Montagens Fotográficas Artes Digitais

10.757 Edições limitadas originais e impressões de arte digital à venda: [...]

10.757 Edições limitadas originais e impressões de arte digital à venda:

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Explore todos os estilos e todas as técnicas de arte digital: arte contemporânea, arte de rua, arte abstrata, arte figurativa ... Artmajeur atende a todas as sensibilidades artísticas e tem celebrado a beleza ao seu lado por 20 anos com mais de 2 milhões de obras de arte contemporânea para descobrir. .. ou adquira! Descubra obras de artistas contemporâneos de todo o mundo para decorar seu interior com classe! Amante da arte simples ou colecionador confirmado? Encontre a tela ou pintura favorita que realmente realce sua decoração. Artmajeur oferece obras originais, edições limitadas e impressões de arte dos melhores artistas contemporâneos do mundo. Na Artmajeur, as obras de arte digital são selecionadas por entusiastas e especialistas do mercado de arte. Selecionamos para você as obras originais de artistas modernos, premiados e reconhecidos, bem como os novos valores em ascensão no campo da arte contemporânea para orientá-lo e ajudá-lo em seu processo de compra de arte digital online.

Discover contemporary Photo Montage Digital Arts on Artmajeur

Contemporary Photo Montage Digital Arts is an innovative form of art that has gained popularity in recent years. This type of artwork involves combining multiple photographs or images to create a new, original piece. The supports and materials used can vary greatly, ranging from traditional canvas to metal and even digital screens. What is unique about this type of art is that it allows for endless possibilities and creativity. The ability to manipulate and alter images using technology allows artists to express their ideas in ways that were previously impossible. The result is often a visually striking and thought-provoking piece that challenges the viewer’s perception of reality. As the world becomes increasingly digital, Photo Montage Digital Arts is a form of art that reflects our modern society and its relationship with technology.

Artes digitais,  49,2x43,3 in
Minx - Artes digitais, 49,2x43,3 in
©2024 Tim Cutler

Origins and History

The art of Photo Montage Digital Arts has its origin in the early 20th century, when artists started using photography as a medium for their work. It gained popularity during the 1920s and 1930s in the form of collages and photomontages. The Dada movement, with its anti-establishment ideology, was among the first to use photomontage as a way of expressing their social and political views.

Artes digitais,  47,2x23,6 in
Rouge Tentation Artes digitais, 47,2x23,6 in
©2024 Frédéric Font (Chroma)

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

The evolution of Photo Montage Digital Arts in recent years has been vital to the contemporary art market, as artists continue to experiment with new techniques and approaches to create captivating and thought-provoking pieces.

Artes digitais,  47,2x31,5 in
Dark Vador The Seductive Sith Artes digitais, 47,2x31,5 in
©2024 Frédéric Font (Chroma)

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary artists who have made a name for themselves in the realm of Photo Montage Digital Arts include Laurie Simmons, Vik Muniz, and David Hockney.

Laurie Simmons is known for her use of dollhouse furniture and figurines in her photographs, creating surreal and dreamlike scenes that question the boundaries between reality and fantasy. Her work often explores themes of gender, identity, and domesticity, and has been exhibited in numerous galleries and museums worldwide.

Vik Muniz is a Brazilian artist who uses unconventional materials such as sugar, chocolate, and garbage to create intricate and detailed photographic works. His subjects range from classic paintings to famous landmarks, often with a touch of humor and irony. Muniz’s work challenges the viewer’s perception of reality and encourages them to question what they see.

David Hockney has been a prominent figure in the art world for decades, and his recent work in digital photography has been equally groundbreaking. He uses the iPad to create vibrant and colorful photomontages that capture the essence of the landscapes and people he encounters. Hockney’s work blurs the line between traditional and digital art, and has inspired a new generation of artists to explore the possibilities of technology in their work.

Overall, these artists have demonstrated the power of digital manipulation in creating new and innovative works of art. By pushing the boundaries of traditional photography, they have opened up new avenues of expression and challenged the viewer to see the world in a different way.

Artes digitais,  7,1x5,1 in
Mujer noventa y cinco Artes digitais, 7,1x5,1 in
©2023 Paco Fuente

Notable contemporary Photo Montage Digital Arts

Contemporary digital art has opened the door to new creative possibilities, and photo montage is one of the techniques that has flourished in recent years. Here are some well-known examples of this technique and their creators:

  • "The Great Wave off Kanagawa in a sea of clouds" by Julieanne Kost (2018): This artwork merges the iconic Japanese print with a photograph of a cloudy sky, creating a surreal and ethereal landscape that invites contemplation.

  • "Tokyo Compression" by Michael Wolf (2010): This series of photographs depicts commuters in packed Tokyo trains, their faces pressed against the windows. The images are then digitally manipulated to create a seamless montage that emphasizes the oppressive nature of urban life.

