Lisianthus (2023) Pintura por Rima Azatyan


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Vendedor Rima Azatyan

  • Obras de arte originais (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Óleo em Tela
  • Dimensões Altura 29,5in, Largura 37,4in
  • Condição da obra de arte A obra está em muito bom estado
  • Moldura Esta obra de arte não está emoldurada
  • Categorias Pinturas menos de US$ 1.000 Impressionismo Flor
Sobre esta obra: Classificação, Técnicas & Estilos Óleo Tinta constituída por pigmentos ligados com óleo de linhaça ou cravos. A técnica tradicional consiste[...]

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Rima Azatyan is an Armenian professional artist and lecturer. Graduated from the Armenian State Pedagogical University with Master's Degree. She has been a member of the Union of Artists since 2007. Participated[...]

Rima Azatyan is an Armenian professional artist and lecturer. Graduated from the Armenian State Pedagogical University with Master's Degree. She has been a member of the Union of Artists since 2007. Participated in multiple exhibitions in Armenia, China, Russia, USA and other countries. Since 2010, Rima has been working at University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia as a lecturer of drawing, painting and composition. It is not possible to classify the pictures in a specific style, as it changes regularly.

1982 Was born in Yerevan, RA
1995 – 1997 The Union of Architects of Armenia
1999 – 2004 Yerevan State Pedagogical University of Armenia
B.A., Teacher of Painting and Decorative Applied Arts
“Fine Arts”
17 Dec 2007 The member of the Union Artists of the Republic of Armenia
2010 Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction as a teacher of drawing and painting

You can learn more about my exhibition history in "News".

My landscape paintings reflect an array of emotions and ideas through nature. The smooth lines, the rhythmic forms, the texture of the environment and the interplay of the light generate imaginary compositions in specific colors. The segment of the nature becomes a key element on my canvas, through which I desire to transfer the freshness of the moment, bright impressions, the inner world of the images, their mood, which alas stay in the past. The brush blends with paints, and the magic is born.

Ver mais de Rima Azatyan

Ver todas as obras
Óleo em Tela | 28,7x37 in
US$ 504
Óleo em Tela | 31,5x55,1 in
US$ 1.954
US$ 1.814
Óleo em Tela | 25,2x34,3 in
US$ 534
US$ 474
Óleo em Tela | 27,2x38,2 in
US$ 454


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