La liberté de créer Pintura por O.M.A.

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Vendedor O.M.A.

  • Obras de arte originais (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Acrílico em Tela
  • Dimensões As dimensões estão disponíveis mediante solicitação
  • Moldura Esta obra de arte não está emoldurada
  • Categorias Arte urbana Cultura popular
Soon we came in sight of Queenstown, a small 'calling-place,' before which several fishermen's boats were at work. It is here that all ships bound for Liverpool, whether steamers or sailing-ships, throw out their despatch-bags, which are carried to Dublin in a few hours by an express train always in readiness. From Dublin they are conveyed[...]
Soon we came in sight of Queenstown, a small 'calling-place,' before which several fishermen's boats were at work. It is here that all ships bound for Liverpool, whether steamers or sailing-ships, throw out their despatch-bags, which are carried to Dublin in a few hours by an express train always in readiness. From Dublin they are conveyed across the channel to Holyhead by a fast steamer, so that despatches thus sent are one day in advance of the most rapid Transatlantic steamers.

Temas relacionados

OmaO.m.a.Organisme Maternel AnonymeBleuJaune

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Não  gosto o mercado ; onde é o museu? Nacionalidade: [...]

Não  gosto o mercado ; onde é o museu?

O Artista foi destaque em artigo na Revista Artmajeur:

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