  • "The Museum of Non-visible Art" by James Franco (2013): This project parodies the art world by creating imaginary artworks that exist only in the minds of their creators and buyers. The montages combine photographs of blank spaces with humorous titles and descriptions, mocking the pretentiousness of contemporary art.

  • "The Deconstructive Impulse" by Catherine Opie (1996): This photographic series explores the gendered nature of representation and beauty. The artist combines images of the body with architectural details, creating hybrid creatures that challenge conventional notions of identity.

  • "The Americans" by Doug Rickard (2008-2014): This project uses Google Street View to create a virtual road trip through the United States. The artist selects moments of mundane or dramatic significance and stitches them together to create a narrative that reflects on the state of the nation.

These artworks demonstrate the versatility of photo montage as a medium for social commentary, conceptual experimentation, and aesthetic exploration. By combining disparate elements into a new whole, these artists challenge our perceptions and invite us to see the world in a different light.

Mais relevante | Mais recente

Artes digitais intitulada "Minx -" por Tim Cutler, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
Minx - - Artes digitais, 49,2x43,3 in ©2024 por Tim Cutler - Abstract, abstract-570, Geométrico, metal, rivets, sculpture, abstract

Tim Cutler

"Minx -"

Artes digitais | 49,2x43,3 in

US$ 4.496,94
Artes digitais intitulada "Mujer noventa y cin…" por Paco Fuente, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
Mujer noventa y cinco - Artes digitais, 7,1x5,1 in ©2023 por Paco Fuente - Illustration, illustration-600, retratos de mulheres, Mujer, arte digital, color, ilustración

Paco Fuente

"Mujer noventa y cinco"

Artes digitais | 7,1x5,1 in

Artes digitais intitulada "Containers Vides" por Jean-Marie Gitard (Mr STRANGE), Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
Containers Vides - Artes digitais, 19,7x27,6 in ©2024 por Jean-Marie Gitard (Mr STRANGE) - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Animal, ours blanc, alaska, containers, climat

Jean-Marie Gitard (Mr STRANGE)

"Containers Vides"

Artes digitais | 19,7x27,6 in

US$ 252,05
Artes digitais intitulada ""Nothing is im Poss…" por Magnum Ferra, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
"Nothing is im Possible" - Artes digitais, 31,5x23,6 in ©2023 por Magnum Ferra - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Cultura popular

Magnum Ferra

""Nothing is im Possible""

Artes digitais | 31,5x23,6 in

US$ 950,71
Artes digitais intitulada "Drehstrom" por Frank Melech, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
Drehstrom - Artes digitais, 27,6x27,6 in ©2023 por Frank Melech - Surrealism, surrealism-627, fantástico, Achitektur, Wolken, Himmel, Fantasie

Frank Melech


Artes digitais | 27,6x27,6 in

US$ 1.382,37
Artes digitais intitulada "KIMONO #6" por Doval, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
KIMONO #6 - Artes digitais ©2024 por Doval - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Amor



Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "LE MAL DU SIECLE" por Pierre Peytavin, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
LE MAL DU SIECLE - Artes digitais ©2024 por Pierre Peytavin - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Abstrata, JOUETS, EXCES, MAL

Pierre Peytavin


Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "Mickey Mouse" por Vrineart, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
Mickey Mouse - Artes digitais ©2024 por Vrineart -


"Mickey Mouse"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "CHILL" por Muse Korner, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
CHILL - Artes digitais ©2023 por Muse Korner - Street Art, street-art-624, Caricatura

Muse Korner


Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 36,85
Artes digitais intitulada "Purple Opening" por Marc Bulyss, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
Purple Opening - Artes digitais ©2023 por Marc Bulyss - Figurative, figurative-594, Nus Eróticos, Bulyss marc, nudity, corp, women, femme, photography, sensuality, erotic, montage, art digital, numérique, painting numérique, mixed digital, poetry

Marc Bulyss

"Purple Opening"

Artes digitais

Não está à venda
Artes digitais intitulada "Octopus attentif av…" por Pascal Maupas, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
Octopus attentif avec rectangle d'or, en bleu - Artes digitais, 13,5x27,5 in ©2024 por Pascal Maupas - Figurative, figurative-594, monde marin, octopus, pieuvre, poulpe, photomontage, art numérique, Bleu, pieuvre à anneaux bleus

Pascal Maupas

"Octopus attentif avec rectangle d'or, en bleu"

Artes digitais | 13,5x27,5 in

US$ 522,89
Artes digitais intitulada "KIMONO #4" por Doval, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
KIMONO #4 - Artes digitais ©2024 por Doval - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Amor



Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "Rouge Tentation" por Frédéric Font (Chroma), Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem Montado em Ar…
Rouge Tentation - Artes digitais, 47,2x23,6 in ©2024 por Frédéric Font (Chroma) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, retratos de mulheres, femme, levre, bouche, visage, portrait, rouge, glamour, sexy, sensuel, chic, luxe

Frédéric Font (Chroma)

"Rouge Tentation"

Artes digitais | 47,2x23,6 in

US$ 5.474,32
Artes digitais intitulada "Dragonfly Lady" por Kathrin Mattheis, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
Dragonfly Lady - Artes digitais ©2024 por Kathrin Mattheis - Illustration, illustration-600, retratos de mulheres, frau, Liebelle, Kunst, Ginrin, Eleganz, Luxus

Kathrin Mattheis

"Dragonfly Lady"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 78,03
Artes digitais intitulada "Léchée par la Jocon…" por Frédéric Font (Chroma), Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem Montado…
Léchée par la Joconde - Artes digitais, 47,2x31,5 in ©2024 por Frédéric Font (Chroma) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Retratos de celebridades, joconde, mona lisa, pop, portrait, regard, humour, caricature, montage, louvre, vinci

Frédéric Font (Chroma)

"Léchée par la Joconde"

Artes digitais | 47,2x31,5 in

US$ 3.263,37
Artes digitais intitulada "LiLI" por Jourcarmin, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem Montado em Plexiglass
LiLI - Artes digitais, 39,4x33,3 in ©2023 por Jourcarmin -



Artes digitais | 39,4x33,3 in

A pedido
Artes digitais intitulada "Balade au coeur des…" por Julia Saludo, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
Balade au coeur des roses #1 - Artes digitais, 17,7x11,8 in ©2022 por Julia Saludo - Illustration, illustration-600, Dark-Fantasy, photomontage, poupée, dark, fantasy, merveilleux, fantastique, Illustration, Gothique, Dark Fantasy, Racines, Fleurs, Contes de Fées, Rose, Photographie

Julia Saludo

"Balade au coeur des roses #1"

Artes digitais | 17,7x11,8 in

US$ 608,01
Artes digitais intitulada "ROUGE PASSION" por Tira Montrese, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem Montado em Armação em ma…
ROUGE PASSION - Artes digitais, 17,7x23,6 in ©2024 por Tira Montrese - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstrata, Erostisme, Abstrait, Peinture abstraite, Sensualité, Photo montage

Tira Montrese


Artes digitais | 17,7x23,6 in

US$ 2.848,81
Artes digitais intitulada "JE VOIS ARRIVER DES…" por Pierre Peytavin, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
JE VOIS ARRIVER DES NUAGES - Artes digitais ©2024 por Pierre Peytavin - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Política, NUAGES, TEMPS, POLITIQUE

Pierre Peytavin


Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "Revolutionary" por Marc Bulyss, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
Revolutionary - Artes digitais ©2023 por Marc Bulyss - Figurative, figurative-594, retratos de mulheres, Bulyss marc, women, femme, portrait, visage, 2D, mixed digital, painting numérique, photography, sensuality, geometrie, numérique, révolutionary

Marc Bulyss


Artes digitais

Não está à venda
Artes digitais intitulada "B.P 405" por Philippe Berthier, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
B.P 405 - Artes digitais ©2024 por Philippe Berthier - Expressionism, expressionism-591, retratos de mulheres, lettres

Philippe Berthier

"B.P 405"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 78,03
Artes digitais intitulada "MATILDA" por Tira Montrese, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem Montado em Armação em madeira
MATILDA - Artes digitais, 68,9x55,1 in ©2024 por Tira Montrese - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstrata, Coloré, Abstrait, Art numérique

Tira Montrese


Artes digitais | 68,9x55,1 in

US$ 10.206,86
Artes digitais intitulada "Création 516" por Accèscyb, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
Création 516 - Artes digitais ©2024 por Accèscyb - Illustration, illustration-600, Dark-Fantasy, horreur, creepy, démon


"Création 516"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 34,68
Artes digitais intitulada "Abracadabra" por Marylia Filipovich, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
Abracadabra - Artes digitais ©2020 por Marylia Filipovich -

Marylia Filipovich


Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 31,47
Artes digitais intitulada "Dark Vador The Sedu…" por Frédéric Font (Chroma), Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem Montado…
Dark Vador The Seductive Sith - Artes digitais, 47,2x31,5 in ©2024 por Frédéric Font (Chroma) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Cinema, star wars, dark vador, portrait, sexy, glamour, caricature, disney, BD, film, cinema

Frédéric Font (Chroma)

"Dark Vador The Seductive Sith"

