Artes digitais de humor a venda

864 Edições limitadas originais e impressões de arte digital à venda: [...]

864 Edições limitadas originais e impressões de arte digital à venda:

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Explore todos os estilos e todas as técnicas de arte digital: arte contemporânea, arte de rua, arte abstrata, arte figurativa ... Artmajeur atende a todas as sensibilidades artísticas e tem celebrado a beleza ao seu lado por 20 anos com mais de 2 milhões de obras de arte contemporânea para descobrir. .. ou adquira! Descubra obras de artistas contemporâneos de todo o mundo para decorar seu interior com classe! Amante da arte simples ou colecionador confirmado? Encontre a tela ou pintura favorita que realmente realce sua decoração. Artmajeur oferece obras originais, edições limitadas e impressões de arte dos melhores artistas contemporâneos do mundo. Na Artmajeur, as obras de arte digital são selecionadas por entusiastas e especialistas do mercado de arte. Selecionamos para você as obras originais de artistas modernos, premiados e reconhecidos, bem como os novos valores em ascensão no campo da arte contemporânea para orientá-lo e ajudá-lo em seu processo de compra de arte digital online.

Discover contemporary Humor Digital Arts on Artmajeur

Contemporary Humor Digital Arts is a fascinating and innovative art form that has emerged in recent years. This type of original artwork is created using digital tools, software, and various support materials. Some of the common materials used in Humor Digital Arts include canvas, paper, acrylic, and ink. What makes this type of art unique is its ability to blend humor, satire, and social commentary, creating a powerful and thought-provoking message that captivates the viewer. Additionally, Humor Digital Arts often challenges traditional artistic conventions, pushing the boundaries of what is considered art. As a result, this art form has gained popularity among younger audiences and has become a significant trend in the contemporary art world.

Artes digitais
Des Trucs à l'eau qui monte Artes digitais
©2024 Sylvie Dessert (Syl)

Origins and History

Contemporary Humor Digital Arts emerged in the mid-2000s as a reaction to the emergence of social media and digital platforms as primary means of communication. Artists began experimenting with digital technologies to create humorous and satirical works that critiqued contemporary culture and politics. This period saw the rise of memes, GIFs, and viral videos as popular forms of digital humor. The use of social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram as distribution channels allowed artists to disseminate their work widely and quickly, resulting in a new era of digital art that is accessible and shareable.

Artes digitais
Le raisonneur des forêts Artes digitais
©2024 Pierre Peytavin

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

Humor Digital Arts have recently experienced a remarkable evolution in the contemporary art market. This type of art has become increasingly popular, especially among younger generations. Humor Digital Arts can take the form of memes, gifs, videos, or interactive installations, and they often use satire, irony, and parody to convey their message. These works are essential in reflecting the cultural and social issues of our time, as they offer a critical and humorous perspective on the world around us. The importance of Humor Digital Arts in the contemporary art market is undeniable, as they have the power to engage the audience and provoke critical thinking. As a result, their value has been recognized by curators, collectors, and institutions, who have started to include them in exhibitions and collections. The evolution of humor digital arts has brought a new wave of creativity and humor that reflects the ever-changing world we live in.

Artes digitais
Watch Artes digitais
©2024 Viktor Artemev

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary humor digital arts have gained considerable popularity in recent years, and several artists have made a significant impact in this field. One such artist is the American painter, illustrator, and animator David O’Reilly. His work often features surreal and absurdist elements, and he has gained recognition for his video game designs and animated films.

Another prominent artist in the realm of contemporary humor digital arts is the British illustrator and animator Steve Cutts. His work often satirizes modern society and its obsession with consumerism and technology. Cutts’ animations have been widely shared on social media and have garnered millions of views.

The American artist and writer Molly Soda is also well-known for her work in digital humor. She often explores themes of identity and self-expression through social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. Her work challenges conventional notions of what is considered "art" and often blurs the lines between personal and public spaces.

