«Harmony» (2021) Schilderij door Olga Chernova

Niet Te Koop

Verkoper Olga Chernova

Fine art papier, 6x12 in

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Kunstafbeelding database
  • Origineel Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Schilderij, Olie op Canvas
  • Dimensies Hoogte 19,7in, Breedte 39,4in
  • Staat van kunstwerk Het kunstwerk is in perfecte staat
  • Framing Dit kunstwerk is niet ingelijst
  • Categorieën Figuratieve Kat
Гармония (львы) 100х50см, июль 2021 Каждому льву как воздух, нужна ласка своей львицы… Картина- оберег любви. Написана маслом холст на подрамнике. Торцы прописаны - возможно повесить сразу без оформления в багет. Гордость льва, храбрость льва, сила льва... вы когда-нибудь слышали столько эпитетов о любом другом животном? Верность[...]
Гармония (львы) 100х50см, июль 2021
Каждому льву как воздух, нужна ласка своей львицы…
Картина- оберег любви. Написана маслом холст на подрамнике. Торцы прописаны - возможно повесить сразу без оформления в багет.
Гордость льва, храбрость льва, сила льва... вы когда-нибудь слышали столько эпитетов о любом другом животном?
Верность – абсолютно естественный спутник любви. Одно без другого существовать не может в принципе.
Как нужен свет для глаз — так для сердца нужна нежность. Мужчина и женщина, огонь и пламя...
Удивительные грациозные большие красивые кошки. Писать их одно удовольствие, кисть смело скользит по форме тел, слегка запутавшись в непослушной гриве льва. Львица сдержанна и покорна- идеальный семейный портрет!
Картина продана. Возможен принт с данной работы или заказ.
Сертификат подлинности прилагается.

«Harmony» 100x50cm, 39,37х 19,69¬____July 2021
Every lion needs the caress of his lioness like air ...
The picture is a talisman of love. Painted in oil on canvas on stretcher. Canvas size 39,37х 19,69 inches. The ends are spelled out - it is possible to hang immediately without registration in a baguette.
Lion's pride, lion's courage, lion's strength ... have you ever heard so many epithets about any other animal?
Fidelity is a natural companion of love. One cannot exist without the other in principle.
Just as light is needed for the eyes, so tenderness is needed for the heart. Man and woman, fire and flame.
Amazing graceful big beautiful cats. It is a pleasure to write them, the brush boldly slides over the shape of the bodies, slightly tangled in the unruly mane of the lion. The lioness is restrained and submissive - the perfect family portrait!
The painting is sold. A print from this work is possible or write a new painting to order.
A certificate of authenticity is attached.
Delivery of a print in a tube.

Verwante thema's

Картина МасломЛьвыЛевЛьвицаСемья

Automatisch vertaald
Currently I live and work in Tomsk, Russia Born in Tomsk, Russia, February 25, 1974 I have been interested in painting since childhood. But after school, she decided to develop in a different professional[...]

Currently I live and work in Tomsk, Russia Born in Tomsk, Russia, February 25, 1974

I have been interested in painting since childhood. But after school, she decided to develop in a different professional direction. She graduated from the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering with a degree in Architect of Residential and Public Buildings and Structures. This allowed me to easily understand the shape of objects, perspective and transfer them to the canvas. My desire to create with canvas only grew.

She worked for 12 years in a printing company. I have a professional skill in working with a computer, I can easily adapt a picture to any interior, I can visualize my work in space. Often I start my work on the order with this, it helps to determine the size and color scheme of the work and leaves the buyer satisfied.

But I felt that my true desire was to follow my heart and true love: painting. I have studied the academic methods of oil painting and drawing, and have attended various courses intensively for many years. Art education helped me to lay the foundation in art. I finally found the courage to leave my job as a designer and become a full-time artist, which allowed me to create more paintings.

For this, I use only high-quality oil paints, eco-friendly wooden stretchers, linen canvases, various structural pastes and other art materials. Images of flowers soothe, give aesthetic pleasure. The energy of peace, harmony, silence and serenity helps to slow down and relax.

I invite the viewer to discover a sense of unity with himself, the world and nature. Thanks to the interaction of colors, structures and different textures, each of my paintings is unique and inimitable, each has its own special style and meaning.


Member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia since 2021.

Member of the International Union of Animal Artists since 2022.


I took part in a number of exhibitions and art competitions in Russia and Europe, where I was awarded. List of the most significant:

December 2021 - The largest project in the history of NFT art / charity project by Nikas Safronov "Artists for Artists", Moscow

2021 - "Love for Art" / Novosibirsk Regional Museum - Novosibirsk, Russia

2021- "Painting is the music of the soul" / Musical Theatre, Tomsk, Russia

2020 - Personal exhibition in "Art Vision", Tomsk, Russia

2019 - "Beginning" / Novosibirsk Regional Museum - Novosibirsk, Russia

2019 - Gallery "OpenCall Exhibition" - Moscow, Russia

Bekijk meer van Olga Chernova

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