Artes digitais | 47,2x31,5 in

US$ 2.987
Artes digitais intitulada "L'instant d'après #3" por Julia Saludo, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
L'instant d'après #3 - Artes digitais, 23,6x15,8 in ©2022 por Julia Saludo - Illustration, illustration-600, fantástico, Illustration, Fantastique, Dark Fantasy, Merveilleux, Nu, Nudité, Corps féminin, Dark, Photomontage, Racines, Eau, Bleu, Photographie

Julia Saludo

"L'instant d'après #3"

Artes digitais | 23,6x15,8 in

US$ 973,92
Artes digitais intitulada "La Tour Eiffel Revê…" por Frédéric Font (Chroma), Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem Montado…
La Tour Eiffel Revêt son Street Art - Artes digitais, 31,5x31,5 in ©2024 por Frédéric Font (Chroma) - Street Art, street-art-624, Monumento, tour eiffel, paris, street, graffiti, custom, vandal, photo, edifice

Frédéric Font (Chroma)

"La Tour Eiffel Revêt son Street Art"

Artes digitais | 31,5x31,5 in

US$ 1.881,52
Artes digitais intitulada "Trash4" por Thomas Huber, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
Trash4 - Artes digitais, 16,5x11,8 in ©2023 por Thomas Huber -

Thomas Huber


Artes digitais | 16,5x11,8 in

A pedido
Artes digitais intitulada "Femmes et fières (2…" por Lucie Gonella, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
Femmes et fières (2) - 9059 - Artes digitais ©2017 por Lucie Gonella - Figurative, figurative-594, retratos de mulheres, Visage femme noire-numérique, Visage femme-fond noir, Femme noire-coloré-numérique, Oeuvre numérique-femme noire, Femme noire-fond noir-coloré, Moderne-femme colorée-noire, Femme noire très colorée, Femme noire colorée-fond noir, Femme noire-moderne-colorée

Lucie Gonella

"Femmes et fières (2) - 9059"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 42,20
Artes digitais intitulada "KIMONO #3" por Doval, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
KIMONO #3 - Artes digitais ©2024 por Doval - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Amor



Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 27,10
Artes digitais intitulada "Vollzug 22" por Frank Melech, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
Vollzug 22 - Artes digitais, 27,6x27,6 in ©2022 por Frank Melech - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Árvore, Baum, Ketten, Klima, Wald, Umwelt, Natur

Frank Melech

"Vollzug 22"

Artes digitais | 27,6x27,6 in

Artes digitais intitulada "Mujer 29" por Paco Fuente, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
Mujer 29 - Artes digitais, 7,1x5,1 in ©2023 por Paco Fuente - Illustration, illustration-600, retratos de mulheres, mujer, abstarcto, color, ilustración

Paco Fuente

"Mujer 29"

Artes digitais | 7,1x5,1 in

Artes digitais intitulada "Flight in Abstracti…" por Arjen Roos, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
Flight in Abstraction - Artes digitais ©2024 por Arjen Roos - Minimalism, minimalism-606, Avião, airfield, landing, take off, airplane, grass, green, airport, runway, clear for takeoff, destination, vacation, flight, flying, jumbo jet, jet plane, plane, jet, minimalism, abstract art, contemporary art

Arjen Roos

"Flight in Abstraction"

Artes digitais | Vários tamanhos

Disponível de US$ 53,11
Artes digitais intitulada "I used to be boring…" por Mys' Artiste, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem Montado em Alumínio
I used to be boring nº14 - Artes digitais, 31,5x31,5 in ©2023 por Mys' Artiste - Pop Art, pop-art-615, retratos de mulheres, beauty, belle femme, retro, timeless, couleurs vives, multicolor

Mys' Artiste

"I used to be boring nº14"

Artes digitais | 31,5x31,5 in

US$ 1.411,05
Artes digitais intitulada "A corps et âmes #2" por Julia Saludo, Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem
A corps et âmes #2 - Artes digitais, 11,8x17,7 in ©2011 por Julia Saludo - Illustration, illustration-600, Amor, Amour, Illustration, Nu, Feminin, Erotisme, Nudité, Corps féminin, Dark, Gothique, Photomontage, Photographie

Julia Saludo

"A corps et âmes #2"

Artes digitais | 11,8x17,7 in

US$ 608,01
Artes digitais intitulada "L'Innocence Primord…" por Frédéric Font (Chroma), Obras de arte originais, Foto Montagem Montado…
L'Innocence Primordiale : Petite Singe aux Couettes - Artes digitais, 31,5x31,5 in ©2024 por Frédéric Font (Chroma) - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Retrato, singe, fille, regard, humain, triste, pop art, gorille

Frédéric Font (Chroma)

"L'Innocence Primordiale : Petite Singe aux Couettes"

Artes digitais | 31,5x31,5 in

US$ 2.178,89


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