Cemi (2021) Pintura por Remy Ulloa


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Vendedor Remy Ulloa

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Esta impressão está disponível em vários tamanhos.

US$ 27,23
US$ 46,83
US$ 101,29
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Os artistas recebem seus royalties por cada venda

Vendedor Remy Ulloa

Licenciamento digital

Esta imagem está disponível para download com uma licença

US$ 33,00
US$ 131,00
US$ 272,00
Resolução máxima: 1452 x 2048 px
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Os artistas recebem seus royalties por cada venda

Vendedor Remy Ulloa

  • Obras de arte originais (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Acrílico em Tela de linho
  • Dimensões 17x13 in
    Dimensões da obra sozinhas, sem moldura: Altura 14in, Largura 10in
  • Condição da obra de arte A arte está em perfeito estado
  • Moldura Esta obra está enquadrada
  • Categorias Pinturas menos de US$ 20.000 Surrealismo Tribal
Cemi is a surreal and abstract work, it represents an ancient Taino god from the Dominican Republic. Sobre esta obra: Classificação, Técnicas & Estilos Acrílico [...]
Cemi is a surreal and abstract work, it represents an ancient Taino god from the Dominican Republic.

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Remy Ulloa is a multifaceted plastic artist. Although he emphasizes painting, he has also worked extensively with sculpture, wood carving, among others. He is also a musician and a poet,[...]

Remy Ulloa is a multifaceted plastic artist.

Although he emphasizes painting, he has also worked extensively with sculpture, wood carving, among others.

He is also a musician and a poet, arts parallel to painting from which his pictorial themes are nourished.

Remy Ulloa is the son of the great plastic masters Alberto Ulloa and Zenobia Galar, from whom he learned the technical trade of painting and sculpture.

Remy Ulloa is a born artist and for that reason he does not stop specializing in art. From an early age, he showed an inclination for the arts, being a child prodigy.

His works are present in private collections and museums.

Remy Ulloa was the godson of patron Sigurd Sandvik and collector Mario Martínez Fernández, who greatly supported his art.
The Work of Remy Ulloa is present in Paris, New York, Norway and Puerto Rico, Miami and the Dominican Republic. Remy Ulloa has had 4 individual exhibitions and several collective ones, as well as receiving prizes and distinctions.

-Individual expositions

*Synesthesia Anesthesia and Epilepsy 1st Individual Expo, Parque Duarte 2004

*The Heritage of Color, 2nd Individual Expo, Cultural Center, Santiago de los Caballeros 2013

*The Heritage of Color II, 3rd Individual Expo Museum of the Royal Houses, Santo Domingo 2016

*The Extravagance, 4th Expo' Individual ArtForo Palace of Fine Arts, Santo Domingo 2019

*Oblivion, 5th Expo'Individual, YARD Foundation, Santo Domingo

-Collective Exhibitions

*Honorable Mention, Casa de Teatro Painting Award 2003

*Art Tour, Jarochos Bar Gallery 2004

*Cibao Adentro, Tribute to Yoryi Morel, National School of Fine Arts 2005

*Marina Casa de Campo Art Fair 2012 The Alley of Art 2012

*Guest Artist, EXPERIENCES, Zenobia Galar, Museum of the Royal Houses 2013

*SOLANO Gallery 2014

*Duet, dual exhibition with Layra Giovanna and Remy Ulloa, at CODAP 

*25 Dominican Sculptors Fredie Cabral Museum 2022

*Dominican Artists in the Dominican Commission of Culture New York 2022

*New York Book Fair 2022

Ver mais de Remy Ulloa

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