The Story Behind Her Eyes (2020) Pintura por Prinkle Mehta


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Vendedor Prinkle Mehta

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US$ 27,14
US$ 46,67
US$ 100,94
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Vendedor Prinkle Mehta

What is she thinking, what is behind those beautiful eyes that tells us a story and yet nothing! Inspired by my daughter who has beautiful eyes that express so much yet don't tell what's behind them Acrylic and charcoal on Canvas, 20”x 30” [...]
What is she thinking, what is behind those beautiful eyes that tells us a story and yet nothing!

Inspired by my daughter who has beautiful eyes that express so much yet don't tell what's behind them

Acrylic and charcoal on Canvas, 20”x 30”

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I feel great joy through the practice of making art[...]

I feel great joy through the practice of making art as to me it's a meditation on beauty and the surprising form that it can sometimes take. I paint from my imagination or photographs that I capture of women in their specific nature or mood, or sometimes some of my work is derived from what I am personally feeling at the current moment in life.

My work is mostly acrylic paints and sometimes incorporate mixed media into the paintings such as fabrics, gold leaf, collage papers and organic elements

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US$ 582,78
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