The Canadian artist Jon Rafman is another notable figure in the world of contemporary humor digital arts. Rafman’s work often incorporates elements of virtual reality and explores the relationship between technology and human experience. He has gained recognition for his video installations and multimedia projects.

Finally, the American artist Cory Arcangel is known for his work with digital media and appropriation. His pieces often remix and repurpose existing material, such as video game graphics and pop culture references, to create humorous and thought-provoking works of art. Arcangel’s work challenges our understanding of originality and authorship in the digital age.

Artes digitais
Coeur Artes digitais
©2000 Jean Falala

Notable contemporary Humor Digital Arts

Contemporary humor digital arts have become increasingly popular in recent years. These artworks are created using digital technology to create humorous and often satirical pieces that comment on modern society. Here are some well-known examples:

  1. "The Persistence of Chaos" by Guo O Dong, created in 2019, is a laptop infected with six of the world’s most dangerous computer viruses. The artwork comments on the vulnerability of technology and the potential consequences of a cyber attack.

  2. "This is Fine" by KC Green, created in 2013, is a comic strip featuring a dog sitting in a room on fire, saying "This is fine." The artwork has become a popular internet meme and comments on the human tendency to ignore problems.

  3. "The Whale Synth" by Tom DeLonge, created in 2019, is a music video featuring a cartoon whale playing a synthesizer. The artwork is a humorous take on the music industry and the perception of musicians as larger-than-life figures.

  4. "The Uncomfortable" by Katerina Kamprani, created in 2013, is a series of household objects that have been intentionally designed to be difficult or impossible to use. The artwork comments on the absurdity of modern design and the way in which functionality is often sacrificed for aesthetics.

  5. "The Museum of Internet" by Ryder Ripps, created in 2013, is an online museum featuring exhibits such as "The History of the Selfie" and "The Evolution of the LOL Cat." The artwork comments on the way in which the internet has become a cultural phenomenon and has changed the way in which we communicate and interact with each other.

Mais relevante | Mais recente

Artes digitais intitulada "Des Trucs à l'eau q…" por Sylvie Dessert (Syl), Obras de arte originais, Pintura digital
Des Trucs à l'eau qui monte - Artes digitais ©2024 por Sylvie Dessert (Syl) - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Humor, têtes, fil, yeux

Sylvie Dessert (Syl)

"Des Trucs à l'eau qui monte"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 30,35
Artes digitais intitulada "Coeur" por Jean Falala, Obras de arte originais, Pintura digital
Coeur - Artes digitais ©2000 por Jean Falala - Caricatura, humour, coeur, dessin, coeur artificiel

Jean Falala


Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 56,36
Artes digitais intitulada "Zebre punk psychede…" por Virginie Gérôme, Obras de arte originais, Trabalho Digital 2D
Zebre punk psychedelique-1 - Artes digitais ©2023 por Virginie Gérôme - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Humor, psychedelique, portrait, punk, instant, rire, zebre, original, humour, sourire

Virginie Gérôme

"Zebre punk psychedelique-1"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 132,22
Artes digitais intitulada "The Grit of Humaniz…" por Rabah Meskine, Obras de arte originais, Pintura digital
The Grit of Humanizer ( Last panel from page 05 ) - Artes digitais ©2022 por Rabah Meskine - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Caricatura

Rabah Meskine

"The Grit of Humanizer ( Last panel from page 05 )"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "Meowjestic Marquises" por Paolo Chiuchiolo, Obras de arte originais, Imagem gerada por IA
Meowjestic Marquises - Artes digitais ©2023 por Paolo Chiuchiolo - Illustration, illustration-600, Humor, caricature, portrait, aristocratic, noble, cat, pet, animal, kitten, kitty, ironic, funny, humorous, amusing, fantasy, pair, couple, lord, medieval, painting, dressed

