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Drapala Gallery

Powrót do listy Dodano 6 paź 2012

Press release


Hi everyone. It has been over six months since I last posted. Currently, I am working on illustrating my book, Sepia Memories. It is a big job. I'll post pictures of illustrated works as soon as I get a few painted. Right now, the process takes time. Take care, Pam


Hi everyone. Usually, I don't ask for people to vote for me; however, I do think it would be awesome to have my artwork shown in New York, Times Square. Therefore, would you please consider voting for me at:


Thanks in advance for your vote. Sincerely, Pam Drapala


Yeah! This week, I reached the one-million mark (number of times my page has been viewed at this site). I never thought, I'd reach that milestone back in 2008. So, thank you, thank you, thank you! I could not have done it without you! Always, Pam


My second saint, St. Michael, is coming along nicely. This one is so different from my other paintings. Soon, I will display the draft copy of the painting. Love to all, Pam


Good news! I sold my saint picture, one of many paintings I hope to paint. I am "tickled pink."


Greeting everyone, Do you remember my Harley Biker Series? I finished four out of six images and won "Yuma Artist of the Year" at the Yuma County Fair a couple of years ago with the painting of John English. This year, I've been selected by The Tempe Center for the Arts in Phoenix, AZ to display the four 24" X 30" paintings at the Tempe Library from April - August 2012 for the Arizona Centennial Celebration, under the art subject of "People". I am honored. If you get a chance, check out my biker paintings located at this website. Blessings and peace to all peoples of the world. Always, Pam


It's me again. Quick note, my Sunflower Painting Lapel Pin, created my Edie at Esty, was a big hit at the Yuma Art Symposium last week. It gives me great pleasure to donate my artworks for good causes. Monies received will go to art scholarship funding. Good night to all, Pam


Hi everyone, Right now I am painting one of the saint series, St. Isidore and St. Marie. St. Isidore is the patron saint of the farm worker. St. Maria is the patron saint for those who need rain during droughts. Again, the painting is taking me a longer time because I want to ensure that it is to my liking. I hope to have the painting on this webpage by the middle of this month. On a more important subject, I'd like to let everyone know that I pray for "each of you" everyday and send you my blessings, always no matter where you may live or who you are . . . my prayers go out to everyone. Take care and be well. Always, Pam


Hi Everyone. I hope that everyone is doing good this week. For the pass month or so, I have been painting, again. It is a real change after doing the 14 family portraits in penicil. They are located at the Yuma Art Center and will be be on exhibit until February 18th, 2012. So, if you live in Yuma, AZ, please see them, sign my guestbook, and let me know what you think. I labored really hard on them and want to share them with Yuma during AZ's Centennial. In addition; I am working, finally, on a saint painting. Yes, this is my new series. Wish me luck as all the portraits are 24" x 30" in size. The first one is honoring Saint Isidore, patron saint of the farmworker and his wife, St. Maria, the saint who prevents droughts. If you get a chance, Google their names and read their interesting history that begins in 1070 near Madrid Spain. Take care and be well. Many blessings to all peoples of the world, always, Pam


Hi Everyone. Good news . . . the Fruitful Yuma Exhibit was a huge success! The exhibit will be up until February 18, 2012. If you get a chance, please stop by and view the portraitures. Have a good week and take care. Always, Pamela Carvajal Drapala

01/11/2012 You and your family are cordially invited to . . . The Yuma Fruitful Valley Exhibit. An original pioneer family of Yuma, Arizona. Higuera Family Portraits (14) from 1856 to Present Day. South Gallery 1/5/2012-2/18/2012 at the Yuma Fine Arts Center, 254 S. Main Street, Yuma, AZ 85364. For more information contact Pam at (pdrapala at juno. com.) "Remember to remove spaces in the address when contacting me and use the sbbreviation for "at"." I hope that you all can be there.


Happy New Years everyone! It is a new year! And to start it off with a bang; I'm having my first one women show in my own gallery this month, and I am thrilled. When I look back, it all begun when Hong, my friend, and I talked about what I was going to do when I retired. That was back in 1999. It's been thirteen years since we first talked about it, and during that time, I've had a show in New York in 2004, painted an image of Queen Elizabeth the First once I saw her original portraits in London, participated in many shows in Yuma, my hometown, shown my work in California and Phoenix. Time has flown by, and I cannot believe how fast life goes by. I wonder what this New Year will bring; prayerfully, good things for everyone. Last year, there were so many changes across the world, and so many people were impacted by the changes. In closing, I want you all to know, I pray for you and all peoples of the world everyday . . . praying that everyone's needs are met. I also pray that our world be blessed. In closing, please remember to take care and be well . . . Always, Pam


Merry Christmas to all. I finally finished 14 portraitures for the upcoming Centennial Exhibits at the Yuma Art Center for Arizona's 100th birthday. The drawings are based on the Higuera Family from 1856 to present. Many blessings to all, Pamela Carvajal Drapala. For more information, please contact me via my Facebook page.


