LGBTQ gay men kissing sexual romantic queer homosexual love 数字艺术 由 Raphael Perez



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卖家 Raphael Perez



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卖家 Raphael Perez

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  • 分类 形象艺术 爱情
Gay love is the romantic or sexual attraction or behavior between people of the same sex or gender. Gay love can take many forms and expressions, such as dating, marriage, friendship, or activism. Gay love can also face many challenges and obstacles, such as discrimination, violence, or stigma. Gay love is a valid and beautiful form of human love that[...]
Gay love is the romantic or sexual attraction or behavior between people of the same sex or gender. Gay love can take many forms and expressions, such as dating, marriage, friendship, or activism. Gay love can also face many challenges and obstacles, such as discrimination, violence, or stigma. Gay love is a valid and beautiful form of human love that deserves respect and recognition

Homosexuality is a term that describes the sexual attraction or behavior among people of the same sex or gender. In the United States, homosexuality has been a source of social stigma, discrimination, and violence for many decades. However, in recent years, there has been an increasing acceptance and recognition of the rights and dignity of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals. This article will explore the experiences and challenges of homosexuality among the black gay community in the United States.

Who are the black gay community?

The black gay community is a diverse group of people who identify as black or African American and as gay, bisexual, or other sexual orientations that are not heterosexual. A report by the Williams Institute showed that black LGBTQ adults make up about 12% of the LGBTQ population and 3.7% of the black population in the United States. The report also revealed that black LGBTQ adults are younger, more likely to be women, and more likely to identify as bisexual than white LGBTQ adults. Moreover, black LGBTQ adults are more likely to live in poverty, experience food insecurity, and lack health insurance than white LGBTQ adults.

What are some of the challenges faced by the black gay community?

The black gay community faces multiple forms of discrimination based on their race and sexual orientation, which affect their lives in various ways. Some of the challenges they face include:

- Discrimination in public spaces: A survey by the Center for American Progress indicated that 33% of black LGBTQ individuals reported experiencing discrimination in public spaces such as stores or restaurants in the last year. This discrimination can involve harassment, denial of service, or physical assault.
- Discrimination in workplaces: The same survey showed that 31% of black LGBTQ individuals reported experiencing discrimination at work in the last year. This discrimination can involve being fired, denied a promotion, or subjected to verbal or physical abuse.
- Discrimination in health care settings: The same survey also reported that 29% of black LGBTQ individuals reported experiencing discrimination when seeking health care in the last year. This discrimination can involve being refused treatment, being given inferior care, or being subjected to invasive or inappropriate questions. As a result, black LGBTQ individuals may avoid seeking health care or face worse health outcomes than other groups.
- Discrimination in police interactions: The same survey also indicated that 22% of black LGBTQ individuals reported experiencing discrimination when interacting with law enforcement in the last year. This discrimination can involve being stopped, searched, arrested, or assaulted by police officers. Furthermore, black LGBTQ individuals are more likely to be incarcerated than other groups in the United States.
- Violence and hate crimes: The black gay community is also more vulnerable to violence and hate crimes than other groups in the United States. According to the Human Rights Campaign, 2021 is on track to become the deadliest year in history for violence against black transgender individuals, at least 16 of whom have been killed in hate incidents as of this April. Moreover, black male-male couples are less common than white male-male couples, accounting for 6.6% of gay couple households in the United States in 2021.



拉斐尔·佩雷斯(Raphael Perez),又名拉菲·佩雷斯(Rafi Peretz),希伯来语名字,出生于一个传统家庭,在耶路撒冷长大。她的父亲西蒙·佩雷斯 (Shimon Perez) 在耶路撒冷的哈达萨·艾因凯雷姆医院 (Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital) 担任接待员,而她的母亲爱丽丝·阿里扎·佩雷斯 (Alice Aliza Perez) 在日托中心担任助理,后来在家照顾婴儿。拉斐尔有几个兄弟姐妹,每个人都追求不同的人生道路,从教育到灵性再到旅行。 在以色列陆军炮兵部队服役后,拉斐尔投入了[...]

拉斐尔·佩雷斯(Raphael Perez),又名拉菲·佩雷斯(Rafi Peretz),希伯来语名字,出生于一个传统家庭,在耶路撒冷长大。她的父亲西蒙·佩雷斯 (Shimon Perez) 在耶路撒冷的哈达萨·艾因凯雷姆医院 (Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital) 担任接待员,而她的母亲爱丽丝·阿里扎·佩雷斯 (Alice Aliza Perez) 在日托中心担任助理,后来在家照顾婴儿。拉斐尔有几个兄弟姐妹,每个人都追求不同的人生道路,从教育到灵性再到旅行。

在以色列陆军炮兵部队服役后,拉斐尔投入了 15 年的时间致力于儿童治疗环境教育、艺术和运动教学。他毕业于贝尔谢巴视觉艺术中心,1989 年至 1992 年在那里学习。自 1999 年以来,他靠出售艺术品谋生,并自 1995 年起在特拉维夫的工作室工作。

多年来,拉斐尔在他的艺术中探索了各种主题,尤其是人际关系。他的第一部作品主要关注男女关系,之后他在 32 岁时公开接受了自己的同性恋身份。此后,他创作了描绘家庭环境中同性关系的理想主义绘画,以温柔和深情描绘日常生活场景。


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