Paolo Chiuchiolo

"Meowjestic Marquises"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 78,03
Artes digitais intitulada "Polar bear and peng…" por Ufuk Uyanik, Obras de arte originais, Trabalho Digital 2D
Polar bear and penguin - Artes digitais ©2015 por Ufuk Uyanik - Humor, polar bear, penguin, in love, xmas, impossible, ice, hat, gift, present, birthday, melting ice, floe, cartoon, funny, arctic, lovers, celebration, occasion, dissapointment

Ufuk Uyanik

"Polar bear and penguin"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 49,56
Artes digitais intitulada "The Grit of Humaniz…" por Rabah Meskine, Obras de arte originais, Pintura digital
The Grit of Humanizer ( The Cover ) - Artes digitais ©2022 por Rabah Meskine - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Caricatura

Rabah Meskine

"The Grit of Humanizer ( The Cover )"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "WOUD VAN ALTIJDGROE…" por Koen Vlerick, Obras de arte originais, Trabalho Digital 2D
WOUD VAN ALTIJDGROENE DROMEN - Artes digitais ©2024 por Koen Vlerick - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Caricatura, LOVE, PEACE

Koen Vlerick


Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "Her Royal Highness…" por Paolo Chiuchiolo, Obras de arte originais, Imagem gerada por IA
Her Royal Highness The Goose - Artes digitais ©2023 por Paolo Chiuchiolo - Illustration, illustration-600, Caricatura, goose, duckling, gosling, swan, queen, king, princess, prince, emperor, empress, funny, humorous, ironic, portrait, oil painting, painting, poster, mural, medieval, dressed

Paolo Chiuchiolo

"Her Royal Highness The Goose"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 78,03
Artes digitais intitulada "Pêchées mignonnes" por Sylvie Dessert (Syl), Obras de arte originais, Pintura digital
Pêchées mignonnes - Artes digitais ©2024 por Sylvie Dessert (Syl) - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Humor, yeux

Sylvie Dessert (Syl)

"Pêchées mignonnes"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 30,35
Artes digitais intitulada "Temporary happiness…" por Batuhan Gözüaçık, Obras de arte originais, Pintura digital
Temporary happiness curly blondie - Artes digitais ©2024 por Batuhan Gözüaçık - Illustration, illustration-600, Caricatura, bar, blondie, tipsy, happy

Batuhan Gözüaçık

"Temporary happiness curly blondie"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 34,68
Artes digitais intitulada "zebrepunk" por Virginie Gérôme, Obras de arte originais, Trabalho Digital 2D
zebrepunk - Artes digitais ©2024 por Virginie Gérôme - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Humor, zebre, caricature, decale, satirique

Virginie Gérôme


Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 132,22
Artes digitais intitulada "Le raisonneur des f…" por Pierre Peytavin, Obras de arte originais, Imagem gerada por IA
Le raisonneur des forêts - Artes digitais ©2024 por Pierre Peytavin - Figurative, figurative-594, Humor, CHAMPIGNONS, POISON

Pierre Peytavin

"Le raisonneur des forêts"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "Medieval Jester Dog…" por Paolo Chiuchiolo, Obras de arte originais, Imagem gerada por IA
Medieval Jester Dog At The Court Of The Weimaraner Empress - Artes digitais ©2023 por Paolo Chiuchiolo - Illustration, illustration-600, Humor, dog, pet, animal, portrait, buffoon, jester, minstrel, jocker, funny, ironic, ironical, caricature, caricatural, medieval, renaissance, painting, dressed, amusing, ancient

Paolo Chiuchiolo

"Medieval Jester Dog At The Court Of The Weimaraner Empress"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 78,03
Artes digitais intitulada "CHILL" por Muse Korner, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
CHILL - Artes digitais ©2023 por Muse Korner - Street Art, street-art-624, Caricatura

Muse Korner


Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 36,85
Artes digitais intitulada "JE COMPTE SUR VOTRE…" por Pierre Peytavin, Obras de arte originais, Imagem gerada por IA
JE COMPTE SUR VOTRE DISCRETION - Artes digitais ©2024 por Pierre Peytavin - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Humor, DISCRETION, PERROQUETS

