White lily oil painting flower artworks raphael perez green (1998) 绘画 由 Raphael Perez

油在帆布上, 32.3x24 in

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美术纸, 11x8 in


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  • 原创艺术品 (One Of A Kind) 绘画, 在帆布上
  • 外形尺寸 高度 32.3in, 宽度 24in
  • 艺术品状况 工作状况非常好
  • 是否含画框 此作品未装裱
  • 分类 画作 低于US$5,000 形象艺术
Raphael Perez, also known as Rafi Peretz, is an Israeli painter who explores his personal and sexual identity through his flower paintings. He created a series of flower paintings from 1995 to 1998, when he was in his early thirties and still in relationships with women, despite feeling gay. His flower paintings reflect his emotional turmoil[...]
Raphael Perez, also known as Rafi Peretz, is an Israeli painter who
explores his personal and sexual identity through his flower paintings. He created a series of flower paintings from 1995 to 1998, when he was in his early thirties and still in relationships with women, despite feeling gay. His flower paintings reflect his emotional turmoil and his struggle with his sexual orientation. He painted two flowers, one blooming and one wilting, to represent the contrast and conflict between his heterosexual relationships and his true self. He also painted single flowers or two flowers in their prime, to express his longing for a harmonious relationship that matches his nature. He chose sunflowers, white lilies, and red lilies as symbols of expression, purity, and joy, respectively. He painted from real flowers, using different styles and light to create drama and mood. Perez’s paintings of the flower couples are minimalist and focused on the theme of the complex relationship. He omitted any background or context, leaving only the canvas and the drawing of the flower couples. In some of the paintings, he added a very airy abstract surface with thin oil paints that give an atmosphere of watercolors. He also made drawings of flowers in ink, markers and gouache on paper. Later on, he created large acrylic paintings of flowers and still life. Perez’s flower paintings are not mere illustrations or decorations. They are autobiographical and psychological expressions of his inner state and his struggle with his sexuality. He wanted to reveal his loneliness, distress and concealment through these paintings, and to connect with people who are in a similar situation. He deliberately chose only two flowers and no more to intensify the engagement in the charged and complex relationship. Perez also painted and drew couples of men and women with charged psychological states, as well as states of desire for connection and realization of a heterosexual relationship that did not succeed. He used hyperrealism and expressive styles to convey his frozen and calculated state, as well as his mental stress. He used harsh lighting to create contrast and drama, with one side very bright and the other side darker. Perez was influenced by some of the famous artists who painted flowers, such as Van Gogh, who also used sunflowers as a symbol of expression. He also used white lilies and red lilies to convey freshness, cleanliness, purity, color, joy, movement, eruption, and splendor. Perez also painted some single flowers or two flowers in their prime, to show his aspiration for a future where he will have a harmonious relationship. Today, he is 58 years old and in a happy relationship for 10 years with his partner Assaf Henigsberg. He is surrounded by female friends and soulmates and not conflicted with heterosexual relationships as he used to be. He occasionally paints flowers in pots to symbolize home, stability, and peace. Sometimes I paint flowers in pots, which represent home, stability, and solid ground for me. I don’t paint just a couple of flowers, but pots full of flowers that overflow with life. This means that we also have a supportive network of family, friends, and peers around us. We live in a rich, supportive, and protective world. These paintings are a personification of my psychological state, when I had no words to express my feelings to myself. The painting began In 35 years of my creation (starting in 1998), you can read more about how my art and style evolved over time. Perez’s flower paintings are a unique and extraordinary artistic creation that reveals his personal journey and his sexual identity. His work is honest, expressive, and emotional, as well as beautiful and vibrant.

White lily flower oil on canvas by raphael perez
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White LilyWhite Lily PaintingWhite Lily PaintingsWhite Lily ArtworkWhite Lily Artworks

拉斐尔·佩雷斯(Raphael Perez),又名拉菲·佩雷斯(Rafi Peretz),希伯来语名字,出生于一个传统家庭,在耶路撒冷长大。她的父亲西蒙·佩雷斯 (Shimon Perez) 在耶路撒冷的哈达萨·艾因凯雷姆医院 (Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital) 担任接待员,而她的母亲爱丽丝·阿里扎·佩雷斯 (Alice Aliza Perez) 在日托中心担任助理,后来在家照顾婴儿。拉斐尔有几个兄弟姐妹,每个人都追求不同的人生道路,从教育到灵性再到旅行。 在以色列陆军炮兵部队服役后,拉斐尔投入了[...]

拉斐尔·佩雷斯(Raphael Perez),又名拉菲·佩雷斯(Rafi Peretz),希伯来语名字,出生于一个传统家庭,在耶路撒冷长大。她的父亲西蒙·佩雷斯 (Shimon Perez) 在耶路撒冷的哈达萨·艾因凯雷姆医院 (Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital) 担任接待员,而她的母亲爱丽丝·阿里扎·佩雷斯 (Alice Aliza Perez) 在日托中心担任助理,后来在家照顾婴儿。拉斐尔有几个兄弟姐妹,每个人都追求不同的人生道路,从教育到灵性再到旅行。

在以色列陆军炮兵部队服役后,拉斐尔投入了 15 年的时间致力于儿童治疗环境教育、艺术和运动教学。他毕业于贝尔谢巴视觉艺术中心,1989 年至 1992 年在那里学习。自 1999 年以来,他靠出售艺术品谋生,并自 1995 年起在特拉维夫的工作室工作。

多年来,拉斐尔在他的艺术中探索了各种主题,尤其是人际关系。他的第一部作品主要关注男女关系,之后他在 32 岁时公开接受了自己的同性恋身份。此后,他创作了描绘家庭环境中同性关系的理想主义绘画,以温柔和深情描绘日常生活场景。


查看更多的Raphael Perez

丙烯在木上 | 63x47.2 in
圆珠笔在纸上 | 11.8x8.3 in
摄影 | 多种可选的尺寸
摄影 | 多种可选的尺寸

