DRAPÉ (2019) Painting by Pierre Olié

Ink on Canvas, 47.2x47.2 in
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This print is available in several sizes.

Customer's reviews Excellent
Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Pierre Olié

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 1 collections
Huile ,encre,technique mixte sur toile Mixed media on canvas Pierre Olié Artiste peintre REPRODUCTION TECHNIQUE MIXTE SUR TOILE IMPRESSION ALUMINIUM DIBOND reproduction serie limitée technique mixte sur toile IMPRESSION SUR ALUMINIUM DIBOND 60 X 60 CM -150 euros
Huile ,encre,technique mixte sur toile

Mixed media on canvas

Pierre Olié Artiste peintre

reproduction serie limitée technique mixte sur toile


60 X 60 CM -150 euros
80 x 80 CM - 200 euros
60 X40 CM - 100 euros
90 X60 CM - 250 euros

me contacter directement

tel: 06 77 17 57 53
Automatically translated
Pierre Olié, French painter, was born in 1975 and acquired his artistic training at the École Supérieure d'Arts Graphiques Penninghen. His artistic journey is a journey to the heart of plastic plurality, constantly[...]

Pierre Olié, French painter, was born in 1975 and acquired his artistic training at the École Supérieure d'Arts Graphiques Penninghen. His artistic journey is a journey to the heart of plastic plurality, constantly renewed, where he explores dark territories to illuminate them with a palpable vital force. His technique mixes different materials with a mastery reminiscent of solarization.

In Pierre Olié's paintings, objects, faces and bodies are transcended by an impression of speed, like x-rays of souls. His art captures the essence of a time in turmoil, while retaining a triumphant nostalgia. His creations are a journey through varied universes, borrowed from street art, urban, ethnic and retro. The colors he uses propel the viewer into a sort of orange jazz, evoking the atmosphere of an old New York. Often, his works are shot through with black, a color that becomes a palette of nuances in its own right.

Since 2006, Pierre Olié has exhibited his art in Germany, Belgium, France, Canada and has participated in numerous art fairs. His works are now present in private collections around the world, from the United States to South Africa, including Japan and major European countries.

Pierre Olié permanently exhibits in several prestigious galleries, notably at arts jhon's gallery in Les Arques in France, at the Brisset Art Gallery in Los Angeles, and at Galerie28 in Reims, France.

Pierre Olié's art has been recognized by numerous prizes and awards, including 1st prize in numerous contemporary art fairs in France and Europe. He was also a medalist at the “Salon Art en Capitale” at the Grand Palais, a distinction which testifies to his artistic excellence and his influence in the world of contemporary art.

See more from Pierre Olié

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Oil on Canvas | 5.9x5.9 in
On Request
Oil | 7.9x7.9 in
On Request
Oil on Canvas | 7.9x7.9 in
On Request
Mixed Media
On Request


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