Hi everyone, It's been forever since I last posted. Today, I started drawing classes at the local college, Arizona Western College. It has been eight years that I have been painting portraits and soon will be creating more pencil drawings for the class. It seems as though, I am more productive in a my art when I have a deadlines. Oh, how I wish I could just pick up a brush and paint; however, other things tend to have priority. I should be happy when I do paint. It is a real privilege to do so I'll stop complaining! Love you all, Pam


Hi everyone. It's been about two weeks or more since we returned from our Alaska journey. I am still writing my story of our once in a life time journey. As soon as my narrative is complete, I will post it. Until then, have a wonderful June and enjoy! With many happy thoughts and blessings to all peoples of the world. Love to all! Pamela Carvajal Drapala, Artist


The exhibit was successful and was pleased to be asked to participate in the show last night in downtown Phoenix. If you live in Phoenix, I invite you to see the wonderful paintings that were exhibited by woman throughout Arizona. Amazingly, I thought, I was the only one spending months and months on my painting; however, I learned that there are many women out their who are also working very hard creating art.

Again, my postcard sales were great!

I, also, learned that even though we all paint portraits and flowers, we all have a different style of painting, which is incredible, when you think about it. Some artists used plaster, metal, wood, in their works and most of the paintings were large, like mine.

A "thank you" goes to those individuals and artists who participated, hosted, donated, and sponsored this show. A special "thank you" goes to the Latina Art Fest Committee Curators, Coordinators, Operations/Production Team, and the Board of Directors. Without their work, the exhibit would not have happened.

Congratulations ALAC Galeria 147 for doing an outstanding job with the 2011 Latina Art Fest!


April 2011 has brought me many blessings from sales of my postcards to winning a cash award on my "Sunflower" painting and two blue ribbons on my other florals paintings; to recognition from the Yuma County Fair Fine Arts, to the Yuma Fine Arts Center purchasing my works, in addition, I received recognition from ALAC Galeria 147. I thank you, Lord, for blessing me with my painting skills, and I thank all of you who have supported my art. Love to all of you and many blessings always, Pamela Carvajal Drapala


Please remember to pray for the Japan and it's people. Thank you, Pam


Hi everyone. I'm almost finished with the 4th Biker Series Painting! Yes, it's been incredible experience staying up all hours of the night painting my art. Changing the subject, I have applied for an artist scholarship workshop. I'm asking you to pray for me and send positive thoughts, as this workshop will provide me with the tools I need to be a better artist. If I am success in receiving the training, it will be a God send as I need this training to become more whole as an artist. Recently, I comment to my husband that I have painting skills to be successful; however, I need the business skills to make my business even a more successful one. In closing, have an excellent month filled with many blessings. Always, Pam


I am truly blessed. I recently rec'd an order for 4 custom lapel pins of my Yuma Eve painting! Yeah!


Greetings art lovers from all over the Universe! I read recently, that journalizing is a good thing to do. For one, I like journalizing as it helps me whenever I need to clear my brain. Right now, with everything that I have going on in my life, I need it a lot. So, here I am. As stated recently, I am painting another biker painting. It is going fine; however, I have yet to feel like "I'm in the moment." However; that did not happen when I was painting the abstract floral paintings. Also, what became apparent to me recently is, that I am running out of space for my canvases, those completed and those not. I've found that the more paint and canvas and other craft supplies I have, the harder it is for me to be organized. So, I have decided that I won't buy anymore supplies unless I donate what I am not using or use it all up. Because, I get visually overwhelmed, I need to keep my work area as tidy as possible.


The first of many critiques at the Painting Class I - IV at Arizona Western College went very well this evening. I brought in two of my latest paintings; "Sunflowers" and "Biker's Series, #4. The completed "Sunflower" painting was amazingly received positively by the class and my instructor. What they were most surprised about was the center of the sunflower, where the sunflower seeds look like they are 3D and the flaming petals. In the beginning, I searched on the Internet to see the 1,000s of painting of that type of flower. It was important to me to paint something totally different than what has been painted in the past. I was successful in painting the "Sunflower" because it was definitely unique from the rest. For me, actually planting the seeds into the rich soil, watering them, tending to them weekly, seeing them growing from smalls seeds to God's beautiful flowers, then painting one flower was a not only a gift to myself, but to others because now I can share my postcards and painting with everyone. Creating the painting definitely was therapeutic because I felt pure enjoy as I painted the painting "Sunflower". Because of this, I do plan to paint more flowers because I enjoyed the process so much.


