beginning of time, telling stories that parallel evolution trying to explain our convoluted and winding nature. Imaginary creatures describe what is really human behavior; their fantastical features embodying traits we attempt to overcome.

Brigitta is a modern myth telling a story of beauty, vanity and self harm reminiscent of Icarus. Posing as a flamingo she looks at her feathers, which in reality are scalpel blades, while under her dress there are only bones.

관련 테마


자동 번역
The ability to imagine worlds beyond the surface of reality is a fundamental characteristic reflected in my art. In this vision, elements of everyday life are intertwined with my own imaginary, giving life[...]

The ability to imagine worlds beyond the surface of reality is a fundamental characteristic reflected in my art. In this vision, elements of everyday life are intertwined with my own imaginary, giving life to fantastic creatures rendered in figurative nonrealistic style. Combining the human with the animal figure I stretch the boundaries between real and surreal. This hybridization reflects the constant changes and shifts we undergo in the process of becoming and discovering ourselves. Emotional, biological, cultural and social transformations determine our identities and the very perception of ourselves and others.  Nature and the marine world in particular, are a constant source of inspiration: the ocean represents the unconscious where the archetypes that inspire my sculptures swim. Attention to detail is what gives character to my work, which is the result of a long process of modelling, molding, casting and refining of the final piece.

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모든 작품보기
조형물 - 청동 | 12x20 in
조형물 - 시멘트 | 23x21 in
조형물 - 청동 | 4x7 in


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