Pierre Peytavin


Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "Breakfast" por Viktor Artemev, Obras de arte originais, Pintura digital
Breakfast - Artes digitais ©2024 por Viktor Artemev - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Humor, nest, surreal, absurd, caricature, satire, egg, fried egg, scrambled egg, breakfast, food, meal, still life, nature, branches, gradient, minimalism, cook, cooked, yolk, metaphor

Viktor Artemev


Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 73,84
Artes digitais intitulada "Soup" por Viktor Artemev, Obras de arte originais, Pintura digital
Soup - Artes digitais ©2024 por Viktor Artemev - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Humor, soup, can, canned food, meal, food, smiley, emoji, absurd, fun, humor, joke, surreal, metaphor, pop art, satire, irony, comical, caricature, conceptual, still life

Viktor Artemev


Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 73,84
Artes digitais intitulada "GROETEN UIT GENTBRU…" por Koen Vlerick, Obras de arte originais, Pintura digital
GROETEN UIT GENTBRUGGE VAN EEN OUDE MAN MET KROMME RUGGE - Artes digitais ©2024 por Koen Vlerick - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Humor, LOVE, PEACE

Koen Vlerick


Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "Meloman" por Reskatorsilver, Obras de arte originais, Impressão digital
Meloman - Artes digitais ©2024 por Reskatorsilver - Figurative, figurative-594, Caricatura, meloman, digital art, ReSKaTORSiLver



Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 29,26
Artes digitais intitulada "Ready To Win" por Paolo Chiuchiolo, Obras de arte originais, Imagem gerada por IA
Ready To Win - Artes digitais ©2023 por Paolo Chiuchiolo - Illustration, illustration-600, Humor, animal, bulldog, dog, doggy, feline, pet, ironic, humorous, funny, amusing, portrait, boxing, boxer, american, flag, 3d, comical, caricature, gloves, sunglasses

Paolo Chiuchiolo

"Ready To Win"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 78,03
Artes digitais intitulada "The Adorable Feline…" por Paolo Chiuchiolo, Obras de arte originais, Imagem gerada por IA
The Adorable Feline Maharaja - Artes digitais ©2024 por Paolo Chiuchiolo - Illustration, illustration-600, Caricatura, maharaja, pasha, indian, persian, persia, ancient, cat, kitten, kitty, portrait, funny, hilarious, ironic, ironical, comical, fantasy, animal, pet, painting, humorous

Paolo Chiuchiolo

"The Adorable Feline Maharaja"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 78,03
Artes digitais intitulada "Mister Felix" por Giuseppe Cristadoro, Obras de arte originais, Imagem gerada por IA
Mister Felix - Artes digitais ©2024 por Giuseppe Cristadoro - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Caricatura

Giuseppe Cristadoro

"Mister Felix"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "The Grit of Humaniz…" por Rabah Meskine, Obras de arte originais, Pintura digital
The Grit of Humanizer ( Third panel from page 05 ) - Artes digitais ©2022 por Rabah Meskine - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Caricatura

Rabah Meskine

"The Grit of Humanizer ( Third panel from page 05 )"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "Watch" por Viktor Artemev, Obras de arte originais, Pintura digital
Watch - Artes digitais ©2024 por Viktor Artemev - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Humor, watch, clock, time, eye, metaphor, surreal, scary, human eye, eerie, wristwatch, concept, conceptual, design, mystery, mysterious, absurd, creative, leather, brown, beige

Viktor Artemev


Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 73,84
Artes digitais intitulada "ABER 1 INDRINGER ZO…" por Koen Vlerick, Obras de arte originais, Trabalho Digital 2D
ABER 1 INDRINGER ZO VOEL IK MIJ ZELFS NU HIER SAMEN SORRY - Artes digitais ©2024 por Koen Vlerick - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Humor, ABER

