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Dance Of Love (2021) 绘画 由 Paresh Nrshinga F R S A
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原创艺术品 (One Of A Kind)
- 外形尺寸 高度 36in, 宽度 48in
- 是否含画框 此作品未装裱
- 分类 画作 低于US$5,000 抽象主义 抽象主义
Acrylic on canvas
Abstract take on floral theme: fluid combination of peach, yellow, brown, gold,
silver and white
Sides are painted
Ready to hang
Large abstract canvas artwork for modern interiors
Contemporary art
About my art:
The world we live in is made of colour. Colour is what creates beauty, energy. It evokes emotion, it involves feelings. I have always been fascinated with colour and shape. Combining two together, you have unlimited possibilities of creating art. But creating art, or painting in my case, goes deeper than putting two of them together. It starts with emotion or feeling and then it “spills out” on canvas. Some of my paintings are impulse paintings where inner emotion takes over and guides my paint brush, whereas others are journeys, that surprise even myself. Through my paintings I try to express the way I see the world and connect with viewer on emotional level, hoping to capture the moment on canvas.
Paresh Nrshinga 是当代屡获殊荣的英国画家。他创作了专注于色彩和形式的抽象作品,这些作品的独特之处在于它们既能大胆又充满活力,同时又能保持整体的精致自然。
在观看 Nrshinga 的作品时,观众可以立即感受到艺术家表达情感和记忆的强烈程度。通过他对音乐的热情,他开发了一种独特的天赋,将声音的能量以颜色和运动的形式转移到画布上,从而创造出最生动的视觉效果。 Nrshinga 是一位多才多艺且富有洞察力的画家。他的笔触自由自在,专注于质感、姿态和笔迹。他通过重新创作绘画媒介以及探索色彩和抽象的新领域来提供优势。他的画作是一次自我发现的冒险。
Paresh Nrshinga 曾在伦敦、纽约、阿布扎比、法国、意大利和英国各地的画廊展出。他的多次获奖作品被欧洲、美国、亚洲、澳大利亚和南美的私人和企业收藏。 Nrshinga 曾与 Bang & Olufsen 等知名品牌合作,他最近的一位客户和收藏家包括阿布扎比女王。