Prashant Prabhu Zdjęcie profilowe

Prashant Prabhu

Mumbai, Indie
Artysta (Malarstwo)
Urodzony w 1972
Minimalistyczny; bo moi widzowie mają trochę wyobraźni.

A full time professional in watercolours tor nearly 25 years, and specializes in landscapes and city scapes.

Has a unique minimalist approach, and though influenced by Turner, Andrew Wyeth, Whistler he is not a follower of anyone, including his mentor , famous portrait painter Vasudeo Kamath.

Has 20 solo/ one- man exhibitions to his credit, in cities like Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore.

Has participated in Royal watercolor society, London Contemporary international shows in 2017, 18.

Has been a finalist/top 10 place, in International artist magazine Worldwide challenge in landscape2010, seascape 2011.

Recipient of State government award from Maharashtra (Mumbai) govt. 2003.

Exhibited at Parallax art fair, London 2013.

He was an invitee in Taoyuan International Watercolor Biennial in Taiwan organised by Taoyuan govt. He was one of 17 artists invited worldwide, only one from India.

He was interviewed (1hr) by TV channel DD Marathi in June 2021, , in the series of interviews of acclaimed artists from Maharashtra state (Mumbai region).

Odkryj współczesne dzieła autorstwa Prashant Prabhu, przeglądaj najnowsze dzieła i kupuj online. Kategorie: współcześni artyści indyjscy. Domeny artystyczne: Malarstwo. Rodzaj konta: Artysta , członek od 2013 (Kraj pochodzenia Indie). Kup najnowsze prace Prashant Prabhu na Artmajeur: Prashant Prabhu: Odkryj wspaniałe dzieła współczesnych artystów. Przeglądaj dzieła, kupuj oryginalne dzieła sztuki bądź odbitki i wysokiej jakości wydruki.

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