Good day everyone. Finally, I have completed my "In My Garden" series which I started a few years ago. What did I learn by painting this series? I learned that I do not paint flowers exactly like they look; I paint flowers in an abstract way, pushing the limits, ensuring that the images look like flowers; however, adding my signature to them by painting them as I see them. I also learned that series of paintings take forever for me to paint. They are large images, 24" x 30" in size and have lots and lots of paint on each one of them. I learned that I really like the color red and love to add different colors within the paintings. In closing, I like to paint images from photographs that I take so that they are original paintings. I will display several of these paintings at the Yuma County Fair again this year and hopefully, at some point have a one woman show. Until I write again, take care, and be creative in everything you do! Love and peace, Pam


Hello everyone. My postcard sales are doing very well. I sold many today! Yesterday, I attended my first art class of the year at Arizona Western College Yuma, (AWC). Professor Bill Blomquist is teaching the painting class. We are required to have many painting done by the end of the semester, oh my. I am still working on my last floral painting in my series, "In My Garden". We will be attending an art trip and view paintings of the masters this semester, and I will be part of the AWC Art Beat in April. I am thrilled as I had lots to sell this year! I will update you and add photographs as the events happen. In closing, I am looking forward to painting when ever I choose. Prayerfully, 2011 will bring some good paintings. Peace and love to all, Pam

02 de enero 2011, 20:35 Hola a todos! Mi "En Mi Jardín de la serie"tarjetas postales llegaron a la República Checa el mes pasado. Estoy encantado de que yo tengo mis imágenes pintadas en Europa y Asia, y en toda América del Norte. Espero contar con ellos en todos los continentes a finales de este año. Por lo tanto, para todos ustedes que viven en África, América del Sur, la Antártida y Australia, por que no compartir su dirección conmigo. Los primeros en ponerse en contacto conmigo de uno de estos continentes recibirán un juego de mis postales. Paz y amor para todos los pueblos del mundo.

02 Tháng 1 2011, 08:35 Chào mọi người! Của tôi "Trong Vườn Series của tôi" bưu thiếp đến Cộng hòa Séc cuối tháng. Tôi đang hồi hộp như tôi đã hình ảnh bức tranh của tôi ở châu Âu và châu Á, và trên Bắc Mỹ. Tôi hy vọng sẽ có chúng trên tất cả các châu lục vào cuối năm nay. Vì vậy, đối với tất cả các bạn đang sống ở châu Phi, Nam Mỹ, châu Nam Cực và Australia, hãy xem xét việc chia sẻ địa chỉ của bạn với tôi. Những người đầu tiên liên hệ với tôi từ một trong các châu lục sẽ nhận được một bộ bưu thiếp của tôi. Hòa bình và tình yêu với tất cả các dân tộc trên thế giới.

January 2, 2011, 8:35 p.m. Hi everyone! My "In My Garden Series" postcards arrived in the Czech Republic last month. I am thrilled as I have my painting images in Europe and Asia, and all over North America. I hope to have them on all the continents by the end of this year. So, for all of you who live in Africa, South America, Antarctica, and Australia, please consider sharing your address with me. The first ones to contact me from one of these continents will receive a set of my postcards. Peace and love to all peoples of the world.

January 1, 2011, 11:19 a.m.

Resolutions . . . we make them and sometimes break them. Baby steps, that works. Taking things slowly, one at a time. It takes a long time to break a bad habit. However, there are somethings we were told years ago that were suppose to be bad for us, like eating chocolate and drinking wine. Later, the scientists said that eating "dark" chocolate and drinking "red" wine was actually good for us in moderation. And, coffee? Well, in moderation that's suppose to be good for you, too. So, I think it all boils down to moderation. Even water can hurt you if you drink too much, believe it or not. So, I will do everything in moderation and enjoy myself so that I can continue to paint and write. Love and peace to all always, Pam

December 31, 2010, 3:21 a.m.

It's the last day of 2010, and I'm having a hard time sleeping so here I write. My garden is being hit with cold right now. It's 33 degrees outside. Now that is cold for this part of the country as most of the native plants are cactus and such. However; because of our good soil, we are able to grow various vegetables and fruits. Amazingly, it is said that Yuma and the Holy Land has a lot in common, which means that similiar types of fruits grow here such as figs, dates, olives, etc. In any event, a few years ago when we were out of Yuma for a few days, we lost many leaves on our plants and trees when it became very cold one weekend. So, yesterday we were covering our plants with various blankets, pillowcases, and special plant covering we order this year. You might ask, what does this have to do with art? As you may know, I did a series of paintings, "In My Garden" so I would be concerned about my trees and plants. Anyhow, I have to wait until Sunday to see how much damage was done to my vegetable garden and outside plants. I am praying that they survive this harsh weather. Good day to all, Pam

December 31, 2010

Happy New Years Everyone,

I hope that this year brings many blessings to all. People often make resolutions this time of the year. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best in all your positive endeavors. This year I hope to continue to paint and do poetry reads. My brother George, took so amazing photographs of individuals who are working on the streets and some are homeless. He has given me permission to paint a few them if I desire. I realize that I have other photographs to paint, however, it is nice to have something to look forward to, like those photographs. So, I hope to get to one of those painting by the end of 2011. Well, that's about it right now. Keep warm, stay positive, and have a good rest of 2011. With much love and peace, Pam


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