Koen Vlerick


Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "& TOEN ZONG MOTÖRHE…" por Koen Vlerick, Obras de arte originais, Trabalho Digital 2D
& TOEN ZONG MOTÖRHEAD ACE OF SPADES - Artes digitais ©2024 por Koen Vlerick - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Humor, lemmy

Koen Vlerick


Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "Lady Pussicat The S…" por Paolo Chiuchiolo, Obras de arte originais, Imagem gerada por IA
Lady Pussicat The Soldier Of Love - Artes digitais ©2023 por Paolo Chiuchiolo - Illustration, illustration-600, Humor, cat, kitten, kitty, dressed, medieval, renaissance, portrait, soldier, armor, cute, flower, ironic, amusing, humorous, painting, pet, animal, feline, ancient, adorable

Paolo Chiuchiolo

"Lady Pussicat The Soldier Of Love"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 78,03
Artes digitais intitulada "Stone Garden Bay" por Tucari P, Obras de arte originais, Pintura digital
Stone Garden Bay - Artes digitais ©2023 por Tucari P - Land Art, land-art-957, Caricatura, Land art, landscape art, art print, canvas art, canvas art print, canvas prints

Tucari P

"Stone Garden Bay"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 223,85
Artes digitais intitulada "LES SAUCISSES DE MA…" por Pierre Peytavin, Obras de arte originais, Imagem gerada por IA
LES SAUCISSES DE MAURICE - Artes digitais ©2024 por Pierre Peytavin - Figurative, figurative-594, Humor, SAUCISSE, MAURICE, DELICE

Pierre Peytavin


Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "The Pupil" por Paolo Chiuchiolo, Obras de arte originais, Imagem gerada por IA
The Pupil - Artes digitais ©2023 por Paolo Chiuchiolo - Illustration, illustration-600, Humor, sheep, playing, performing, musician, violinist, violin, humor, funny, portrait, animal, amusing, ironic, comical, ironical, goat, plays, instrument, 1700s, dressed, cute

Paolo Chiuchiolo

"The Pupil"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 78,03
Artes digitais intitulada "Not Tamable Genuine…" por Paolo Chiuchiolo, Obras de arte originais, Imagem gerada por IA
Not Tamable Genuine American Cat - Artes digitais ©2023 por Paolo Chiuchiolo - Illustration, illustration-600, Humor, boxing, boxer, american, animal, pet, cat, kitty, kitten, enraged, fighter, fighting, poster, ironic, funny, wallpaper, flag, stars and stripes, humorous, portrait, angry

Paolo Chiuchiolo

"Not Tamable Genuine American Cat"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 78,03
Artes digitais intitulada "GOOD FOR 3.8 MILLIO…" por Koen Vlerick, Obras de arte originais, Trabalho Digital 2D
GOOD FOR 3.8 MILLION BYTES - Artes digitais ©2024 por Koen Vlerick - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Caricatura, love, peace, bytes

Koen Vlerick


Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "Tombée de Trucs" por Sylvie Dessert (Syl), Obras de arte originais, Pintura digital
Tombée de Trucs - Artes digitais ©2024 por Sylvie Dessert (Syl) - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Humor, tête, fil, yeux

Sylvie Dessert (Syl)

"Tombée de Trucs"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 30,35
Artes digitais intitulada "Trucs au grand sun" por Sylvie Dessert (Syl), Obras de arte originais, Pintura digital
Trucs au grand sun - Artes digitais ©2024 por Sylvie Dessert (Syl) - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Humor, tête, fil, noir, yeux

Sylvie Dessert (Syl)

"Trucs au grand sun"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 30,35
Artes digitais intitulada "The Grit of Humaniz…" por Rabah Meskine, Obras de arte originais, Pintura digital
The Grit of Humanizer ( A panel from page 03 ) - Artes digitais ©2022 por Rabah Meskine - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Caricatura

Rabah Meskine

"The Grit of Humanizer ( A panel from page 03 )"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10


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